Seven 🌼

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Aurélie pov:

We in the library, we read about 10 books already. While reading brother Louis suggest us to go shopping for my clothes, I tried to denied but they agree in their own decision. We then got up and head to Father office. We arrive after few seconds, brother Louis knock on the door and Pére say "come in".

We came in to see him sitting at his armchair reading newspapers while their a tea cup on his coffee table. Then, brother Alexandre ask " Father, can I ask Matheo and Felix to take Aurélie to buy her things?".

"Ah! Y-Yes you can go but please bring some bodyguards with you guys please?" Father like he worry forgot and we nod. Before we go, I go to him and he seem to know it, he open his arm and I hug him. We break the hug and he kiss me at my forehead.

Alexandre pat my head before go his own way... Maybe he go to his office?.... Louis ruffle my hair and pinch my nose with move it to side and side. I smile and sigh when he release me and go to the living room.

"You two go get ready be in 10 minutes" Louis say.... Wait! Two?!

Félix suddenly next to me cause me to startled suprised. He take my hand and drag me making us both run. We arrive at our room doors to dress up. I wear a red hoodie with blue jeans.

(Aurélie outfit since she still have poor clothes)

(Aurélie outfit since she still have poor clothes)

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(Félix outfit)

(Matheo outfit)

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(Matheo outfit)

It seems like today a red day for me and Félix

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It seems like today a red day for me and Félix. We walk to the door and brother Matheo give a signal to come with him. We walk to the garage and there's a lot of car and it's hhhuuuggggeeeee!!!!!!

Brother Matheo pick a black car and start the engine on, we hop on the back sit and drove off

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Brother Matheo pick a black car and start the engine on, we hop on the back sit and drove off. I notice a car following so I assume it's the bodyguards. We arrive at the mall and 🅿 parking lot at outside because it's already full inside. I don't know what to buy so I let them buy it but help them with style that I like, since Félix suggest that. I tell them that like style that vintage, sporty, chic, casual, preppy and elegant.

[Time skip after a long shopping]

We now done with clothes, iPhone, iPad, earphone, watch, shoes, bags, make-ups and books. I saw the prize and try to put them back but Félix take it and shove it back to the trolley. I try to put them back again but Matheo already pay them using a black card. It cost €25 000 euro?! Ahhh!!! How am I gonna pay them back?! I'm gonna take care all of this things nicely and care.

"Thank you for all of this Brother and Felix but maybe I'm gonna pay you guys back later" I say and then Felix say "Jilo drago, you don't have to. All of this for you and we gonna spoil you a lot later on soon."

I feel overwhelm and hug them, "thank you for everything all of this is enough for me" I say smiling at them. They chuckle.

^.^ Time skip >_<

We in the car right now,listen to

{Nightcore 'The nights'}

Félix love this one since it's one of his favourite songs and brother Matheo doesn't care because he thought us as the youngest, he spoiled us until we grow up. We had talk a lot of things about the past and I sometimes act to avoid any questions about mine.

Félix suddenly ask me "What is your MBTI? I'm ENFP, yours?" smile curiously. I answer "Mine is INFJ What is your MBTI, Matheo?" as I look at him from the mirror view. Matteo was just chilling.

"Mine is ISFJ, ma dame. What do you think of others, ma dame?". I giggle by his accent and answer "Um... I think Father is ENFJ, brother Alexandre is INTJ, Raphael is ESFP, Samuel is ESTJ and Louis INTP".

"You right they say the same thing as you say ,when I ask them my jilo drago" Félix say. I'm curious about when he call me that nickname but we already at the front gate. I don't know how long we talk til arrive now.

Matgeo got out of the car and to the front door. Before we open it, I don't see the car that following us. I ask him "Where are the bodyguards that you bring, Matheo? ". "I don't remember bring any bodyguards" he answer looking at me. "Oh! Uh... ok" I say while smile acting like nothing happend.

Hmm..... That strange. There is a car behind us is following us three to the mall earlier and didn't move until we get in the car earlier. They follow us before Matheo turn to the corner of the road. They just disappear after that.

We had our dinner and talk about how today going by. It's peaceful and warm. After that, we had our goodnight pat and forehead kiss from padre. It's funny to see Alexandre blushes with a straight face after Father pinch his nose. Brother Samuel make a joke about it and got bump side from brother Alexandre elbow. We laughing and say good nights then goes back to our room.

I'm now in my room listening to music that I like it call

{Ocean eyes by Billie Eilish}

It's raining outside. So it's perfect time. I drift to sleep and fall into the darkness.

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