chapter 1

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I never believed 'romantic love' was real. I always thought it was a phase that people go through. Like Sandy did Sodapop. I've only loved people like family, or so I thought.

Darry was downstairs fixing up some lunch, but I already ate when I was with Johnny and Two-bit. So, I'm gonna skip lunch.
"Hey, Pony! Get out here!" I hear Soda yell. He's always the one calling me to come out, so I don't accidentally rot in my room by reading or drawing, maybe even studying.

I quickly jump out of bed and walk into the kitchen, smelling a good chicken sandwich. I sit down at the table, now hungry. "'Smells good. Thanks, Dar." Darry was usually the one cooking. But when Soda did, it didn't look so normal. Before Johnny and I got out of the church in time, he would make us weird food, such as: green pancakes. Green. You'll never be bored if you have a guy like Sodapop in your life. But lately he's been quiet. Usually, you can't shut that guy up. But ever since I came back from the church, he's been so down.

I usually shrug it off, but I actually built up the courage to ask him what's been bothering him. It's because of Sandy. How could she cheat on him? He's handsome, he's funny, smart, and kind.
He's almost like a movie star. He'd be a real good one, too.

I started eating the chicken sandwich when suddenly a door opened and slammed shut. I knew it was Two-bit, from the way it reeked of booze out of nowhere."Hey, Two." I yelled. "Dally and Johnny too, stupid." I knew it was Dally who said that. Cold, hard, mean Dally. I always wondered about him - I mean, why is he the way he is? what if he didn't get arrested at the age of ten? I had many questions, but I kept my mouth shut. You just don't question Dally like that.

When I finished the sandwich, I thanked Darry and went back to Soda and I's room. I went back to drawing Mickey Mouse, Soda's horse. He was a  nice horse; at least to Soda. I was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door. I got up and opened it, revealing Johnny. "Hey, Johnnycakes." I said, and he only smiled. If you know Johnny, you'd know he's a man of only few words. He sat down on the bed and stared at what I was doing. "You doing okay?" Johnny shrugged. He either got beat again or he's actually just fine.

"Yeah, I'm alright- Old man got me real good, though." I looked at Johnny and noticed his black eye, a gush on his nose, and I slammed the notebook shut and put my pencil down.

"Oh, Johnny. Does it hurt as bad as it looks?" I nearly whispered, trying not to startle him as I sat down next to him.
He was giggling. What was so funny? "No. Thanks, though, man." I only nodded. I didn't want to push him any further. Buddies don't do that.

I stood up and motioned for him to follow me in the bathroom. "Johnny, can I clean your wounds?" Johnny only nodded. He sat down on the counter next to the sink and waited. I grabbed a hand towel and poured some rubbing alcohol on it, and placed it next to Johnny. "Take your shirt off, bud." I told him. He did. I placed the hand towel on his waist and he winced. "Sorry," I whispered. I had him hold it there as i grabbed a bandaid and placed it on his nose.

"Thanks, man." I nodded. He didn't need to thank me. It was just common sense. He didn't need to go through all of this. He's just a kid. He wrapped some tape around his waist to hold the towel steady. I told him that was a bad idea, but he protested and told me that he went through worse. I lead him to the couch. "I'm gonna go grab something to eat. You need anything?" I asked Johnny, observing all the bruises that are visible on him. He nodded.

"Sure. I just want something small; if I had something big I'd probably throw it up." He chuckled at the last bit. Though, I didn't think it was too funny. His dad shouldn't be beating him like this. Or, at least to the point he would throw up if he ate anything. I went into the kitchen and was surprised. Soda, Dally nor Darry were in here. They must've went to work, I thought.

I fixed myself some leftover spaghetti and I got him three pickles. He was a sucker for pickles; like I was for Pepsi.
I went back into the living room and gave him the pickles. "Here you are, Johnnycake." I placed my spaghetti on the coffee table and turned the TV on.

I looked over at Johnny and inspected his eyes. How they were always so nervous or suspicious looking - I always wondered. About his family, I mean. Why did they treat him like that? What caused his father to beat him on a regular basis? But, when I stole glances of him when the gang and me had fun.. he didn't have that look in his eyes. Sometimes, he looked like everything was fine. But we didn't fall for that. Never. We knew everything about Johnny cade, and let me tell you, it isn't a pleasant life story if you ask me.

But I snapped back to reality as Johnny was waving his hand in front of my face. "Hey, Pone, you alright?" I heard Johnny mumble, curiously. I only nodded and took a bite of my spaghetti, then pushed it away. I wasn't hungry anymore, considering I was just staring at Johnny and thinking about all of the horrible things that has happened to him.

One time, he got beat so bad, we had to take him to a doctor to see if any major injury was caused.

Johnny Cade was the gangs pet. He was always quiet and shy. But, then, again, Johnny was only 16 and he's gotten it worse than all of us. I mean, Steve's father hates him as well, but Johnny's just beat him up.

Why? He was kind, he listened to peoples problems, and kept his mouth shut good. He wasnt terrible looking when you think of it - he had a dark-tanned face, with big black eyes and jet-black hair. He would look real handsome if it weren't for all the beatings he gets.

Eventually, I threw my plate away and Johnny and I were in the living room, watching some Paul Newman movie. I was real focused on it - more focused than I had been for weeks. Until I heard a sniffle beside me. It was Johnny, and he was crying.

It took a lot to make Johnny shed a single tear. Considering he had it rough at home, there isn't much else you can do to make a kid, who gets beat for living, cry.

I broke out of my thoughs and tilted my head, to get a clearer sight. "Johnny, what's wrong, man?" I spoke softly, not wanting to startle him.

He kept his head down. "I don't get it, Ponyboy, why don't my parents love me, huh?" I stayed silent. I didn't speak, I let him take it out. "I mean- I know I ain't the best kid, but I can't just get beat all the time! Don't they get it?!" Johnny was yelling now. I wondered, why did Johnny take it out today? He was acting normal usually. It's pretty rare you get to hear Johnny say more than one sentence around the gang, especially when he's yelling. I put my arm around him.

"Easy, man. What's up with you?" Johnny drew a quivering sigh, and I knew he had calmed down. "I can't take this anymore, Pony. I'll kill myself or something." I froze. I knew he had spoke about it often, but he sounded serious this time. When is he not serious? I wanted to slap myself. I wasn't using my head.

"I'm sorry, Pony. I just.. I can't wait to move away, so I dont deal with my parents." Johnny moving away? I bit my lip. No, I thought, the gang needs him. 𝘐 need him. We couldn't get along without him. "Easy, Johnny.. It's gonna be alright." I knew I was lying. But I didn't want to make it worse by saying something stupid, like "Oh yeah, Johnny, move away as soon and as far as possible, so they don't hunt you down!"

I knew he was hurting, and I didn't enjoy it. If anything, I'd rather Dally be hurting. But he already is. So I couldn't talk, really. I looked at Johnny with empathy in my eyes, and he looked back. I felt my ears get hot, but I ignored it. I frowned and looked down. "You're welcome to stay with us, John." I assured him. He always took the lot as a chance to get a peaceful night of sleep. But our couch was open for anybody, really, but not the socs. Anyone but the socs.

I can't stand seeing my gang get jumped.

It won't happen again.

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