chapter 6

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I woke up slowly, realizing I fell asleep on the couch. Two-bit, Johnny and Steve were on the ground, watching Mickey Mouse. As usual. I sighed and slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes. "What time is it?" I spoke softly. Johnny looked at me. I felt my body heat up. "It's around seven, Ponyboy. You had a good nap?" I chuckled. "Yeah." He smiled, and stared at me for a few seconds before looking back at the TV.

I stood up and walked into the kitchen, seeing Sodapop and Darry. "Hi." I said, quietly, but loud enough for them to hear. "Hi, Pony." Darry said, flipping the patties. I sat down at the table and rested my head on my arms. "Gettin' over that cold, huh, Pony?" I heard Soda say. I stayed silent. I was close to falling asleep again. "No sleeping in the kitchen." Darry chuckled. I lifted my head up and smiled weakly.

"Go wait in the living room." Sodapop ruffled my hair. I nodded and walked back into the living room. I sat down on the couch, next to johnny. He must've sat there when he had the chance. I felt my body heat up and I bit my lip.

I didn't realize I was staring right at Johnny. And he was staring back. Even Steve and Two-bit were staring at us. Really, Ponyboy? I sat there, flustered.

Johnny batted his eyelashes and giggled. I felt my legs get weak. I looked back at the TV, gulping softly. I heard Two-bit whisper something to Steve, but I shrugged it off. I watched mickey mouse, and I felt my body relaxing. I was about to fall asleep.

"Hey, Pone, c'mere." Johnny whispered, throwing an arm around my waist. I was still sleepy, but boy, was I getting hot. I rested my head on Johnny's shoulder and shut my eyes.

He was real warm. And comfortable, too. I felt the sleep tugging at every inch of my body.


"Pony, wake up." I heard a soft voice whisper. I opened my eyes. It was Johnny. Boy, was I happy! I smiled weakly and stood up slowly, with the help of Johnny. "It's time to eat." He whispered in my ear. I felt my ears heating up. We walked into the kitchen and grabbed our plates. I only ate half of my burger, I was too sleepy to eat a full meal.

I noticed Johnny staring at my plate. "What?" I asked. "How could you like mustard?" He said, smiling. I smiled back. "How could you not?" I asked back. We giggled and went into the living room, sitting down with our plates on our laps. I stared at the food and groaned. I'm not so hungry. "You gonna eat, Pone?" I nodded and picked the burger up. I took a small bite. Golly, it was so good. Suddenly I started to feel more hungry.


I finished my burger and sighed. What do I do now? I looked over at Johnny. He was already looking at me. I saw his face go red. I smiled. I stood up slowly and bit my lip. "Johnny, you wanna go to the lot?" I asked. Johnny nodded. He stood up and followed me to the door. We put on our shoes and headed outside.

"Man, is it cold!" Johnny said, throwing an arm around my shoulders. I smiled and nodded. "Sure is." We walked down to the lot and sat down. I stared at the stars.

It looked unreal. Majestic, if I'm being honest. I looked back at Johnny and saw him staring at the stars, too. I smiled slightly. "The stars are beautiful." I heard Johnny whisper, "Yeah." Not as beautiful as you, Johnny. The way the moon light reflected on his face made him look so good. I didn't realize I was staring. And I didn't realize he was, too.

I swear he started leaning in closer to my face. So, I did too. Our faces were so close. I nearly zoned out, looking into Johnny's eyes. But I felt lips press against my own.

My eyes widened in shock, but I slowly kissed him back. It made me feel lightheaded, it made me feel like fireworks were going off, but boy, was this amazing.
He pulled away slowly and bit his lip. "I'm sorry, Pone- I don't know what I was think-" I cut him off, by kissing him again. He smiled into the kiss. I pulled away. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothin'. I guess I just didn't expect you to.. kiss me. Again." I shrugged. "That's what you do when you're in love with someone, right?" I whispered, smiling. He giggled, and I felt hotter than ever. "That's good to know. Because.. I love you too." He whispered back. I bit my lip. "Will you.. be my boyfriend?" I asked. "Sorry, what?" I sighed. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I asked more clearly now. "I was just playin', I heard you. And.. to answer your question, yes." I grinned from ear to ear, knowing that my best friend was in love with me too.

I kissed his cheek and smiled. "So.. what do boyfriends do?" I giggled. "Ask Soda and Steve." I winked. Johnny laughed, and I did too. Boy, was this a good feeling. "Um.. We should get- get back." Johnny said between laughs.

I nodded, calming down. We stood up and started walking back home. I felt my legs get weak, from the thought of Johnny 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 liking- no, loving me back. I felt my face heat up even more, if thats possible. I sighed, contently. "What's the matter, Pony?" Johnny asked, softly. "Oh, nothin', Johnny. Just.. relieved I guess." He giggled. "Yep. You know, I've.. liked, or loved you since.. Boy, I don't know! At least a year ago." I swear, I almost fell on my knees. "R-really? I only found out I was in love with you.. a few days ago!" Johnny laughed. I grinned. We made it home.

As we opened the door, It revealed Two-bit and Steve still watching Mickey Mouse. "How are they still watchin' that?" Johnny whispered, giggling. I nodded, giggling as well. "Wanna go in my room?" I asked. Johnny nodded.

When we got in my room, I swear there was some tension between us. That was never there before. I stared at Johnny, while he was staring back. I smirked. He did too. He slowly leaned in, closer and closer. I leaned in, too. Our lips met. And that fireworks thing? It didn't go anywhere. It was the exact same feeling I felt earlier.

Sorry if the stories going by fast, or slow, I wasn't quite sure for when to make them kiss or anything like that. hope u guys r enjoying the story!! <3

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