chapter 13

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After the incident with Two-bit, everything has made Johnny and I anxious.

Well, I know Johnny is already a nervous wreck anyway, but..
Maybe that moment could ruin our lives. I'll find out in a few minutes.

We were having dinner in the living room because there was a Mickey Mouse special on TV. And, since we all act like kids when it comes to this stuff, we had to watch it.

I was sitting next to Johnny on the couch, Steve and Soda were on the ground, Dallas and Two-bit were walking into the room and Darry was sitting on the armchair.

I looked over at Darry and he looked peaceful for once. Like, as if by something turned him into a completely different person. He was eating like a pig, though. All of us do. Well, not me. Not anymore. I wasn't eating. I had a piece of garlic bread, but I hadn't touched it at all. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulders. I glanced over at Johnny and he was already looking at me. I grinned and looked away, trying to focus on the TV.

I think Two-bit was drunk that night, because the words that came out of his mouth threatened Johnny and I's lives.

"I saw them kissing yesterday." Two-bit whispered, pointing at Johnny and I. I nearly threw my plate at his head. Steve turned to look at me. He looked like he wanted to laugh.

I looked at Johnny, with fear visible in my eyes. He looked the same. "What was that, Two?" Dallas made him repeat it, loud enough so everyone could hear. "Pony and Johnny kissed."

I froze.

What is wrong with Two-bit?

Johnny spoke up, scaring all of us, including Dally. "Shut it, Two-bit. We didn't kiss." Two-bit laughed and shook his head. "No, no, I saw it with my own two eyes." I kept breathing quicker and quicker. I flinched at every movement.

"Why didn't you tell us.. that.. you're, you know.." Steve said, looking at me. He smirked, and suddenly, my fist met his face.

I didn't exactly know what I was doing, all I know is that Two-bit pissed me off.

Steve groaned and threw his plate on the ground, standing up. He pulled me up by my shirt and I nearly yelped. "What was that for?" He growled. In the corner of my eye, I saw Darry standing up and pushing Steve off of me. "Cool it, will you?"

After that, everyone went silent. I fell back onto the couch, next to Johnny, and I started shaking. "Two-bit, you promised you wouldn't tell anyone.." I spoke, between sobs. I then realized that everything was going downhill, and there was no stopping it.

Darry stared at me. Everyone was. I wanted to crawl in a hole and get buried, or something. Suddenly, I stood up and walked over to Two-bit and slapped him right across the face. "Pony!" Soda and Johnny yelled at the same time.

Why was Dally being so quiet? Then I knew. He felt bad for Johnny. I ran to my room and slammed the door shut.

I wanted to die right then. What in the heck is the matter with Two-bit? It didn't feel great slapping him, but I'd do it again.

I heard a knock on my door and I sniffled. "Who is it?" I didn't get an answer, instead, Johnny opened the door and walked in.

He looked 𝘮𝘢𝘥.

My breath hitched in my throat and I stumbled back. "Why did you punch Steve and slap Two? What's wrong with you!?" He yelled, pushing me back.

I bit my lip and only started crying harder. I didn't like this side of Johnny. "I-" I could barely speak. I was so scared and mad, I wasn't in the right mind to do anything.

"You're crazy! Go apolo-" I slapped Johnny's face and pulled him in for a kiss before he could say anything.

To my surprise, he didn't pull away. In fact, he kissed me back. I was so dizzy, I was barely aware that this was happening.

When I get mad or scared, I get dizzy. I don't really know why - it just happens.

But, in that moment, everything felt surreal. Kissing Johnny made me feel better. But unfortunately he pulled away and looked down at the ground.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. I smiled slightly and placed my hand where I had slapped him. He flinched but relaxed right after. "It's okay. It's not your fault all of that happened." He smiled and looked at me. He had been crying, too, and I didn't even notice.

"I should go apologize. . ."  I said, quietly. Johnny chuckled softly and nodded. "Yeah. I'll come with you."

We went back into the living room. "I'm sorry." I said. Everyone looked at me. Steve was rubbing where he had been punched and he shrugged. "I've been hurt worse, It's alright." I felt bad. Even though I didn't like Steve that much, I wanted to hug him. I felt so bad. Then I turned to Two-bit.

"I'm sorry for slapping you." He chuckled softly and shrugged. "It's alright, kiddo. I get slapped around all the time." I had to grin.

We were all silent for a few minutes, but Dally spoke up. "So, you guys are dating?" I looked at Johnny.

Was I supposed to say yes? "Yeah." Johnny said. I was really surprised. Johnny isn't the type to act this way, but it felt nice. They all nodded and went back to normal.

What just happened?

The rest of the night everyone acted normal. How?

After all that happened, you just act normal? You have to be insane to accomplish that.

Or maybe they're just really good actors. I couldn't tell you.

But, what isn't normal, is Johnny pushing me around and nearly screaming his brains out. Or maybe he has acted that way when I'm not around.

I was out of it that night.

Before Johnny and I went to sleep, we talked for a bit.

"Man, some night this has been." I chuckled, taking my shirt off. "You're tellin' me." Johnny said, shrugging and smirking.

I stared at him for a second. He stared back, looking at me up and down.

I felt my face and body heat up. He walked closer and placed his hands on my waist, bringing me close. "Are you okay?" He whispered, resting his forehead on my own. "Yeah." I whispered back.

We ended that night with silly jokes and cuddles.

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