What Happened Last Night?

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Author's Note: Ok so this is the my first attempt at writing fanfic so bare with me! Lol if you have any ideas or anything like that then feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think!

I plan on posting everyday and I am aiming for a 20,000+ word count.

Mitch POV


Ok so Mitch may have overdone it a little.

But it wasn't his fault ok? PTX was stopped at Vegas for a show, the new original album just went platinum, and the group wanted to celebrate!

And what's a celebration without vodka, lots and lots of vodka

His first coherent thought the next morning was an eloquently put 'why the fuck won't my shitty ass pillow stop moving'.

His mind came to an abrupt halt.

As realization set in, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at this so called 'pillow'.


Now, if he was snuggled up next to some other hot guy's chest this would have been no problem, normal even. But no, of course, he had to be bare-ass naked in bed with a sleeping Avi Kaplan. The man he's been secretly in love with for two years.

What the hell happened last night?

Mitch remembers everyone going to club. It had been blaring Sophie when they walked in so he knew shit was gonna go down. The last thing he remembered was him and Kirstie flirting with the bartenders to see which one of them could get a free drink first. He tries to remember anything after that but he draws a blank.

How'd he end up in Avi's hotel room?

Avi was still knocked out and Mitch had to come up with a plan. He couldn't stay wrapped in Avi's arms no matter how much he wanted to. Mitch didn't know how he could ever recover from the feeling of having Avi's arms around his waist, with his breath tickling the back of Mitchs neck. He could so easily nuzzle back into Avi's warm, hard body-

Wait no what was he thinking?! They're proximity was messing with Mitchs brain. He had to get out of there.

Mitch went to slowly sneak out from under the covers, hesitating when Avi let out a small whine at the loss. Ugh, Mitch wanted curl up against him more than he wanted anything else. He was just about to lose his inward battle when Scott flung the door open with a bang.

"Guess whose got bacon for our favorite bass-

Oh. My. GOD!"

I'm Only Human. (A Mavi Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant