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Author's Note: This was supposed to be a fun story idk what happened. Things will be happier soon ahhh what have I done

Mitch was worried.

It started with him waking up to Avi tossing and turning in bed, while making upset noises. Mitch would wake him up and Avi would usually just snap out of it.

Weeks passed and the nightmares just got worse. Avi became more irritable and quick to anger. Mitch saw less of the man he once knew everyday and he didn't know how to fix it. So he got angry too.

It got to the point where it started to affect the band.

"Why don't we just cut out audience participation." Mitch suggested to the group as they were tweaking the set list. "It makes the show kind of drag out."

"We can't cut that out. Kevin and I worked forever on that!" Avi snapped at Mitch causing the tenor to glare back at him. They had been bickering all morning and Mitch was on the end of his rope.

"Well we shouldn't keep it in." Mitch said heatedly, "You had no problem throwing out one of my solos not two minutes ago!" His anger rising as he forgot they had an audience.

"Don't yell at me! It was a group decision, right guys?" Avi stared down at the other members as they all shook their heads, not wanting to get in the middle of their lovers spat. Avi sighed and crossed his arms. "Whatever, we are keeping this audience participation piece." He said resolutely.

"No. We are going to discuss this like adults." Mitch replied threw his teeth. "Unless you want to keep throwing a temper tantrum like a child."

"Excuse me?" Avi huffed.

"What you think I'm wrong?!" Mitch laughed coldly at him. "All morning you've been being a complete asshole! I just think-"

"You seem to be 'thinking' a lot lately." Avi replied shortly.

"Oh what's THAT supposed to mean?!" Mitch yelled.

"Um, guys?" Kirstie hesitated.

"WHAT." They both jerked their gaze to the others. Mitch felt his anger drain as he saw his best friends looking so upset.

"Can we just get along. Please?" She asked and Mitch felt horrible. He and Avi locked eyes and he saw Avi felt just as bad as he did. They nodded at each other and the group went on as if nothing happened.

The night Mitch woke up to Avi screaming for help with tears streaming down his face, was the night he knew he couldn't let Avi ignore it any longer.

"Avi, baby, you've got to talk to me." Mitch's voice strained as his heart broke over the tears on Avi's face. Avi had tried to wipe them away before Mitch could see, but failed. "I can't help you if you won't let me."

"It's okay Mitch, I've- I've got it under control. Just let me handle it." Avi said under his breath, mentally exhausted from the nightmare. Mitch was having none of it.

"Well you're obviously not!" Mitch raised his voice, then felt awful when he saw Avi flinch. Mitch sighed and took the man's hand into his own. "I'm sorry. I just want you to be happy."

Avi's weak smile sparked a hope in Mitch that the man he loved wasn't truly lost to him just yet.

"All I'm asking is that you let me in," Mitch smiled at Avi. He ran his thumb across Avi's knuckles gently.

"Please, Avi, I need you."

Avis whole body froze and he pulled his hand away. Mitch saw the panic in his eyes and was confused. He watched as Avi looked down at the hand Mitch was holding. Avi took a deep breath, then brought his gaze back to the tenor. Mitch felt himself turn ice cold at the guarded eyes looking back at him. He could almost reach out and feel the wall Avi had jut built between them.

"You can't need me." Avi got off the bed. He took his phone and his keys, then threw on his coat. All while Mitch watched still unsure of what he did wrong.

"I can't let you." Avi wouldn't even look at him. Mitch felt a tear falling down his cheek as the finality of Avi's words sunk in.

Avi left, and Mitch felt like he took his heart with him.

Avi's POV

"Please, Avi, I need you."

No, no, no, Mitch can't say that to him right now. Avi felt his stomach jump into his throat, as his mind flashed back to that night.

Her name was Lisa. Her bright eyes and loud laugh drew Avi in like a wave to shore. Her passion and snark always kept him on his toes and he loved it. He was only nineteen, still young and wide eyed, when he fell for her. And she fell with him.

One of the best days of Avi's life was the day he got down on one knee and she said yes.

Little did he know, that the worst day of his life was just around the corner.

Avi was waiting up for her at their tiny apartment in the city. It was getting late but Avi knew she had a lot of errands to run after work so he didn't worry. He was watching The X Factor when he got a phone call. Avi smiled at the cell before answering.

"Hey, Lis, did you get the bacon I needed? Lord knows I can't-"

"Avi, I think someone following me. I don't know what to do." Her voice was hushed but Avi could hear the slight panic. He sat up and quickly turned off the TV.

"What do you mean there's someone following you?!"

"It could be nothing- I don't know- I just swear he's been following me around the store.." She trailed off sounding unsure. "Maybe I'm just overreacting. I just checked out so I'll be there soon."

Avi calmed down as the panic left her voice.

"Just stay on the phone with me 'til you get to the car okay?" He asked. "I got to make sure you and my bacon make it home safely"

"Okay, okay." She laughed. "You're so cute when you're all protective."

"I'm not cute."

"Yes you are. And anyways I think he's gone." He could hear the click of her heels and the cart squeaking across the pavement. "Oh, and yes I remembered your bacon. I wouldn't dare forget"

Avi could hear the smile in her voice and he smiled back.

The smile faded when heard her yell out and the sound of phone hitting the pavement.

"LISA!" He yelled out as he stood up. He heard sounds of struggle and panic overtook him. Avi felt useless as he continued to yell out for her waiting for any response. After a few seconds he got one.

"AVI," The panic in her voice was evident now. Her clicking heels beating faster against the road as she ran. "PLEASE- HE'S COMING- I CANT- I NEED YOU!"

He didn't have time to respond before the call dropped.

He didn't have time to tell her he loved her one last time.
"You can't need me." Avi heard himself say. It felt like the words weren't his. He detached himself from them so he couldn't feel the pain they caused. He wanted to look at Mitch but he knew all he would find is hate there. It would be easier if Mitch hated him.

"I won't let you."

I'm Only Human. (A Mavi Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant