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Mitch wasn't moping.

Only angsty preteens mope and Mitch was an adult, dammit.

So he was hiding away from the world in his blanket burrito and listening to Taylor swift on repeat. All of this while pondering why the world decided to be an asshole to him, specifically.

That did not mean he was moping.

*knock* *knock*

"uGHH" Mitch responded from under the covers at the unwanted guest.

"Mitch?" Scott opened the door and came in, much to Mitch's dismay. Can't he just wait for the ground to swallow him whole, in peace.

"no." Mitch mumbled while pulling the blankets closer around him.

"I saw you weren't at breakfast and was worried." Scott shut the door and Mitch heard the bed squeak as the baritone sat on the bed next to his blanket burrito. "And now I am definitely worried. Call it a hunch, but I think your upset about something?"

"No shit, Sherlock." Mitch said with a surprising amount of venom. He hid his face even further into the blankets.

"Mitch, look at me." Scott demanded.

"No." He flipped away from Scott and curled into a ball.

"Mitch." Scott scolded.

"Leave me ALONE."

"Mitch, if you don't move that blanket, I swear to god-"

"Don't you dare. NO DONT-" His blanket was ripped away from him, what did he do to deserve this.

He shot Scott a glare that wasn't too effective considering his hair was a complete mess and he was wearing his spongebob tank.

"You're an Ass."

"Mitch," Scott's sympathetic voice made Mitch's shoulder drop, Scott was just trying to help. "Talk to me."

Mitch sat up and sighed. He wrapped his arms around his knees and started picking at his pajama pants.

"Avi and I fought again.." He mumbled.

"Again?" Scott asked, concerned. "Y'all have been bickering like crazy lately. What happened this time?"

"This time was different..." Mitch felt his throat close up as he remembered the resignation in Avi's voice as he left. It was almost like a goodbye.

"He had one of his nightmare, and it was a really, really, bad one. He was just so-" Mitch made a sound of frustration. "Upset! And when I tried to help him he just- he just- shut me out!"

"So you have no idea what's going on with these nightmares? Or what they could be about?" Scott questioned, unsettled.

"No! He hasn't told me anything." Mitch replied in exasperation. "Well, he did say something in his sleep once....but it was too garbled. All I could make out was the name Lisa, but that doesn't make sense does he even know a-"

"Oh no." Scott whispered as his eyes widened.

"What do you mean 'Oh no'?!" Mitch asked with his anxiety rising. Scott knew something. And whatever it is, it couldn't be good.

Scott bit his lip and looked away, taking an interest in the hotel carpet. Mitch huffed angrily.

"You can't just say 'Oh no' and not tell me what's going on when you obviously know. What the fuck Scott!"

"I don't think I'm supposed to know-" Scott hesitated. "But I was drinking with Esther and she had mentioned a girl named Lisa" Scott looked over his shoulder as if he would get got gossiping. "I asked her who she was and Esther told me she was Avi's ex fiancé."

Mitch drew in a quick breath out of shock. He didn't know Avi was ever engaged? Why wouldn't Avi have told him? Oh god what if he still loves her? Mitch's panic was interrupted by Scott continuing the story.

"I asked her what happened between them and she looked so sad, like devastated sad." Scott emphasized. "She said that Lisa had disappeared before the ceremony. I asked her what she meant by 'disappeared' but she said it wasn't her place to tell."

Mitch didn't know what to do with all of this new information. Disappeared? What does that even mean, did she just ditch Avi? Who could do that to such a sweet guy? It can't be good that Avi is dreaming about her.

Scott was still waiting for Mitch to respond. But Mitch decided he did not want to deal with this right now.

"What are you doing?" Scott asked in confusion.

Once he realized what Mitch was doing he huffed.

"Mitch..... No you are not going back to bed......Mitch, let go of the blanket. This is not healthy."

Mitch tuned Scott out and secured himself back into his blanket burrito where no prodding baritone, or confusing bass could bother him.

I'm Only Human. (A Mavi Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant