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Author's Note: Okay so there hasn't been much Avi so far because he's kind of avoiding Mitch and this is from Mitch's POV. But! There will be a lot more Avi very soon!
('Soon' as in actually soon not Whatever PTX's definition of 'soon' is)

Mitch went back into the hotel room. He noticed a certain bass was missing. Where the hell did he go? Mitch shook his head, annoyed.

Scott and Kevin were running the bridge of the song, while Kirstie was typing away on her phone. When she noticed the tenor's presence, she set down her phone.

'What happened?' She mouthed to him, silently. Obviously knowing something is up.

'I'll tell you later' Mitch mouthed back.

She nodded and carried on with whatever she was typing.

"Hey where did Avi go?" Mitch asked aloud to the group. Mitch wanted to talk to him about what they should do about the pictures. Seems like Avi had other plans though.

"I don't know, he just sort of walked in, mumbled something about having to be somewhere. Then he grabbed his bag and left." Kevin said, confusion in his tone.

"Oh." Mitch stated, also confused. He must have been reading the article when the Avi left. What's his deal?

"Yeah and we can't do much without him, so I guess we're done for the day. " Kevin got up and grabbed a bag out of his suitcase.

"I'm going head to the gym. Got to keep this hot bod in line." Kevin hefted his heavy-duty gym bag above his head. "Swole check!" He turned back towards the trio. "Later guys!"

Mitch turned around to wave goodbye and when he turned back two sets of eyes were already bearing into him, just waiting for him to spill.

"Gosh, I know I'm so insanely attractive but I don't appreciate-"

"Cut the shit." Kirstie interjected, with a smirk gracing her face. "What's going on between you and Avi?"

Mitch sighed and buried his face into his hands.

"Did what Esther said have to do with last night?" Scott asked.

"Last night?" Kirstie questioned back looking over at the baritone.

"Yeah you know how they slept togethe-"

"SCOTT?!" Mitch exclaimed.

"Aw wait, fuck I wasn't supposed to say that" Scott tried to backtrack.

"You did what?!" Kirstie exclaimed, looking back at Mitch with a scandalized expression.

"It's sort of a long story..."

He relayed back what happened, not including the pictures. Once he finished his story he felt a hand covering his. He looked up and met an empathetic looking Kirstie.

"So have you talked to Avi about any of this?" She asked.

"No... I think he's avoiding me... Probably just pissed at me for violating him or something..." Mitch replied dejected. He tried to act like how Avi was acting didn't bother him. But putting on a facade has never done him any favors. The tenor ran a hand threw his hair, unsure of what to do.

Kirstie and Scott shared a look that Mitch was too exhausted to interpret.

Kirstie got up from her chair and sat down next to the tenor. She leaned and caught his gaze from where he was looking at the floor.

"Hey, Mitchie? Did you have feelings for him, you know, before this?" She asked, tone sympathetic.

Mitch lifted his head up. He went to speak but couldn't find the words. He and looked over at Scott. The baritone had concern written across his face. Just now realizing how upset Mitch was about this. Mitch decided, to hell with it, and told the truth.

"Yeah. I've kind of always had a crush on him" Mitch muttered. "He's just so," he paused to find words, "passionate and kind, A little bit of a dork."
Mitch smiled sadly.
"Its just refreshing to meet a guy like that.." Mitch trailed off. He took a deep breath. "But I never planned on acting on how I feel." He wrapped his arms around himself. "And now I guess I'll never get the chance to. " He tried to laugh it off, but he knew it sounded cold.

"Aww no, Mitchie, come here!" Scott pulled the tenor closer to him, trying to offer some comfort. "I didn't know you liked him like that."

Kirstie scooted over next to Mitch and wrapped her arms around him as well.

"Oh honey, I'm sure he's not upset with you." She said while pushing the fringe out of Mitch's face. "Maybe he just needs some time to figure things out." Her motherly instincts were showing. Mitch laughed quietly to himself.

"Thanks guys.." He said with a shy smile playing across his lips. "But that's not all."

Scott and Kirstie both pulled away.

"Oh no"

"What happened"

Mitch sighed.

"Someone must have recognized me and Avi leaving the club." Mitch stuttered. "They took pictures and you could say they were- sort of- um- incriminating.." Mitch's eyes started watering as he felt overwhelmed by the situation. "And now they are all over the Internet and I don't know what to do, and I know Avi is probably so embarrassed-" His voice cracked.

Scott and Kirstie aww'ed as the pulled him back into a group hug again.

"Hey hey hey, no tears okay? We'll figure it out." Kirstie said soothingly. Mitch sniveled and tried to get himself to believe her. God, he was so pathetic.

Scott reached over and wiped away a tear that was trailing down Mitch's cheek. Mitch leaned into the touch, enjoying the attention.

The sweetness in these two made his tears rush out quicker. Ugh, he was such a mess.

"I hate seeing you like this." Scott lifted Mitch's face up by his chin. "Don't get me wrong, I love the drama," Scott joked. "But look your mascara is running." He started wiping the makeup underneath the tenor's eyes.

"Shut up, Dickface, I still look better than you." Mitch sassed back, but it didn't have the punch it usually did.

"Amazing. Even when you are a literal puddle of tears, you are still the sassiest bell at the ball." Kirstie said trying to pull a laugh out of him. She succeeded.

"You two are idiots." Mitch stated fondly. His best friends always managed to cheer him up.

"But we're your idiots so it's okay." Scott said. Kirstie added a sound of agreement.

"Wow I really fucked up, huh?" Mitch asked under his breath.

"Yeah. " Kirstie lilted.
Scott nodded while grimacing.

Kirstie threw an arm around the tenor. "But I think I know just the way to fix this."

I'm Only Human. (A Mavi Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant