Trouble In Paradise?

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Author's Note: I'm super late, I know! I didn't factor in that I visit my dad on the weekend so I'll be updating the story on weekdays from now on. Thank you for your patience! I love y'all and be sure to vote or leave a comment ( ˘ ³˘)💕

Mitch woke up with a slight chill. He slowly blinked his eyes open, getting used to the light. Avi wasn't laying beside him, Mitch noticed in dismay. He sighed and stretched like a lazy cat and turned onto his back. He heard the shower running so he assumes that's where his boyfriend was. Mitch considered joining him but decided that the bed was too comfortable to leave just yet.

The two had been dating for awhile now, nearing the three month mark, and things were good. They bickered sometimes but still loved each other. Somehow the fans still didn't know, which was shocking to Mitch to be honest. Avi and Mitch wanted to tell them soon but were searching for the right way. They wanted it to be special.

Mitch laid there in their shared hotel bed, looking at the ceiling. He concluded that he should probably get up. The tenor abruptly sat up, knowing if he waited to long he would lose motivation. His head spun from moving so quickly so he fell back into bed, resigning to the fact that it was too early to make such rash decisions.

He cuddled up with one of the free pillows since someone wasn't there for him to cuddle up too, and went back to sleep.

After a few minutes he heard the bathroom open followed by footsteps.

"Mitchie," Avi said gently, he lightly shook Mitch's shoulder. "Time to get up.."

"No," Mitch replied petulantly. "I'm mad at you."

"What did I do this time?" Avi asked, a light tone in his voice. Mitch felt the bed dip as Avi sat down. The tenor rolled onto his back and gave Avi the best pout he could muster at 8:30 in the morning.

"You know I hate waking up alone." Mitch whined. Avi laughed at his childish behavior.

"Mitchie, you hate waking up in general." Avi replied as he tried to fix the mess that was Mitch's hair. Mitch leaned into the touch and his eyes slid closed as he enjoyed the feeling. Mitch was practically purring at the attention. Avi chuckled, "You are an actual kitten."

"Shhh I'm sleeping." Mitch replied, eyes still closed.

"Nope! Come on time to get up." Avi said, cheerful. Why couldn't he let Mitch sleep in peace.

"But babe-"

"No buts!"

"You weren't saying that last night..."

Avi looked at him unimpressed. Yeah that wasn't one of his best.

"It's 8:30." Mitch replied, shortly. Avi laughed at his poor excuse.

"C'mon you need to get up." Avi pulled at his arm.

"Fiiiine." Mitch conceded and pulled his arm back.

"Good, I still have to finish getting dressed." Avi patted Mitch's and headed to the bathroom with a spring in his step that Mitch felt no one should have this early in the morning.

Mitch, reluctantly, got out of bed and shuffled his way into the tiny hotel kitchen. He made his obligatory coffee and plopped himself down on the couch. Avi came out of the bedroom.

"I'm heading out." Avi stated shortly as he rushed out the door. Mitch was unnerved that Avi didn't hug or kiss him goodbye like he usually did. Was Avi annoyed with him? Maybe he shouldn't have put up such a fuss about getting up?

Suddenly, the door opened and Avi walked back in. He cupped Mitch's face and pressed their lips together. Mitch pushed his sad thoughts away and enjoyed the short kiss.

"I can't believe I almost forgot my 'goodbye' kiss." Avi said smiling down at Mitch.

"It's okay, I forgive you." Mitch teased back playing with the lapels of Avi's jacket. He place one more quick kiss on the man's lips before letting go. Avi pulled away.

"I'll see you at lunch, okay?" Avi stated as he walked back out the door. The door slammed shut.

"Okay." Mitch replied to the now empty room. He sighed and resumed sipping his coffee.

Avi must have had something important to do considering he was in such a rush. They had no group meetings planned and Avi's recording session didn't start until noon. Mitch came to the conclusion that he'll never understand his nerd boyfriend.

He went to admiring Toronto's landscape out of the huge mirror that took up the majority of the wall. He drank his coffee and watch the cars down below when his phone dinged. It was a text from Scott.

Received: Breakfast?

Mitch typed back a reply.

Sent: give me 20 min

Mitch quickly got dressed and met Scott at the little cafe the hotel offered. Thankfully they offered gluten-free pastries that looked promising. Mitch picked one and sought out Scott's table.

"Hey, stranger!" Scott greeted him as he sat down. "How long has it been? A year? Two?"

"I literally just saw you, like, oh I don't know." Mitch brought his arm up and looked at his non-existent watch. "twelve hours ago."

"Wow! That long? Gosh where does the time go!" Scott exclaimed. He laughed at his joke and took a hearty bite out of his muffin.

"Ha ha. You're so hilarious." Mitch stated as he examined his pastry.

"Um, yeah, duh?" Scott replied with his mouth full. Mitch laughed at the spew of crumbs that came out of his mouth. Scott looked around to see if anyone saw that. This caused Mitch to laugh harder.

"Shut up." Scot replied to Mitch's laughter. Mitch wiped a tear from his eye as he tried to calm down.

"Okay, okay, I'm done, I swear." Mitch said while giggling.

They proceeded to chat about the usual things; pop culture, gossip, the next sup3rfruit episode. They were thinking of doing another karaoke challenge.

"So how are you and the hubby?" Scott asked as he sipped his frappé.

Mitch smiled and opened his mouth to reply, but then he faltered a bit.

"What, trouble in paradise?" Scott jested, though Mitch could hear the concern in his voice. Of course he caught Mitch's hesitation.

"It's nothing serious, He's just, um." Mitch searched for words. "He been great, but he's been acting sort of withdrawn recently."

"What do you mean?" Scott asked.

"I don't know, he's been kind of closed off lately. I don't know how to explain it I just feel.." Mitch trailed off. "I'm sure it's nothing."

"I wouldn't worry about it," Scott replied. "He'll probably snap out of it once we wrap up this tour. You know how he gets."

Mitch sighed, Scott had a point. The band has been going nonstop on this tour for awhile. And Avi tends to have fits of homesickness and stress if he's away from home for too long.

Mitch decided it was nothing to stress about and changed the subject.

I'm Only Human. (A Mavi Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant