On My Way Home

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By the time Avi worked up the courage to head back to the hotel it was dark. He stood in front of the door and took a deep breath.

'Cmon Avi just go in already Mitch won't bite...' Avi chuckled. 'Well actually....'He shook his head. 'No focus, Avi. Focus.'

He entered the empty living room and made his way to the bedroom. Avi opened the door and saw Kirstie and Mitch cuddled up on the bed. There was popcorn, movies tossed about, and a shiny tissue box on the night stand.

Mitch was passed out; snoring, hair askew, the whole nine yards. And he was asleep on a very pissed off looking Kirstie who was glaring at Avi.

"Nice of you to finally show up." She stated shortly in a hushed tone.

"I should've been here, I know." Avi said dejectedly. He wrung his hands nervously and closed the door quietly behind him.

"Yeah, defiantly would've spared me the post-breakup Nicholas Sparks movie marathon." She sighed and looked down at the boy snoring softly against her.

"I messed up, I know, but I came back to fix it." Avi walked over to her and gestured at the bed. "Do you mind?"

Kirstie sighed and gently moved Mitch so Avi could take her place. She watched Avi gingerly set Mitch down against his side. A smile slowly spread across her face.

"You love him. " She stated like the fact it was.

Avi looked down at Mitch who was grumbling in his sleep and nuzzling closer to Avi seeking comfort. Avi smiled at him as he replied. "Yeah I really do."

Kirstie put both hands on either side of Avi's face, forcing him to look at her. "Then do no fuck this up again. You hear me?" She said sternly. He nodded, a little scared.

She laughed a little and patted his cheek, "Unless you want me to kill you, don't test me!" Avi chuckled.

Kirstie turned around, grabbed her purse and headed towards the door.

"Hey, Kirst?"

She looked back at Avi from the doorway.

"Thanks for, you know, cleaning up my mess..." He trailed off, feeling guilty. She offered him a weak smile.

"I shouldn't of had to."

Avi nodded in agreement, No you shouldn't have.

After Kirstie left, Avi looked down at the tenor curled up against him. His face was still puffy and wet from crying and it broke Avi's heart. He let Mitch sleep for a little while longer before finally waking him up.

"Mitchie," Avi shook him gently, "Baby, can you wake up for me?"

Mitch groaned and buried his face in Avi's chest, still asleep. Avi laughed and rubbed his back.

"C'mon don't be like that.. Mitch wake up."

Mitch stilled and looked up at Avi. For a quick second he looked surprised but then the tenor's face turned stony. He set his head back on Avi's chest, too tired to be angry.

"What are you doing here?" He asked quietly while toying with a thread on Avi's shirt.

"I came back to apologize. I realized I've been acting like a- well like an ass to you." Avi ran a hand through Mitch's hair. "And you don't deserve that."

"You're damn right I don't deserve it." Mitch stated without much malice. "I can tell you're hurting. I don't know why, but I know you're not okay. And I get that. But I don't think I can do this anymore, the fighting and you leaving, I just-" He let out a stuttering breath and laid his hand on Avi's chest. "I miss you."

"I know, baby, I know..." Avi wrapped his arms around Mitch and pulled him closer. "I'm so sorry. I was being so selfish, I didn't realize how much I was hurting you....Could you forgive me?"

Mitch looked up at Avi, his chin resting on the man's chest. "Only if you tell me what the hell has been up with you."

"Okay," Avi sighed, this was the part he's been dreading. " I'll tell you.... I'll tell you everything."

And he did. He told Mitch all about his first love and how she was so cruelly ripped away from him. He told Mitch about how every night he has been stuck reliving that phone call, and how he was barely sleeping anymore because of it. He told Mitch about how much he reminds him of Lisa, and how he sees her in his smile and his passion. He told Mitch how he couldn't bare to go through that again and how much losing Mitch would break him in every way imaginable.

"I guess I thought that if I just let you go now, it wouldn't hurt as bad when you eventually left me." Avi conceded under his breath. He let the tears fall from his face freely, he didn't have to hide anymore.

Mitch leaned up and pressed his lips against Avi's. He pulled away from the kiss minutely. keeping their foreheads together. He smiled. "You can't get rid of me that easy."

Avi laughed and brought there lips back together again.

They melted together into a puddle of kisses, giggles, and hushed tones. For the first time in a long time they were felt like they were going to be okay. Both happy that they found their way back to one another. Happy that they found their way back home.

I'm Only Human. (A Mavi Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant