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A/N: This is so inexcusably late I am the actual worst but it's finally here and I'm not even sure what this is but here ya go.

Remember I adore every comment and vote!!



Things got better.

Once in a while Avi would wake up in a panic, but Mitch was always their to calm him. And as the weeks went on, Avi's nightmares became far less frequent and Avi started acting like himself again. Mitch felt like they were finally healing.

At the moment, they were in a van on they're way to their last stop on PTX's Rose Gold Tour, and it was bittersweet. Mitch reflected on how far they've come these last couple months. Him and Avi were finally happy and it's thanks to this tour they ever got to where they are now.

It felt like a chapter was closing and Mitch was afraid to turn the page and see what would happen next.

Mitch sighed while looking out at the blurring scenery whirling by. He felt a hand lay gently atop of his own.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Avi asked in a hushed tone while running his thumb gently across Mitch's hand.

Mitch looked over at his boyfriend and smiled. Seeing Avi helped relax him, he knew whatever happened Avi would be there. He felt silly for worrying but he couldn't help it. His mind tended to be a bit of a pessimist.

"Oh it's nothing.." Mitch replied in an equally hushed tone. They sat for a while in silence while Mitch played with Avi's hand. He brought His hand up and pressed their palms together so their fingertips touched.

"Our hands are the same size." Mitch giggled, forgetting about his previous anxieties.

"No way! Mine are totally bigger." Avi joked while moving his hand up so his fingertips surpassed Mitch's. "See. Bigger."

"Yeah?" Mitch lilted coyly while looking up at Avi through his lashes. Avi bit his lips and glance over Mitch's body. Mitch scooted closer to Avi and stage whispered in his ears. "Wonder what else you got that's-"

"Okay, that's it. You two are no longer allowed to sit next to each other." Scott huffed dramatically from where he sat next to Avi. He stood up as much as he could in the small van and plopped down between Mitch and Avi.

"No fair!" Mitch whined and pouted. He glared at Scott his now ex-bestfriend.

"No, what's not fair is having to deal with you two lovebirds for the next forty minutes." Scott replied and Kevin laughed from where he was seated behind them with a passed out Kirstie.

"Y'all are no fun.." Mitch sighed and looked past Scott at Avi's red face. He's so cute when he's flustered, Mitch thought to himself. He caught Avi's attention and winked at him, causing the man to smile and look away as his blush deepened.

"This is going to be a long ride." Scott sighed.

It was the last show of tour and that meant one thing...pranks.

Mitch hated pranks. Especially on nights like this where he knew he was going to be pranked but he didn't know how or when. As much as he hated it he didn't want to be 'that guy' who spoiled everyone's fun so he played along.

So far the pranks he had to endure were pretty standard. Most of the time it was just Jake jump-scaring him. A little silly string here and there.

I'm Only Human. (A Mavi Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant