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No one notices us slip out. Everyone left is too busy dealing with Hershel to care what we're doing. Carl leads the way with a flash light and I'm close behind him. We're both armed with our guns and knifes. I also have my crossbow like always. 

We don't talk much on the way there. Not cause we have nothing to say, but simply because we're keeping an ear out for walkers. Can't be ambushed because we're yapping our heads off. 

Carl and I turn a corner, dead bodies litter the hallways. Walkers slumped over where they sit. They don't turn their heads towards the sound of our footsteps so I presume that they're dead dead. Ain't it funny how things got to be dead, after they're dead these days? Surely there's a better word for it. 

Pre-dead maybe? Nah, that would technically be alive I think. I'll have to think real long and hard about it. Maybe I'll make a new thing. 

I carefully step over a walker's leg, keeping my eye on it closely in case it moves. Carl points ahead at another wall. There's a large arrow and the word Infirmary on it. 

"Guess we're on the right path cowboy." I say, taking another step forward. We round the corner to see that there are two walkers blocking the door. 

Carl looks over at me and nods, I take the one on the right with my crossbow, and he shoots the one on the left with his gun. We wait a second to see if more walkers appear, but none do. Taking that as a sign, I open the door to the infirmary. 

There's an abudance of things here. Gauze, bandages, alcohol to clean the wounds. Carl takes an empty duffle bag off of his shoulder and I start piling things in. Everything in here has the potential to help save Hershel's life. I turn to Carl with, shaking with excitement.

"They're going to be so stoked to see this!" 


"Are you both crazy?" Lori asks us, she seems angry. I'm not sure why, we did a good thing. 

"No big deal, we killed two walkers." Carl says, shrugging his mother's anger off. She looks stunned as Carl speaks. 

"Alright, do you see this?" She asks gesturing to Hershel laying unconscious. "This was with the whole group."

"We needed supplies!" Carl says, his voice is raising with each word. "so we got them!" 

 "I appreciate that but-" Lori's voice is equally beginning to raise and I shrink back further. 

"Then get off my back!" Carl says, Beth shouts his name, scolding him about talking to his mother like that but Carl doesn't say anything as Lori begins to speak again. Instead he runs out of the cell, angrily huffing. 

"We just wanted to help." I say weakly, tears are welling in my eyes. I don't understand, we did a good thing. Yet, everyone seems mad at us. 

I turn on my heel and exit the crowded cell. I'm beginning to feel like I can't breathe from the amount of people staring at me and the void Carl left. I trudge up the stairs into my cell, sitting on the bottom bunk only to stare at the wall. I drop my crossbow on the way in, so it lays on the ground by me. I don't bother to pick it up, I'm too upset at the thought of everyone being mad at us.


"Aurora!" I hear Daddy shout my name as he's clambering up the stairs. He's coming in real fast and I almost have no time to prepare myself when he walks through the door of my cell. "What the hell did you think you were doing! Going with Carl like that, all alone to the infirmary? You know what could've happened? What could've happened and no one would've known? Are you fucking stupid!" 

"Daddy I-" I stutter, I hate when Daddy yells at me. I hate getting in trouble. It makes me feel all sick and clammy. 

"You weren't thinking that's what!" He's pacing back and forth in the small space, it's making me kind of anxious trying to keep up with him. I swear there's also steam coming out of his nose and even his ears. He's real mad. "You just put yourself in danger for no reason, you could've gotten hurt, or lost or bit!" 

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