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Yuljin's POV

"That'll be 23,000 won." I said, as I packed everything into the bag before handing it over to him.

There was an awkward silence, "Sorry, I live really close by can I go back to get some money? I'm short of 3,000 won."

I shrugged, "It's fine, I can just pay the 3,000 won. No biggie." His brows raised, "But you don't know me."

"But it's either you're going to stay here and we're going to argue about the 3,000 won while the other customers wait, or I can pay for you and everyone'll be happy." He squinted his eyes slightly before smiling.

"Alright, thanks." His eyes wandered over to my name tag, "Yuljin." He grinned before leaving the place.

I continued serving the other customers, and soon it was almost time for me to end my shift. I was about to remove the apron when the door swing opened.

"Sorry, we are cl-"

A familiar figure entered the store, "Oh, you're the guy from before." He nodded before letting out a slight chuckle, "Yeah, I'm 3,000 won."

"Thanks for paying first. Here's the 3,000 won." He handed me some cash, and I kept it.

He looked over at me, "Are you closing the shop already?" I nodded. "Do you have anything else to buy?" He shook his head.

I removed my apron while he just stood awkwardly by the counter. "So, what's your name?" He broke the silence.

"Yuljin." I responded, "Oh like Ahn Yujin from IVE?" I was about to replied when he started singing a short part of IVE song, "What's after like?" while I stared at him awkwardly.

He pursed his lips after his little performance. "As a thank you for the 3,000 won, can I bring you to the bus stop? Since it's getting late." I shrugged.

"Sure." His eyes curved into an eye smile.

After I locked up everything, I put on my puffy coat and zipped it to the top so I look like a walking snowman right now.

"So what's your name?" I asked.

"Wonbin." I eyed him, "Like the actor Wonbin?"

"No, like the student Wonbin." He held in his laughter while I nodded awkwardly. "Was that not funny?" I forced a smile.

He scoffed, "I recognise that smile. It's the customer service smile." I let out a laugh while nodding aggressively.

"What was that nod?" He laughed, "You look like a faulty machine." I scoffed as I continued walking.

Just then, I saw something moving from the side of my eye. "Cat!" I rushed over and I did an asian squat to match the height of the cat.

Wonbin asian squat beside me, "Do you like cats?"

"Like? I love cats." I stared at it in awed. "I've always wanted cats but my parents would never let me have one."

"Why not?" He asked, "They said it's dirty, and I'm always either at school or at work so I wouldn't have time to look after it."

I stretched my hand out, letting it sniff my hand slightly before it walked over and rubbed its head against my hand.

I let out a squeal, "I'll take a picture for you."

He snapped some pictures while I posed with the cat, "Nice. Great." He said, before showing me the pictures.

"What's your number? I'll send it to you." I eyed him slightly, "Is this how you usually ask for a girl's number?"

"What do you mean? This is my first time asking a girl for her number." He retorted. "You look like you're an expert at hitting people up though." I said, while caressing the cat.

He scoffed, "Do I look that much like a player?"

"Yeah." I nodded, "Wow! That's very kind of you!" He replied sarcastically while I massaged the cat's head and it's enjoying.

He let the cat smell his hand, but it hit him instead and I let out a loud laugh by accident. "Oops." I said, causing Wonbin to glare at me, while I avoided eye contact.

Wonbin rested his chin on his hand, "It seems to like you." A small smile crept up on my face, "because i always touch it. the cat have been roaming the streets for a while now."

I gave the cat one last massage, before I got up. "We should really get going before I missed the last bus." He nodded, and we continued our walk.

Just then, I saw droplets falling in front of me and I looked up. "It's the first snow." Wonbin said while looking up, and I turned to look at him.

"Make a wish!" He said, before closing his eyes and clasping his hands together.


He have a really, really pretty side profile.

"Have you stared enough?" He asked without looking at me, and I got flustered.

Wonbin chuckled, "Now is your time to make a wish." I nodded, as I closed my eyes and made a wish internally.

I opened my eyes, and we continued walking to the bus stop. "Thanks for following me here." I said, before eyeing him suspiciously, "You're not a serial killer right?"

Wonbin's face darkened, "How do you know?" before his expression turned into a judgemental look.

"So I look like a serial killer and a player now?" He looked extremely offended, "Wow, thanks Yujin."

"It's Yujin with an 'L'." I said, "Yujinl?" he attempted to say and I chuckled.

"It's Yuljin." He repeated after me.

He nodded, "That's the first time I heard of your name, that's interesting." I smiled slightly.

Just then, my bus came. "Get home safe." He bid me goodbye as I got up. Just as the door was about to close, his eyes widened.

"Wait! you haven't given me your number yet!"

1 December 2023

hi! it's been a really long time since i've last wrote a story so it's probably really rusty right now, but it's my school break so i thought i should keep myself entertain.

how do you guys like the first chapter?

and also wonbin is freaking gorgeous, wtf.

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