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Wonbin's POV




I stopped walking, as I turned to the side. "How many variations of no do you want me to say so that you'll understand that I'm not going to perform?"

Sungchan sighed, "What can I do to convince you?"

"I don't know, fly me to Paris?" He sighed, "I'm serious. I really need someone to perform during the event, and I know you're freaking amazing at guitar."

"Well, you're freaking wrong." I mimicked his tone.

I shook my head, "I really appreciate that you view my guitar skills very highly, but I have retired."

I continued walking, "Park Wonbin, is there really no way around this?" I raised my hand, waving to him without looking back.

Just then, Yuljin appeared from the corner. Seeing me wave, she thought it was for her, so she waved back. "Are you heading home?" I nodded.

"I'm off to work, let's take the bus together?" I was about to walk by her when she blocked my way.

She stared at my fingers intensively, "You have really pretty hands. Do you play the guitar?"

My eyes widened slightly, "What?"

She raised her head, "Do you play the guitar?"

I gulped as I felt a strong soreness feeling in my nose, "No, I don't." I walked by her, without giving her the chance to stop me again.

Yuljin caught up with me, "Wow, you walk really quickly. Are you a marathon walker then?" I ignored her.

Just then, the bus came and I got on, taking the window seat at the back of the bus. "Don't mind if I do." Yuljin say next to me.

I took my headphones out, putting it on without turning on any songs.

"So what songs do you listen to? I really like Paul Kim, I think his songs are really good." I looked out of the window, pretending to jam to some songs.

"I don't know why I'm talking to myself again." She murmured, but I heard it.

When it became quiet, I looked over at Yuljin and I realised she had doze off. Her head was moving back and forth, left to right like a bobbing head figurine.

A small smile crept up on my face when I saw her sleeping face. Gradually, her head slowly fell into my shoulder and I let her sleep on my shoulder.

I looked out of the window, and it felt like the old times when all was well.

When it was reaching our stop, I shook my shoulder slightly. "Oh, sorry." I sneered, as I stared at her.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked.

"Because I need to get off?" I raised my brows, and she looked out of the window realising it's our stop. She did an oh, before going out of her seat and I followed behind her.

When I got off, I made the effort to quicken my pace so that I wouldn't have to walk with Yuljin.

"Oh!" Suddenly, she was walking next to me. "I have the same pair of socks too! It's the-" she thought for a bit, "Susuwatari." I said, and she nodded.

"I didn't know you'd like cute socks." She said, "See, I told you that you're interesting." I looked over at her and she just shot me a smile.

She peered passed me, "I have to work now! See you!" Yuljin waved as she walked to the store.

When I got home, I went to my room and took out a box that I kept in my closet. I placed it on my bed and I opened it up.

There were some Susuwatari items in it, that Yuljin gave it to me. She said I resemble them.

Not sure how, because I really don't see the resemblance.

The box was packed with notes and pictures. I randomly picked a note up, and a smile grew on my face.

'Dearest Wonbin,

Always remember if you're unhappy, strum. If you're happy, strum. If you're excited, strum.

You told me that you're the happiest when you play the guitar, so always, always, always play the guitar because I want you to always be happy!

From your dearest Yuljin"

I was pulled back to reality when I saw droplets of water on the note. I quickly used my sleeves to wipe the tears off my face, as I sniffed.

"Wonbin, I-" My mom opened my door, seeing me in the state that I'm in. She looked down at the box, and her expression softened.

She walked in, without saying a word, she pulled me into a hug which made me bawled.

Yuljin's POV

"And then the male lead dies." I said.

Sungchan froze, "What are you watching?" He was judging me while shoving a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

"Hey, Yuljin why are you sitting by the television? Come sit next to Sungchan." I shook my head, "I prefer to have clean clothes."

My mom glared at me, and I let out a sigh of defeat as I walked over to the dining table.

"By the way, guess what?" I said, "I didn't know Wonbin likes the black furry moss ball from Totoro too." I saw Sungchan's facial expression stiffened.

"Wonbin?" My mom asked.

I nodded, "He's this guy from our school." She eyed Sungchan before she broke into a smile, "I thought you meant the actor Wonbin."

"By the way, how's your school event going?" Sungchan shook his head in disappointment, "I can't find anyone to take over for the performance."

"Since you sang so loudly in the shower, it's such a shame to only share it with us." He glared at me.

He ruffled his hair, "No one is willing to take on the performance within such short notice. It's driving me crazy."

"Vroom vroom. I'm in my mom's car." I pretended to drive which made Sungchan kicked me from under the table.

Sungchan sighed, "I'm going to my room to marinate in my own tears." I furrowed my eyes as I eyed him.

Just then, my phone buzzed and I saw a notification on my screen.

'Guitar selling at 50% off at Myeongdong!'

6 December 2023

Is there anyone else you guys want me to write a fanfic on?

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