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Yuljin's POV

I stared at the figure standing before me.


His eyes widened when he saw me. "What are you doing here?" I asked, and he quickly hid the bag behind him.

"I was just," He looked around, "taking a stroll." He smiled slightly.

My eyes wandered over to the little house that I remembered from my dream. "So it's real. The han-over is real." My eyes wandered back to Wonbin.

"So were we anything ever?" His eyes widened, as he started to look around. He shoved his hand into his pocket, and his phone started to sound an alarm.

He placed the phone over his ear, "Yeah, I'm on my way there now." He was about to push passed me when I blocked his way.

"You're clearly not calling anyone." I said, and he sighed before shoving his phone back into his pocket.

"So what were we?" I asked again.

Wonbin sighed, "It's a long story." He looked over at me, "Maybe next time!" He was about to rush off again when I grabbed his hand.

He turned towards me, "Fine. I'll tell you but can we go somewhere with less walls? There's a lot of insects here." He said as he shivered.

We went to sit by the Han river, and I turned towards him. "You may start now." I said.

"We were in a relationship, and we met through guitar club." I nodded, "That's about it."

I let out a sigh, "You're really horrible at storytelling." He nodded, "I know, you told me before."

"So how long were we together for?" He thought for a bit, "Slightly over a year."

"So why did you pretend as if you didn't know me? Or did you lose feelings already?" I eyed him, and he shook his head.

"After you woke up from your coma, you reacted really aggressively when you saw me so I figured it would be best if I disappear from your life."

He pursed his lips, "And the doctor also said that we should avoid agitating you."

"When we went to high school, we coincidentally entered the same school. I realised you lost your memory, but I didn't want to test my luck either so I remained distanced." He sighed.

"And the convenience store, I really didn't know you were working there until that day. Oh, and I really didn't have enough money." I chuckled slightly.

I looked over at him, "But I guess a part of me didn't want to let you go, so I let my intrusive thought act, and I had a full blown conversation with you that night."

"But I felt bad because I did promise to stay away from you, so I distanced myself again."

After all his explanation, I finally understood the whole situation. To summarize, anything related to the accident could trigger me and that includes anything related to the guitar club.

Suddenly, I felt Wonbin interlocking our fingers. "I'm just doing a trial run to see how you'd react." I looked over at him with a smile, "So what did you evaluate?"

"That you're no longer triggered by me." He shrugged, before putting his arm around me and pulling me closer.

I rest my head on his shoulder, and peeped over at him to see his sharp nose tip. "Damn, you have a nice nose."

"Do you want your kids to have sharp nose tips?" I gasped as I sat up, "Okay fine, kid. I'm fine having just one child." He shrugged.

His expression softened as he held my hands, "So how are you feeling these days?" I pursed my lips as I looked over at the river.

"I'm doing better. I went to the therapist, and it really did help but it'll be a slow process." He nodded.

I looked over at him, "Wait, so you can play the guitar?" His smile grew on his face as he lifted both his arms up in the air, "I've been caught!"

"Why did you lie to me? You can't lie to someone with an expertise in guitar." He gasped, "Sorry expert." He played along.

"I didn't really lie, I really did stopped playing the guitar." He explained the situation, and I pouted before pulling him into a hug. 

I pulled away again, "Hey, that wasn't enough." He said, as he stretched his arms wide open.

I let out a chuckle as I hugged him, and he wrapped his arms around me. "Wow! Been long!" I chuckled, as I tightened my grip around him.

For the rest of the day, we just spent the day in each other's company.

Wonbin held my hand, swinging it back and forth. "You know, I thought I would never get you back." He looked over at me, "Thank god I did."

I smiled, "If we're meant to be, we'll be." He eyed me.

"Damn, suddenly you're all philosophical." I chuckled, "You know, I was doing so well avoiding you, I thought we would end up not crossing path again."

"I guess it's the invisible string theory." I shrugged, as I wrapped my arms around Wonbin's arm.

"We're here." Wonbin said, "I don't know why I'm getting all anxious, it felt like I'm seeing your family again for the first time."

I chuckled, "You'll be fine! And I'll be there, if anything goes wrong, Sungchan is there too." He puffed up his cheeks.

His eyes shot wide opened, "Wait here." He ran towards the opposite direction.

Damn, he runs fast.

After a few minutes, he ran back with a box of fruits in his hands. "Okay, I think I'm ready." I chuckled when I saw what he bought.

"It's only basic respect to get your mom something." He shrugged.

We got to my house, and I unlocked the door. We went in and I saw my mom preparing dinner. Her eyes widened when she saw Wonbin, "Hi Auntie." He said shyly.

He handed her the box of fruits, "I didn't know what to get you so I got you fruits. Stay healthy." She burst into laughter as she took over the box.

"Hey, you didn't have to get me anything." She looked over at the box, "I'll cut up some fruits for everyone to share." I nodded, and she rushed to the kitchen.

I dragged him to the couch, and we sat down. I realised he was wearing the black furry ball socks again, "It's that socks!" He nodded.

"Actually, you gave it to me. You said it resembles me." I looked at him with a smile, "I hold my stand."

Just then, the door unlocked revealing Sungchan. His eyes widened when he saw Wonbin sitting on the couch.

"What are you doing here?"

7 December 2023

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