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Wonbin's POV

"You, the one with the girl hair."

I looked around, and he pointed at me. "Hey, pretty boy I'm talking to you." I stared at him.

"Bring the water to me." I let out a sigh as I handed him the bottled water. He smirked, "Are we allowed to have females in the team?" He laughed.

"Are you playing for the game later?" I nodded and he eyed me. "You sure is one with little words." He scoffed, before he continued using his phone.

"Hey Ryu, you sure is one with many words." Sungchan sneered, and the atmosphere instantly became tense. "What did you say?"

Sungchan eyed him slightly, before walking out of the locker room with his jersey.

Soon, it was almost time for the game.

We changed into our jerseys, and gathered in the locker room. "Just remember our training. Regardless of the outcome, just do your best." We all nodded.

We stood in a row, and when the whistle was blown, we walked out. Everyone was cheering.

The game started, and we started playing like how we were trained. As expected, the team were blocking the taller players and surprisingly I was left open.

"Wonbin!" I raised my arm, and the ball landed into my hands. I bend my legs slightly before making a three pointer shot, and it went through the hoop.

By the end of the game, we managed to win by a small difference in score of 2.

Sungchan gathered everyone together, "Great job guys!" His gaze shifted towards our coach.

"Coach, why don't you treat us dinner?" All of us turned towards our coach, who was shaking in head in displeased.

"Fine! Fine!" We all cheered.

"Meet outside at 5pm. Whoever is late will sit out of the dinner." We did a salute to our coach to tease him further as he walked out of the hall.

I walked to the bench to chill for a bit, "Hey, you play surprisingly well for a girl." Ryu joked, while I just ignored him.

Just then, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Yuljin. "Hey, I thought you looked familiar." A small smile crept up on my face.

"Great job out there." She said, "Thanks."

"I didn't know you were from Hangang." She said, while looking at me in amusement.

Suddenly, I felt a figure towering over us. "I'm Ryu. Are you Wonbin's friend?" I eyed him. He grinned, "Yuljin? That's such a pretty name for such a pretty girl."

Ryu is known to be the guy that hits up everyone single female he sees. Basically, he's just a red flag.

I stood up, getting in the middle of the both of them. "Hey, can't you see us talking?" he said, while glaring at me.

I raised my brows, "Were you talking to him?" I looked over at Yuljin.

"Nope." She replied.

I turned back to Ryu, with a shrug. His alpha male self is probably hurt, as he stormed off.

I turned back to Yuljin, "We're going to head for dinner, so I think you should l-"

"Hey, Jung Yuljin what are you doing here?" Sungchan came over, eyeing me slightly before looking back at Yuljin.

"I thought he looked familiar. Turns out I know him, what a small world." Sungchan glanced over at me, "Yeah, small world."

After Yuljin left, our coach booked us a mini bus. I got on first, and took the window seat. I looked to the side to see Sungchan sitting next to me.

Yeah, that's probably bad news.

"So you know Yuljin?" I pursed my lips, "I met her again recently while she's working. I may have j-"

"You want what's best for her, don't you?" I stayed quiet.

"What's best for her is to forget about the past."

4 December 2023

This is a chapter to kinda give you guys a better understanding of Wonbin's character in this story :)

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