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Yuljin's POV

"Boom, boom, boom, boom! I want you in my room, and spend the night to-" Jun knocked on my desk multiple times, "Hey, you've been singing the same part for the 100th times."

I shrugged, "That's the only part I know."

I looked over at Jun, who was looking at Haneul. "So when are you planning to ask her out?" He flinched before turning towards me.

I used my gaze to eye Haneul before looking back at him, "I don't know. She probably isn't interested in going out with me though." I shrugged.

"You wouldn't know if you didn't try." I sighed.

"Or I can always help you guys out." I wriggled my brows and he shook his head, before he looked back at me again. "What about the convenience shop guy?"

"It's not going anywhere honestly." I shrugged.

Just then, the last bell rang. "By the way, Haneul likes jelly." I said while glancing over at the packet of jelly he has on his desk.

"But that's so rand-"

"Haneul! Catch!" I said, throwing the packet of jelly to her and she caught it swiftly. "Oh!" She exclaimed excitedly.

She took one and pop it into her mouth. "Thanks." She said, "That's actually Jun's, thank him instead." I shrugged mx

Haneul smiled at Jun, "Thanks. Jun, right?" He nodded as his face got redder as each second goes by.

"Do you have anywhere else to go? I have an hour to spare before my class starts." Haneul sighed, and I glanced over at Jun, urging him to say somethings

I sighed as I shook my head, "I have to go somewhere else." I looked over at Jun, "Jun, are you free?" I eyed him.

"I am, but I don't think we are close enough to-"

"Alright! Off you go!" I pushed the both of them out of the classroom, "Have fun!" I waved to them, as I watched them walk through the hallway together with a proud smile.

I was about to walk back into the classroom again when I spotted Wonbin. "Wonbin!" I waved before I rushed to get my bag.

"Thank god you're still here." I said.

He eyed me, "There's this new snack that came into the convenience store, I thought it was really nice so I got some for you." I shoved my hand into my pocket to wish out some bars of chocolate.

I tossed it to him, "I don't eat chocolate."

"Oh, there's also another snack, it's-" I continued digging for the other snack in my other pocket. "It's a candy!" I tossed it to him.

Wonbin looked at it, "I don't eat can-" He looked over at me, and I eyed him.

I stopped walking, "You bought candy the very first time we met." He gulped, as he continued walking, leaving me behind.

I caught up with him, "Why are you so resistant towards me? Was it because you lost trust in love? Or do you have some-"

He stopped walking, "I thought you have trust issues in love, since your parents d-" His eyes widened when he realised what he just said.

I furrowed my brows, "How do you know I have trust issues because of my parents?" He got flustered, as his eyes darted around.

My eyes widened as I gasped, "Did you stalk me?"

Wonbin's POV

"Did you stalk me?"

My eyes widened, "A-Are you crazy?" I said, before I turned my back towards her and continued walking out of school.

I can't believe I accidentally said that out loud.

"No, but seriously. How do you know?" She continued asking me as we walked to the bus stop. "I heard it from Sungchan." I blabbered.

Yuljin nodded.

She seemed convinced.

Just then, my bus came and I was about to board when I realised Yuljin didn't budged. She noticed mt stare, "Oh, I'm going somewhere else."

"Where?" I asked, "To the guitar shop."

I furrowed my brows, "What for?"

"Sungchan is desperate about his school event not having performance, so I th-"

"Hey! Are you boarding the bus or not?" The bus driver shouted, "No, sorry." I said, and the door closed behind me.

Yuljin gazed over at the bus as it drove off, "Why did you board the bus?" I shrugged, "The next one is coming soon. That bus was too crowded."

She eyed me, "How do you know it's coming?"

"Instinct." I replied monotonously.

She was about to question me more, "So which shop are you going?" I asked. "The guitar shop at Myeongdong. I heard they sell really good guitars."

"You play the guitar?" She thought for a bit, "I used to, apparently. Since Sungchan needed help, I thought since I used to play, hopefully the art of muscle memory will work for me."

I nodded, "Oh, my bus is here." She stood up, as she waved to me before boarding the bus.

I went back into school, as I called Sungchan who told me to meet him at the music room. When I got there, I heard a hideous sound.

I furrowed my brows, as I peered into the room with a disturbed look on my face. Sungchan noticed my presence, and he motioned me to enter.

"Okay, I'm not forcing you to join the school event but just give me your opinion." He was about to play on the guitar when I stopped him.

I pointed at his hand positioning, "You're too stiff."

I grabbed a chair and sat in front of Sungchan, "Follow me." I demonstrated some finger exercises for him to do, to warm up his fingers.

"Where do you learn all these from?" He stared at me fingers in awed, "Guitar classes." I said, staring at him and if he just asked the most questionable question.

He nodded, "Right." He chuckled.

"And remember to slide your hands so that it's easier to change your fingers when playing." Sungchan stared at me in confusion, "Can you demonstrate?"

I pursed my lips, "Just slide it. It's easy." I said.

Sungchan grabbed the guitar, and tried doing what I said but he looks like an awkward duck trying to come out of the shell.

"Am I doing it right?" I stared at his fingers, as I tried to hold back my judgemental look. "I think I'm
excelling at this!" He exclaimed.

I forced a smile, "Let me just show you." I said, as I took the guitar over. I showed him how to move the fingers, he looked over at me. "Wow, you look really handsome." He held up a thumbs up.

I smiled, "I've been told that since I was born."

"You're shameless." He scoffed, "Have you seen the way you played the guitar just now? You're shameful." Sungchan's eyes widened as he looked offended.

"Then show me how it's done!" He said, and I hesitated for a moment before placing the guitar back on the stand.

I sat back down on the chair, "Oh right, I came here because Yuljin told me she's going to the guitar store. I figured you should know."

Sungchan furrowed his brows, "For what?"

I explained to him what she told me, "And I thought by going there alone, she might have random flashbacks again."

"You knew about the flashbacks?" I nodded, "Jun told me."

I nodded as I pursed my lips, "So I think you should head to the store. It's at Myeongdong." Sungchan nodded, as he began packing up.

I stood up, staring at him for a second.

"If you still can't find anyone a day before, I'll see what I can do."

6 December 2023

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