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Wonbin's POV

When we got to the restaurant, we realised our coach booked half of the place to accommodate to us. "Hey pretty boy, sit with us." Ryu said.

"If you're sitting with him, I'm coming with you." Sungchan said as he stood next to me.

Since I'm not really close to anyone from the team, I decided to sit with Ryu and the rest.

When the food came, Ryu eyed me, "Wonbin, you're the youngest here. Shouldn't you d-" Sungchan grabbed the thong, placing it in front of Ryu, signalling him to cook for us.

"Hey J-"

"I'll cook it instead." I said, as I grabbed the thong and I started cooking the meat to reduce the tension between them. 

Ryu cleared his throat, "So about that girl from just now, Yuljin? Is she single?" I stopped whatever I was doing as I looked over at him.

"You aren't dating her right? I mean, she probably wouldn't feel safe with a pretty boy like you. She needs a buff guy like me." He grinned proudly.

He shrugged, "And I can't wait to netflix and chill with her."

I chuckled slightly, placing a slice of raw meat over his rice. "Wow, you're really trash." I murmured loud enough for him to hear.

Ryu slammed the table, as he stood up. "What did you say?" I calmly looked up at him with a smile, "I said you're really trash."

He poked me continuously on my chest with his finger. "Hey, I'm 21. Respect me!" He raised his voice.

Suddenly, Sungchan slammed the table as he stood up, towering over Ryu. "Hey," He chuckled.

"you think you're some big shot here acting all alpha and whatever." he sneered, "So what if you're the senior? Is it something to be proud of for repeating 3rd year three times now?" He raised one of his brow.

"And by the way, that's my sister that you're talking about, you jerk." Ryu was about to throw a punch, when I dragged Sungchan out of the place.

I dragged him to the side of the road, and we sat there. "Here." I tossed him a can of soda, "When did you get this?"

"When I was walking out." I said, as I opened the drink and took a sip.

Sungchan tilted his can towards me, and I clink my can against his. "Honestly, I was shocked when you reacted the way you did." I shrugged.

"He've been on my nerves for a while, but when he said that about Yuljin I just couldn't sit back." I took another sip.

I let out a sigh, "About what you said," I looked over to Sungchan, "I'll cut off all ties with her." He nodded.

He nudged me on the arm, "You're a great guy, anyone would be lucky to have you." I looked down at my hand, "I'm sorry I broke our promise before."

"I guess when I saw her again, a part of me just wanted to try it out with her again seeing how she wasn't scared of me." Sungchan placed an arm around my shoulders, "It's understandable, and I forgive you for that."

Just then, one of our team member came out, calling us back in for dinner.

Yuljin's POV

The door swings open again, and I quickly look up at it but to be disappointed again.

It's been a while since Wonbin came over. By the way he acted, I thought he felt the same.

When the clock hits 11PM, I took off my apron and make sure everything is in place before leaving the store.

I was walking to the bus stop when I heard the soft meowing coming from behind the bush. I inched closer to it, and saw the cat from before.

This time, she's with a few other kittens.

The entire time I thought she was chonky, but turns out she was pregnant.

I bend down slightly, realising they're a little small. Since it's snowing, it may be more difficult for them
to survive through the winter due to the cold.

I looked around, but the streets are empty.

"Oh!" I took my scarf off, and covered the kittens and the cat. Hopefully it can keep them sheltered for the time being.

I took one last look at them before standing up.

I was about to continue my walk to the bus stop when I saw a familiar figure walking on the other side of the road.

I squinted my eyes slightly, "Wonbin!" I waved when he looked up, but he just ignored me.

Maybe he didn't hear me, since he was on his headphones.

When I got home, I washed up and went to sleep right after.

"Is this okay?" Wonbin nodded.

I stood up, moving back a few steps while looking proudly at our creation. Wonbin walked over to me, as he grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers.

"We did it. We made a little home for the strays." I grinned.

"What should we name it?" Wonbin giggled, "How about The Han-over since it's near the Hangang river, and they can stayover."

I chuckled, "I guess that works."

Suddenly in the corner of my eyes, I saw a figure. I turned to the side and a wide smile spread across my face as I rushed over to place some food and water in the little house.

I squat, and Wonbin did the same. We watched as the cat walked into the house, ate some food before sitting down inside.

"Yes!" Wonbin and I said in unison.


I heard a loud buzzing sound, which woke me up from my sleep and my dream. I slammed my
hand against the alarm clock, and I stared at the wall while being in a daze.

Did I just dream of Wonbin?

I shook my head, "I must be crazy." I muttered to myself, but yet the dream felt so real.

It was as if I had experienced it before.

4 December 2023

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