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Yuljin's POV

I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling as I thought about the interaction with Wonbin today. A small smile crept up on my face.

Maybe I'm just a sucker for handsome guys.

I placed my hand over my heart to feel it racing really quickly. I frowned, but I don't even know this guy, or anything about him except that he's named Wonbin.

I've also never believed in the idea of love at first sight.

Alright, alright. Call it childhood trauma or something, but I'm a child of divorcees who got marry because they loved each other at first sight.

It just led to arguments and arguments, and then they just lash out on me and my brother.

Since then, the idea of love at first sight just doesn't sit right with me. Especially since you know nothing about the other person, it's all just looks.

I yawned, and soon my eyelids became heavier and heavier and I fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my brother screaming in the shower. Annoyance grew in me, as I stormed out of my room.

"Hey! Shut up!" But it only made him scream even louder. Honestly, I don't even know what song was he singing because it's inaudible.

I walked to the kitchen to see my mom cooking some light snacks for us.

"Help me take these out." She pointed to the little
plates on the counter, and I did.

While placing it on the table, my brother came out of the bathroom screaming the same song. "Who says, who says you're not perfect, who s-"

Suddenly, I saw a flying rubber slipper flying towards him. "Home run!" I cheered.

"Jung Sungchan! Stop holding up the bathroom!" My mom screamed, "And take my slipper to me when you're walking out." She said before walking back to the kitchen.

Sungchan came out in his uniform, "Ugly." He said the moment he saw me.

"People say we look alike." I smiled.

"They're blind."

"Many people say that."

"Yeah, they're all blind." He retorted.

I did a quick wash up before changing into my uniform, and coming back out for breakfast. I sat next to Sungchan as I ate.

Suddenly, I felt a cold sensation on my belly and my thigh. I looked down and instantly, I saw red.

"Jung Sungchan!" I screamed, while aggressively punching him. "Hey! I didn't mean to spill it!" He screamed back.

Sungchan has an ever poorer dining etiquette than the toddler living a few houses down from us. He eats really messily, and spills everything everywhere.

I glared at him, "You don't have the rights to scream!Your uniform isn't the one that's soaked!"

My mom rushed out to see the mess that her 18 years old son made. "Jung Sungchan! Clean up your mess right now!" She screamed.

"Damn, take a chill pill then both of you." I groaned while walking to my room to change out of my soiled uniform.

After I've changed out of it, I came out to finish my
breakfast before heading to the bus stop with Sungchan. "Do you want?" He tilted a candy towards me, and I ignored him.

"Hey, I apologised." He said, as I quickened my pace.

"Fine, you petty brat." He said, "Hey, just because you apologise doesn't mean I have to accept." He scoffed.

He crossed his arms, "So what do you want me to do?" I let out a sigh, "You owe me a meal." He was about to rebut, but eventually he agreed.

A smile grew on my face, "You're psychopathic." He said before walking ahead of me.

When we got to the bus stop, we forced out way up to the bus. Since it's the rush hour, the bus is packed with people. If we were to miss our bus, we would be late for school.

The moment we got on the bus, suddenly Sungchan became a different being. "What's with the facade?" I raised one of my brow.

Sungchan is relatively popular in school. People say he looks good, but I really don't see it, maybe because I saw the ugly side of him.

The side where he swings around like a maniac. National Geographic would think that he was raised by apes.

Surprisingly, he managed to maintain his cool guy image in school so everyone thinks he's all that.

"What is your problem?" He raised one of his brow.

I shrugged, as I placed my earphones into my ears and I played some songs.

When it was our stop, we got off the bus, and walked into school. "By the way, I took the snack bar from the kitchen. I assume it's yours." My eyes widened.

"Bye!" He quickly ran off to class.

I let out a sigh as I did some breathing exercises to calm myself down. Sometimes I think the sole existence of Sungchan is to test my patience.

I walked into class, and instantly I was bombarded by Haneul. "There's a basketball game tomorrow, want to go?" She batted her eyelashes.

I shrugged, "What time does it start?"

"3pm." I thought for a bit, "Just go! Anyways your brother is playing for the team right?" Haneul said.

I sighed, "Fine." before heading back to my desk.

Everyday I come to school to count down to the end of school.

I laid my head on the desk, "Did you not sleep?" I nodded.

"I did, but the power of education." I said, as my eyelids became heavier.

"That's true, education is a powerful tool in the society today a-" I furrowed my brows as I stared at Jun in disbelief.

"What I mean by education is powerful is that it is effective in helping me nap." He stared at me in a judgmental manner.

I yawned as I sat up, stretching my arms. "Thank you for volunteering to answer Yuljin." I froze for a second, as I stared at the teacher awkwardly.

When I finally recovered from the shock, I shook my head. "I was just stretching my arms." She smiled, totally ignoring my words.

Hesitantly, I went up and did the question before returning to my seat with the walk of shame.

I laid my head on the desk again, while the teacher went through my answer even though my answer was almost entirely wrong.

"Yuljin, good try!" I sat up and shot her a smile.

Finally, the last bell rang and I rushed over to Haneul who was napping. I tapped on the table a few times, "What's up?" I asked.

"The answer better not be Haneul." She said in a groggy voice.

I grabbed her by her arm, "It's go home time!"

She had to go to the washroom, so I waited by the hallway for her.

Suddenly, I heard people whispering so being the nosy person that I am, I decide to participate as well by looking around to see what they're whispering about.

I looked over to see Sungchan.

Well, that's underwhelming.

2 December 2023

please do give me feedback! it can be through messages as well, would really mean a lot to me <3

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