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Yuljin's POV

A few months went by, and I have been diligently attending rehabilitation to improve my hand mobility, and I've also been attending my therapy session regularly.

Even though I still struggle with the guilt every time I think about the accident, but somehow I feel that they're always with me.

"How was work?" I smiled, as Wonbin wrapped me into a hug. "Work was great. I got lots of tips today." I scoffed.

"What else?" I waited for him to continue. He pursed his lips, "and also some girls asked for my number, but I swear I didn't give it to them."

I smiled, "I trust you." He ruffled my hair playfully as he grinned.

A few months back we found an aspiration list that the few of us did together, and since our friends weren't able to fulfil their dreams, Wonbin and I decided to fulfil it for them.

So Wonbin got a job as a barista at a cafe near the convenience store, and he's doing really well.

Wonbin glanced over at me, "So off to the subway?" I nodded, and he grabbed my hand before running towards the subway.

Hear me out.

Wonbin was a runner.

I'm not.

When we got to the subway, I was panting heavily while Wonbin was panting moderately. "Here we are, Kim Bora's narcissistic billboard." I looked up at the board in front of me.

"S-She's so p-pretty." Wonbin chuckled as he rummaged through his bag pack before handing me a bottle of water. "Maybe I should change my aspiration to making Yuljin more athletic."

I glared at him, before I chugged the water.

Bora's dream was to have a billboard of her plastered in the subway, so we did that to commemorate her 17th birthday.

We snapped so many pictures of the billboard, and we also took pictures with it.

We stood before the billboard, and Wonbin held my waist, pulling me closer. "I bet Bora is kicking the air right now saying that we should've chosen a better picture of her." I chuckled.

"Hey Kim Bora, the subway has limitation to the kind of picture we can put up." Wonbin said, and we burst into laughter.

I looked over at the billboard of a smiling Bora, and I smiled. "Happy birthday Kim Bora." I murmured.

Wonbin looked over at me with a soft gaze, "We did it." He held up a fist, and we bro-fisted.

"Oh for Hyunjung's animal shelter, I got the approval done, we just have to pay for the renovation and we have completed his dream too." I nodded.

Hyunjung's dream is to build an animal shelter to care for all the stray animals. Since we are starting small, we just focus on the strays near our school.

We decided to name it Hyunjung's animal shelter, just to remember him.

"And as for Dohyun's," Wonbin's voices trailed off as he rummaged through his bag before pulling out an envelope.

He looked over at me, "I wanted to open it with you." I forced a smile, as we walked to the side and opened the letter.

"Dear Wonbin, On behalf of the President and the board of Trustees at Berklee College of Music," He paused before looking up at me.

I forced a smile, "Continue." He pursed his lips.

"I am very pleased to inform you of your acceptance into Berklee's Bachelor of Music program." I squealed as I pulled him into a hug, "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!"

Berklee is a renowned music school in the world, and they have one of the best Guitar courses as well.

That's also Dohyun's dream, to graduate from Berklee.

She almost made it.

Wonbin didn't appear happy, "What's wrong?" I looked up at him. He gently brushed his fingers through my hair, "It's just," He lets out a sigh.

"It's a four years program, this means that we have to have a long distance relationship for four whole years." I pursed my lips as I laid my head on his chest.

"Are you really okay to pursue a degree in music?" He nodded, "I really love guitar, in fact, if it wasn't for Dohyun I would have done the same."

I pulled away from the hug as I held his hands, "Then I guess I don't mind waiting for four years." He smirked, "Are you saying you didn't want to wait? Do you hear not to?"

I shrugged, "Well, four years is a long time and I'd be in college as well where there's lots of guys and we'll never know what will happen."

Wonbin pouted his lips, "Berklee is also known to have many pretty girls." He shrugged.

I scoffed, as I started walking out of the subway and he grabbed my hand. "Hey, what's wrong? you started it."

I continued walking, and when he caught up with me, his expression softened. He dragged me to the corner and made me sit on the bench, while he bend before me.

He took a stand of my hair, putting it behind my ear. "Hey, I still have a few more months before I have to fly off." I pursed my lips.

"And I know you'd be insecure while I'm gone, so," He shoved his hand into his pocket, and he pulled out a box. "What's that?" I asked.

He opened it, revealing two rings.

He looked up at me with a slight grin, "I may not be wealthy right now, so this is all that I can afford but," He took the ring and gently slipped it into my middle finger.

"when I become a professional guitar player, I will earn so much money to buy for you an even better ring." He smiled, as he held my hands.

"And trust me when I say this. By then, I will officially convert you into Mrs Park." My face started heating up as I looked to the side, "What if I say no?"

He tried to get into my vision, "You'll say no to this face?"Wonbin pointed to himself, "I know you can't resist me."

I burst into laughter, "Hey you're shameless."

He chuckled as he sat next to me, as he handed me the box with the other ring it in, "It's up to you if you want to say yes or no.." He shrugged.

I scoffed, as I took the ring while eyeing him. I grabbed his hand and slipped the ring into his middle finger, "Alright Mr Shameless." I said, teasing him.

His gaze softened, as his eyes shifted to my lips. "I'll be shameless once more." He said, before leaning in and closing the gap between us.

And it felt like a bunch of fireworks just went off inside of me.

10 December 2023

next chapter will be the final chapter :"

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