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Yuljin's POV

I stared at my pen, as I tried balancing it on another pen. "Boo." Jun said, "Boo." He repeated.

I glared at him, "I'm trying to focus here."

Jun pointed at the board, "How about try focusing on actual lessons?" I sighed, as I knocked the pen over, and I leaned against the back of the chair.

"By the way, how do you ask a girl out?" I turned towards him with a teasing grin.

"It's for a research study." He said, "Are you the test subject?" He rolled his eyes.

Jun sighed, "Are you going to help me or not?"

I nodded, "It depends on the girl actually. What's her personality like?" He thought for a bit, but was hesitant to say. "If you're not going tell me, I can't help you." I shrugged.

"Fine. She's really chill, and I think she likes movies but I'm not too sure." I thought for a bit, "Ask her on a movie date?"

"She has after school lessons though. I doubt she has time." I puffed up my cheeks as I think, "Is she from our class?" Suddenly, his face started getting redder.

I smirked, "Oh, she is."

"Hey, if you're not going to help me then I-"

"I am! It's just easier for me to help if I know who she is." Jun shook his head, resisting from telling me who is that mystery girl.

He shook his head, "It's fine. Maybe next time."

I cupped my face with both my hands, "Is this the crushing era?" I looked over at Jun, "There's this guy who I met while working, and he's really cute and all."

I sighed, "But he doesn't come over anymore."

"I found out he's in our school too, but I don't know what I should do." I let out a longer sigh, as I laid my
head on the desk.

Jun furrows his brows, "You're asking advice from someone who needs advice?"

"Haven't you heard of the saying 'love is blind'? Everyone have better advice for the problem than the person who's in it." I sat up, "So what should I do?"

"Chase him then." He shrugged, "You've chased before and it was succ-" He froze for a second.

"I mean, you seem like the kind who chases. So, you should chase." He nodded, agreeing with himself.

I sighed, as I laid my head on the desk again.

When the lunch bell rang, I went over to Haneul who was napping again. "Rise and shine!" I screamed into her ear, causing her to flinch.

"Hey!" She screamed, "It's lunch!" I grinned.

She got up lazily, and we went to the cafeteria where it's packed with people. "I think I'm going to get a sandwich." I said, glancing through the place.

"I think I'm getting some sleep." Haneul said, before walking to an empty seat and dozing off.

I went to the back of the queue for the sandwich store, and I saw a familiar back view in front of me. I gently tap his shoulder, "Hi!" I waved.

Wonbin smiled slightly, before turning his back against me. I pursed my lips, "So what are you getting?" He didn't respond.

I tapped him again, "What are you getting?"

"I'm not sure." I pursed my lips. He was about to face the front again, "Wonbin, did I do something that offended you?"

He seemed pretty surprised at what I said, "It's not that." He said, "We barely know each other so I don't think there's a need for me to be friendly towards you." I puffed up my cheeks, as I nodded.

"But I want to get to know you, Park Wonbin"

Wonbin's POV

"I want to get to know you, Park Wonbin."

I stared at Yuljin, "I'm not an interesting person, so you should just g-" She shook her head.

"Whether you're interesting or not is not up to you to decide." She shrugged, "I think you're interesting."

"I'm interested in someone." I lied, "Oh, me too."

I pursed my lips, knowing Yuljin she definitely wouldn't say no unless she's being beaten down. "I have a girlfriend." I said.

"You just said you're interested in someone, I know you're just saying you have a girlfriend so that I would give up." She patted my shoulder, "It's quicker if you give up convincing me."

She crossed her arms, "And I won't bother you much, I promise." She held her pinky up, wanting to pinky promise me.

I rolled my eyes, as I turned my back against her.

I would do anything to be back with her, but by being with me, there's a chance that she'd get hurt again.

When I got to the front of the queue, I realised they only served tuna sandwiches today. "I'll get one." I said, as the lunch lady placed a plate of tuna sandwich on my tray.

"I'll get one." Yuljin said as she stood beside me.

She's allergic to tuna.

I bit my lips slightly, "Do you happen to have something else apart from tuna today?" She nodded, pointing to the egg mayonnaise sandwiches at the back.

"I'll have one." I said, and she placed it on a separate plate.

While walking out of the queue, I made a sudden stop so that Yuljin would hopefully drop her sandwich. Her tray bumped into my back, and I looked to the side slightly.

Damn it, it didn't fall.

She was about to walk off, when I cursed under my breath. "I'm craving tuna today." I swapped her tuna sandwich with my egg mayonnaise sandwich instead.

Yuljin stared at me in confusion, "But you already have one." I gulped, "I love tuna." I said, taking a bite out of one of the sandwich.

She shrugged before walking off.

I walked to where my friend is. "I saw you talking to Yuljin again, I thought you weren't going to anymore." Jun said as I sat down.

"I don't know what I was thinking, " I ruffled my hair in frustration, "she told me she's interested in me." Jun shoved a spoonful of rice into his mouth.

"And that's bad because?" He asked.

I sighed, "You know Yuljin, she doesn't give up easily." I looked over at Jun, "You know our situation, I can't be with her."

Jun nodded, "I'll try to convince her for you."

He froze for a second before looking up at me.

"Did you happen to meet her again at the convenience store?" He asked in a weary tone, and I nodded suspiciously.

"I might have told her to chase you."

5 December 2023

What do you guys think happened between Wonbin and Yuljin? :)

Also, if you guys have any problems or you guys just wanna talk to someone, you can always message me! :) I'm always open to hear you guys out or have a chat with y'all :)

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