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Wonbin's POV

I peered from outside the convenience store, making sure Yuljin isn't working before I go in. "Welcome." I smiled as I entered.

I was browsing through the shelves when I heard a familiar voice, "Look what I bought!" I looked from behind the shelves to see Yuljin holding up a crochet keychain of a cat.

"You made it yourself?" She shook her head, "Someone was selling it at the bus stop, so I bought it. Isn't it adorable?" She grinned while staring at the keychain.

A smile crept up on my face when I saw her smile. There's just something contagious about Yuljin's smile that could light up the room.

"I'll go to the washroom." She said. When the door closed behind her, I quickly took my snacks to the counter to make payment.

"7,000 won." I slide the exact amount to her.

"Thanks." I said, before rushing out and taking the bag along with me.

Fortunately, Yuljin didn't see me.

I swing the bag back and forth, before walking to the bush. I bend down, "Here." I said, as I opened a can of cat food, placing it on the ground as the cats came came.

The kittens were devouring it, "And one for the mom." I said, opening another can of food, placing it in front of the mother cat.

I placed my hand slowly in front of the mother cat, and sniffed my finger for a bit before walking off. "Hey." She literally didn't budged.

I smiled, as I stood up. "I'll be back with dinner." I said, before leaving.

When I got home, I saw Sungchan standing outside my house. "No I won't do it." I said, pushing passed him to get in my house.

"It's just one performance." Sungchan said, "I know you're fantastic at guitar, so why don't you show your talent to the world?"

I raised one brow, "The world? There's only a few thousand of students." Sungchan signed as he held the door, preventing me from closing it.

"Hey, you're invading my privacy right now." I said.

Sungchan pouted, "I would love to help you, but I told you, I don't play the guitar anymore. My skills probably got all rusty now."

"I know the reason why you don't play it anymore is because of Yuljin." My smile fell, "The accident isn't your fault, you shouldn't blame it on yourself."

I sniffed, "I think you should leave." I said, pushing him away from my door before slamming it shut.

I walked to my room, and I sat by my desk. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at all the pictures Yuljin and I took before the accident.

I hurried my face in my hands, "I'm sorry." I said repeatedly.

"I should've been there too."

Yuljin's POV

I looked over at Jun who was busy reading through his notes. "I'm not telling you about my crush." Hs said without glancing over at me.

"Fine." I crossed my arms as I leaned against the chair.

I eyed him, "What about now?"

He sneered, "I was just kidding" I glanced over at Jun again, "Is there nothing more interesting than my love life?"

I thought for a bit, "Did you know I used to play the guitar?" He stopped and turned towards me.

"My brother told me I was alright at it, but with this," I played my air guitar, "I'm pretty sure I'm more than alright."

I looked up to see Jun looking shocked, "I know I'm good but you don't have to be that shocked. It's offensive." I scoffed.

"Do you play any instruments?" He shook his head.

"I only play keyboard." He mimicked, "Is that how the piano should be?"

Jun sneered, "Keyboard as in the computer keyboard. I only game."

"Why do you suddenly talk about guitar?" He looked over at me, "I remembered a glimpse of my memory when I ate lunch yesterday, so I asked my brother more about myself."

I realised I haven't told him about the accident. "Oh, I was in an accident a few years back so I lost most of my memory." He nodded.

"So what else do you remember?" i thought for a bit, before shaking my head. "That's about it."

Just then, the bell rang. "Hey, I got to go first." Haneul said when she came over, and I noticed Jun glancing over at her.

I nodded before she ran off, and I crossed my arms while eyeing Jun. "So you like Haneul?"

He became flustered, "What? Why would you s-"

I raised my brows as I shrugged, "I don't know, why would I say that?" He pursed his lips as he looked around, "Please don't tell anyone."

I gasped, "Hey so you do like her?"

"I thought you knew!" I chuckled, "It was a guess, but damn was I spot on." I gave myself a pat on the shoulder, while Jun looked defeated.

Jun sighed, "So when did you begin to like her?" I wriggled my brows while shooting him a teasing grin.

"Probably a few months ago. It's a new crush." I nodded, "What makes you like her?"

He smiled, "When I dropped my ice cream, and she gave me her's." His smile fell as he looked over at me, "But that sounds stupid, so I don't tell o-"

I shook my head, "Sometimes love comes when you least expect it." I shrugged.

"What about you? Your convenience store guy?" I pursed my lips, "How's it going?"

I shrugged, "It's going, but that's about it."

"Are you not going to give up?" I furrowed my brows, "Are you encouraging me to give up?" He nodded hesitantly.

"As your friend, if he's clearly not interested in you then I would tell you the truth instead of sugarcoating it." His expression softened.

"It's better to end it early, it's less painful."

5 December 2023

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