Good Love is on the Way

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She stops and stares at me for a second, then down at her feet. I could tell she's thinking, and I begin to smile. "Yeah I'm free" She smiles, running her fingers through her hair.

The smile on my face got much larger than I expected. I was almost speechless. "R-Really?"

"Ha ha Of course I am. So what do you have in mind?" She asks. I wanted to take her to my family's cookout. It was a tradition every year on the Fourth of July. I know this isn't a relationship and it won't go any further than this but it would be great to go as friends.

"It's a family cookout for the fourth of the July", I explained. "It's a tradition and we're always allowed to bring a guest if we'd like. We eat food and watch fireworks, square dance, my brothers bring their kids. It's a lot of fun."

"Square dancing sounds fun like loads of fun, Mayer." She chuckles and playfully punches me in the shoulder. "I'll make sure to bring my cowboy boots." She winks.

"You do that" I laugh. "So I'll pick you up at 5:30 tomorrow night?"

"Sounds good" She chirps and shrugs her shoulders. I nod and she walks away, so I was guessing the next time I would see her would be tomorrow.

I do my usual silent victory dance while making my way inside. I could hear her giggling so I ran inside in embarrassment. I really hope this goes well. I know we're going just as friends but that doesn't mean I don't have to put a good impression on her. my parents will be there too, and they're most likely going to think I'll take her home and it will be a one night stand kind of thing, but that's not what I want anymore. I want to love someone for real and develop a worthy relationship with them. That may or may not be with Katy but she's still a great person.

"Looks like I got myself a date." I sing. At the same time I had to remind myself over and over that it wasn't exactly a date. I was simply inviting a friend to a family function, and that was it.


It was hard to accept at first because I was so used to going on dates before, but after all I'm sure it will go perfectly fine.

I stare at myself in the mirror. I had on some jeans, a white button up shirt, my cowboy boots, and of course my usual hat. My hair was still long but I decided I was going to brush it out and keep it neat for her. Besides, no one likes to look at a guy who looks like he hasn't showered in days.

I went back to my bathroom and shaved, so I no longer had the major stubble that grew under the period of about a week or two. My appearance was finally ok, and I was ready to pick her up. I could just imagine how adorable she would look.

Once I began to drive, my heart started to beat incredibly fast. I wasn't quite sure what it was from but I knew I could guess that it was because I haven't been seeing a girl in quite often. Maybe even a year and a half. It didn't interest me and I spent a lot of time thinking about myself and being so selfish. But this time I wanted something different. I didn't want a one night stand or a relationship that would only last a month or two. I wanted to commit to someone that I loved, but somehow it's been so hard for me to do.

My black Range Rover pulls in front of her large home and I playfully beep my car horn. I wasn't going to be a gentlemen and knock at her door because I wasn't a boyfriend or someone close to her heart. I was simply a friend.

She finally came into my sight. She quickly opened her front door and waved, causing me to wave back and smile. Her hair was pulled to the side into a long, messy braid. She was absolutely gorgeous even though she didn't seem to care one bit about her appearance which I loved.

"So we meet again, Mayer" She sighs as she buckled her seatbelt. I admired her and her quirks already. I wasn't falling in love, or maybe I was. Was I?

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