With a Heart Wide Open

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John's POV

I opened my eyes carefully, the bright sun seeping through the blinds as my body ached in discomfort. I rubbed my eyes, stretching and sitting up in the bed. She stared at me from across the room, her perfect figure leaning against the doorway. She smiled at me, her hair messy but her fair skin looking so effortlessly beautiful in the t shirt she was wearing- which just so happened to be mine.

Today was a day that represented love; something that I turned away for the longest time; something that I denied every time I came close to it. With Katy it was somehow different, I knew I loved her... I just had to find a way to prove that to her. I loved her so easily- and that honestly scared me. But today was a day that I had to cherish- our first Valentine's Day together had to be perfect. I wasn't going to settle for anything but the best with a woman like her. She deserved everything and more.

"Happy Valentine's Day." She says with a wide grin plastering her face, her nose crinkling and her eyes fluttering as she sat on the edge of the bed. I was quick to pull her closer to me, giggles escaping her mouth. It was like music to my ears.

"And I imagine you have something planned for the two of us, Miss Perry?" I raised my eyes brows, watching her face immediately turn red in embarrassment. "I'm just kidding." I laugh, wrapping my arm around her thin waist and pressing my lips against hers. She smiled against it, making me do the same. God I loved this woman.

"Ugh, I hate you." She shoved me in the chest, making me fall back against the mattress.

"Looks like someone doesn't want to be treated well today." I reply with a mischievous smile, immediately tickling her sides for revenge.

"You're a dick." Katy says with a huff, that smile of hers oh so effortlessly making me fall in love with her all over again. She was so perfect. I don't know how she was mine to be honest.

"Keep it up and you won't be getting anything." I say as I followed her into the bathroom, casually spanking her as I walked in front of her. She always found a way to put me under her evil spell. I could never get enough of her and that scared me.

I really did care about her. She seriously meant everything to me and this wasn't some stupid game I wanted to play; this was real. Love was never real to me until now, it was just some fantasy I always dreamt of... as a kid, as a teen, and now, as an adult, I don't see myself with any other woman besides her. It was what I always wrote about in my songs; stupid lyrics about a girl that I didn't ever think would come into my life. But she did, and I couldn't be happier with who she turned out to be.

Today I was going to do something special for her. Something I knew she deserved. I've never loved someone as much as I loved her. She meant everything and anything to me. Now that we were back at home, I would take her to Santa Barbara, her hometown, to get to know her family, and the people who made Katy the happiest. I thought the time was right to meet them throughly, and they already knew we were coming to visit. I had already met them previously at the hospital, but that definitely wasn't a way to present myself. But Katy had no idea. I have to admit, I was excited to know them, and where she grew up. I had never been, so this was going to be extra special... for the two of us.

I definitely wanted to make her feel special, like I actually cared. Of course I loved and cared for her, but I wasn't sure if she quite knew how much I did yet. I needed to also prove to Katy's family that I loved her with all my heart, and I was completely and utterly crazy about her in the most simple way. She was the one I wanted; the one I needed.


"You hardly said a word all morning, what's wrong baby?" Katy asks from behind me as I poured both of us a coffee. I had been quite quiet about this, but I didn't trust myself keeping a secret or surprise like this one. I wanted to make sure she didn't find out, and if she did, the whole day would be ruined.

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