Never Say Never

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Katy's POV

It's been about a month. A month since I let him go. A month since I forced myself to forget about a person that was so greatly important to me. A month since I didn't let myself face the truth. I knew he loved me. I loved him too. I almost miss him. I miss his smile and his familiar scent. Even though we were just in the beginning of a potential worthy relationship, I had that feeling. That feeling that signals you to know that theres something incredibly special about that person. I knew he was special from the start, but I never thought I would fall for him so effortlessly like i did. All I think about everyday is him. How gorgeous he looks and his sense of humor... absolutely everything.

"Shouldn't you just talk to him?" Shannon ask me as I stare at the ceiling, looking lifeless on the cold leather couch beneath me.

I sit up and rub my eyes, sighing from being so over whelmed with my own thoughts. I was so puzzled and guilty, all I wanted was to stop being so worried or afraid and commit to something and actually go through with it. "I don't know." I reply, my voice croaky and raspy from not eating or drinking anything for what seemed like months.

She shakes her head, lightly laughing and making her way to the kitchen. "Well if you want any sort of chance with him again, you're gonna have to grow some balls and be a man."

I laugh a little as my head hits the couch cushion again, making my body tired enough for me to go back to sleep again. I wasn't going to, but it sounded like a good plan right now. "If only I could, Shan" I sigh, smiling and rubbing my eyes.

"Here," she says, coming back to me and handing me a cold glass of water.

I bring the rim up to my lips and carefully let the icy liquid flow into my throat. "Thank you," I sigh, placing the glass onto the coffee table.

She nods and covers her face with her hands, rubbing her eyes. I sure do wear her out. "I'm serious about this Katy, if you don't run after John I will," She says and we both start laughing.

"I don't know what I'll do. If I keep chickening out it will never happen," I sigh, chuckling and taking another sip of my water.

"Just do what makes you happy."

John's POV

Time has sure gone by fast. I haven't been eating or sleeping... I can't seem to do either at the moment. I don't have a clue with what's wrong with me. I've written a few "just for fun" songs, talked on the phone with Carl and Ben, and that's about it. But today I'm going to my parents house. I guess they're worried about me lately... that's not really a surprise though. They've always been worried about me and my personal life.

I forcefully push myself out of bed, the place I've been basically living for the past month. It felt like ages I was there, sitting there looking lifeless as ever without doing a thing. It would seem like everyday I would be pushed away further and further away from something I desperately wanted but couldn't have. I was getting played by my own mind and it didn't feel good.

When I pulled into my parents driveway, my mother and father both immediately came out to greet me before I even had gotten out of the car. "Hello, John!" My father shouted, opening up his arms. I closed my car door and accepted his hug.

"Wouldn't forget about you mom." I chuckle while wrapping my arms around her.

"Alright. Well let get you inside and maybe we could take a ride on the horses later. Sound good?" My mother asks, walking towards the back door.

I reply with a simple nod and follow the house. It smells just like the muffins my mother used to make with my brothers and I when we were little. "Would you like anything to drink, honey?" She asks, taking down a few mugs from the kitchen cabinets.

"Just a coffee. Black is fine. Thanks." I sigh and sit down at a small table in the corner of the kitchen. Everything looked so vintage and almost exactly like it was when I was younger. They obviously moved but she somehow still had kept the same décor.

"So why did you want to some here so badly?" She asked. It was true. I wanted advice from my mother and father, but more so from my mother. She knew everything when it came to woman and relationships.

"Um, well, I wanted to talk to you about a girl." I begin, sighing from being so nervous. I knew my mother would comment on just 'a girl'. She knew it was more than that. It was nonsense.

"Mhm... a girl? John Clayton, I'm sure it's more than just a girl." She says slyly, her eyebrows raised in amusement.

"Her names Katy. She's ugh... She's beautiful. You've met her." I say, full of amazement. She's was more than just beautiful though.

"Ah I've met her. I see now. Now tell me more. What seems to be the problem? Weren't you just friends?" She hands me my coffee and sits down across from me, carefully staring at me in the eye.

"Yeah but I feel like its grown into something more. Mom she's just amazing. She's got this amazing, bubbly, personality. Her smiles unforgettable."

Her eyes widen as she takes the first sip of her coffee, listening to my words. "I've never heard you talk like this about a girl before. What's so special bout her? You know what I told you about her before."

I roll my eyes and think. Everything. There's not one thing that's not special about her at all. She's perfect. She's everything I could ever ask for. "I-I don't know. And its weird. I've never had such a strong, bound feeling inside me before. If only I could tell her about it..."

She looks at me confusedly, furrowing her eyebrows an licking her dark colored lips. "What do you mean?"

I place my hands on both of my face, getting frustrated with myself by the second. "It's just complicated, you know? I finally told her I liked her and I guess she took it in the completely wrong way so she just left." I say, my eyes wide as my head rests on my hand. "Mom, I'm never going to see her again." I was mind blown. Maybe I was right. There wouldn't be a chance.

"Never say never. That's all I have to say."

I stopped and thought for a moment. There's shouldn't be a 'never'. I still had a chance as long as I set my mind to it. But at the same time I couldn't forbid my mind or body from losing hope. It was a natural thing that still had gotten in the way of things.

I stood up, thinking about Katy and only Katy. She was everything to me. The moment I met her I knew she was different. The way her nose crinkled firmly whenever she laughed. Or how she called me by my last name. The little things seemed to fly into my head, one by one. Her voice and how she looked even when she wasn't trying at all. Her obnoxious but adorable laugh. It echoed and echoed until I couldn't take it anymore.

Katy's POV

"Just do what makes you happy."

The more I thought about it, the more it made complete sense. He made me happy. John made happier than anyone else in the world. The way he made me feel was indescribable. I felt safe and loved. I was being loved by a person when I didn't love them back. But now that I realize it, I do. I do love him. "I'm gonna go upstairs, ok?" I tell Shannon.

"Alright. I'll be down here. Let me know if you need anything, please?"

"Ok ok ok." I reply, hopping up the stairs and walking into my bedroom.

I gaze around my room, while finally spotting it. The hat. I smile and walk over to it. It was at the top of my garbage, getting ready to be thrown out.

The night came flooding back into my head. I close my eyes and sigh, battling the fight of warm tears that would so effortlessly fall down my cheeks at any given moment. "I'm so sorry." I cry, covering my hand with my mouth. I missed him so much it started to hurt. I hurt him and I know I did because it hurt me too. I had to go find him.

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