Let Me Love You

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"Do you wanna pick up where we left off?" she asks, her gem like eyes full of hope and desperation as they shine perfectly in the moonlight. I've never seen her like this, so gorgeous and fragile. This was definitely something new and I never even thought she would come back to me. Ever since the last incident I thought that was it. I thought she was gone and her little mind would never know how I truly felt. All of the feelings I had would eventually fade away and I would move on. But right when I opened that door it's like they all came back. I'm happy. I'm probably the happiest man in the world right now to have the woman I've been dreaming of right in front of me. The woman I thought nothing of the day I met her. Now she's all I think about.

She stands there, looking hopeful that I'll pull her back into my life again. I want to. And I'm going to. "Yes Miss Perry. I would love to." I reply with the biggest smile I've ever given anyone, showing off my pearly white teeth and raising my eye brows in amusement, hoping I'll be able to hear that angelic little laugh of hers.

She chuckles a little, the smile growing drastically upon her porcelain looking face. "Good." She says, crossing her arms and standing up straight. "I'm glad... because I missed you, you know." She sighs, tucking a piece of her raven hair behind her ear.

"Ohhh Katy I missed you too," I laugh, opening the front door for her to enter my home. "actually more than you probably think." I explain as she walked in. She turns around, her eyes still looking innocent and hopeful.

I stare at her, her beauty and how I didn't want anyone else in the world right now. I wanted her and I wanted to have her in my life for as long as I could. I couldn't stand having that feeling of her not being here. It felt odd and to be honest I've never felt like that towards a woman before. She's like that dream girl I didn't think existed. But I was completely wrong. She does exist and she's standing right in front of me.

"Oh really?" She asks, giggling and raising her eyebrows in a cute but suspenseful way.

I nod and close the door behind me, being extra careful to not slam it like I always did. It was a habit from my anger that almost always grew inside me. "I sure did." I reply, shooting her a smile and tapping my finger lightly against her nose, making it scrunch up a little.

She shot me a glare, rolling her eyes and smiling a little. "You're cute." I chuckle, walking towards the living room. I could hear her following me so I turn again to realize that she had stopped in her tracks, standing there with her heals still on, slightly grinning and looking all so innocent.

I looked at her again, just taking in the feeling that I loved her. This feeling hasn't been inside me for long but I know that it isn't going anywhere regardless of anything that might happen in the future. "You know you can take those off if you want, just put them by the door." I tell her, pointing to the spot where my shoes were lying. She nods her head and slips them off, leaving her barefooted. She looked effortlessly flawless, even tho she was barely trying. She had on a pair of distressed light wash skinny jeans with a white tank top, her hair up on a bun and little to no makeup. I didn't want a girl who tried. Of course once in a while it was nice, especially when I tried too. But not all the time. She was beautiful just the way she was.

"Do you like The Beatles?" I ask her while plugging my phone into the large stereo I had. She plops herself down onto the couch and sighs. "Yeah. I used to be a big fan actually." She states. I was the same way. They weren't my favorite but that's really all I had on this particular playlist. She probably wouldn't like anything else, unless we had the same music taste. I was yet to find that out though.

I sit down next to her, a little uncomfortable at first, but forcing myself to not be as awkward as I was. She knew something was off, she just at there, scrolling through her phone, doing god knows what. I sigh and get up, fixing the pillow that was behind me. "Where are you going?" She asks, looking up from her phone and and grabbing my arm. I stare down at her hand, her fingers laced through mine and all of these sudden feelings I got.

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