They Say Love is Clear to See

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Ok before you all read this chapter I just wanted to apologize for the last chapter. Some of you might have gotten confused, and i can understand why. I fixed it now so anyways... happy reading! :)

John's POV

"See you guys later!" I say to my parents, walking out of their house. It was nearly nine at night and I was completely tired, I needed rest, and I needed it now. I knew my parents cared about me and they just wanted what was best for me but maybe being with Katy just wasn't the best of ideas right now. She wasn't a bother to me or anything, I love her. But if she wants to keep her distance from me, I'm completely fine with it. I know I'm just a dick to her anyway.

"Goodbye John! Drive safe, honey!" My mother replied from the kitchen. I waved and carefully shut the front door behind me, walking down the porch steps. For some reason, the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about her. Her... out of all people. It seems like anything I think about, it reminds me of her. But at this point I just want what's best for myself as well as Katy, because you know... I love and care about her. She's not an enemy of mine or someone I don't think about on a daily basis. She's all I think about. Sometimes I just wish people were easier like I always expected them to be. That's how I pictured my relationship with Katy, but turns out it happened to be the total opposite.

I walked to my car, the air cold and brisk, you could even see the small fog make its way out of my mouth whenever I breathed. Right now I was really hating myself. All I wanted was to make her mine, but as soon as I turned around she slipped out from my grip. It's like holding onto something that you couldn't have. But maybe I could have her... I would just have to wait for that time to come. I knew it wouldn't be easy, especially because you can only love a person so much when you make them yours, but it seems to all fade away when they aren't there.

I get into my car, the black leather seats still warm and sticky from the humidity that suddenly rose in my metallic, beige colored Range Rover that I had bought recently. I took out my car keys from my back pocket, fumbling with them until I found the right one and forcefully pushed it into the ignition, slightly turning it. The engine started, making a large rumbling noise and my headlights shined brightly ahead of me. I pulled the seatbelt across my body, making it a click! noise and pushed my foot on the gas petal, zooming out of parents driveway. I'm kind of glad they lived close to me and not back in Connecticut. Of course they go there sometimes because Fairfield is our hometown, but they like living closer to me and I enjoy it more than anything else in the world. I'm so grateful that they still support me as well. I wouldn't have gone anywhere if they hadn't supported me like they did, and still do.

As I continued to drive home, which was still about five minutes away, my eye lids began to get heavy, feeling like anchors were weighing them down, and they even shut for a couple of seconds. I opened them frantically, becoming more aware of my surroundings and kept my eyes on the rode like an army soldier. I pulled into my driveway, the front porch light on so i could see as I made my way up the driveway. I was still dumbfounded at myself; the way I suddenly lost control and thought about her the whole day today. I was amazed at how much I could think about a single human being, that's probably doing the exact opposite at this very moment. At the same time you have to realize that maybe thinking about a person this much means something. Maybe it means that I'm becoming obsessed. Or maybe it means that I'm in love. Either way all I know is that I lost someone incredibly important to me and there might not be a way to get her back. Everything happens for a reason... so that could just be God's way of saying I made another mistake, nothing different from what I do with every other woman I've ever dated. I wanted someone who was different. Someone who I could look at and just smile, amazed at how one person could make me so happy. I want to wake up in the morning and realize that the first thing I think about is them. In fact, that's all I've ever wanted. But unfortunately I've realized that maybe I'm not that type of guy to hold that 'title'. Instead I'm "Mayer the Player, Hollywood's Number One Heartbreaker". What did she think of me when she met me if she knew I was known for that name? She obviously didn't really care. That's all I wanted. Someone to realize that I've changed... or not.

I push the front door open, greeted my Moose. "Hey Buddy!" I say with joy, petting him roughly as he wags his long tail excitedly. I place my keys on the hook and slip my flip flops off from my feet. It felt good to be home, even though it didn't feel any different then from before. It just felt odd being as old as I am and not having anyone else here with me. It was a big house. I could've had a wife and kids by now, but I chose something completely different. I chose to hide away from everyone else as well as the real world, sheltering myself and being so afraid of hurting another woman. I lost myself, and I wasn't sure if I was ever going to find anyone after my last relationship, and I did; that day at the guitar store. The girl I bumped into and fell for oh so easily. The way she introduced herself and how well put together she was. The first time I ever stared into those earth like eyes. It's like I remember it so well I can almost relive it. I want to so bad. I want to look into those eyes again and see everything so clearly. See how much I really love her and tell her the most important thing, that I've never said to a woman (and meant it). The three most meaningful, powerful words anyone could ever say to another person... I love you. Not I like you, or I think you're really hot. I was done with that.

I made my way upstairs, grasping onto the wooden railing with my sweaty hands. My mind blanks out as I open my bathroom door. I peel the shirt off from my body, noticing that I've lost a lot of weight. I didn't want to lose all that weight, but it was hard for me not to. Each day I felt like I was drowning in a sea of my own thoughts. Waves upon waves of thoughts would rise, and then they would fade away. It got to a point where I had no clue what to do. I just lied there unhappy with myself as well as my life. I still wasn't as happy as I was a few years ago, but it's gotten a bit better than it was just a couple of months ago.

I step in the shower and turn on the water, making sure it was at the right temperature and leaning my head back, enjoying the feeling of the hot steamy water trickle down my body. I grabbed my favorite shampoo and poured a generous amount into the palm of my hand, then lathering it through my thick, chocolate brown hair. It was longer that I wanted it to be but I obviously couldn't do much about it right now. When I was finished I stepped out and grabbed a towel from the rack and wrapped it around my waist, tucking it in on the side so it wouldn't effortlessly slip from my body. I combed through my hair, attempting to get out most of the knots.

When I was all clean I put on my favorite pair of flannel pajama pants and a white t shirt, feeling comfortable than ever. I was still tired, but I couldn't miss my favorite which just so happens to be Modern Family. I know that's probably not what you expected, but it's addicting. I can't help it. When I got downstairs, I went to kitchen and poured myself a glass of milk, then made my way into the living room. I searched fro the remote, scrambling through the couch cushions. Turns out it was right on the entertainment center shelf, exactly where I left it. I chuckled at myself, knowing how stupid I can be sometimes. I lay down on the couch, getting comfortable and turning the channel to ABC Family. Moose began to bark and growl as he lied down near the door, constantly panting and jerking his head near it every 2 seconds. It was odd for him but I ignored him for a few second until I heard a knock at the door. "Woof!" He barked constantly. I got up and shushed him, calming him down. "Who could it be Moose?" I cooed, petting him as his tongue dropped out of his mouth.

I unlocked the door and opened it, immediately confused. "Ummm... Katy?" I ask, focusing my eyes on her. Was she really here or was I just hallucinating?

"Yeah...John. Hey", She smiles awkwardly, looking down at her feet. I tried to keep eye contact with her but she kept looking away. Why was she here? If anyone should apologize it should be me. She couldn't take the blame for it.

"Hi." I reply, opening the door a little more. She wouldn't come in, she just stood there, finally looking at me and smiling so brightly it made my heart pound. "So, what're you doing here? So late?" I ask, carrying on with the short conversation. I was still amazed that she was actually here.

Her smile fades as she tucked a piece of her shiny, short black hair behind her ear. "Um actually I came here to ask you something." She sighs, crossing her arms.

"Ok." I chuckle, leaning against the doorframe. "What is it?"

She's silent for a moment. I get a little scared but I don't let it show. I'm just happy to see her no matter what she ends up saying. The more I thought about it, I realized she could say anything. She could say that she never wants to see me again or to stay away from her. That would truthfully be heartbreaking, but I really believe she won't say anything like that.

She sighs, looking up into my eyes with her large, blue ones with a faint smile. "Do you wanna pick up where we left off?"

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