One Way or Another

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I never proofread this so if there's and mistakes I apologize! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! :)

John and I were back home now, finally settled in and relaxed, but that one idea somehow stuck with me. I don't know if i was having some kind of quote on quote "baby fever" or what, but I finally felt ready for once in my life. Ready to move on with my life; start a new chapter. And I wanted it to be with John. I never felt this way with any other guy. That sounds cliche to say, but it was the truth.

I looked over at John with a small smile plastered over my face. He was reading a book with his reading glasses at the tip of his nose, the bright morning light from the nearby window radiating on his skin. I lied next to him quietly, enjoying the silence itself.

"John? Can I ask you something?" I ask, moving closer to him and placing my hand on his chest. He looks down at me, smiling and taking his glasses off of his face.

"Anything." He replies, his deep morning voice giving me the chills as I took his hand messily in mine, caressing the back of it with my thumb.

I took a deep breath in, trying to build up the confidence to ask him. It wasn't exactly the most perfect time, but at the same time it was; quiet, and just the both of us. "W-What do you think of... of trying?" I ask, my voice shakey and uneasy.

"Trying for what?" He asks, placing his book face down on his nice stand, and adjusting his body to face me. He placed his warm hand on my cheek, trying to comfort me, but nothing was going to comfort me after asking a question like this.

"You know-- a baby." I say with a slight smile, placing my hand over his.

I wanted this, I really did. Nothing was going to change my mind.

He frowned and rolled back to lay on his back, confused. "A baby? Really?" He asked, running a hand through his chocolate hair. "No. I don't think so." He adds while sitting up and getting out of bed.

And in that moment I immediately wished to take it back, just wanting to remove myself from this earth for a few minutes. But I couldn't. I had just completely messed up our chemistry and if not that our relationship. "W-What do you mean John I-I thought you wanted kids..." I reply while cupping my face with my hands, still regretting everything I just said. I sigh and get up, tiding up the bed.

"I do at some point but do you really think now is the right time? You're not even thirty yet, Katy... you have time." He said sternly as I followed him into the kitchen.

He had a point, but that certainly wasn't the main point. He could be more understanding.

"I understand that but that's not the point. Maybe there's things that I want to do in the future. And if I really want this you should understand that instead of trying to talk me out of it." I spit, slamming the fridge door as he sat with his head in his hands at the island.

I poured myself a glass of orange juice as i watched him scratch the back of his neck and shake his head. "It's not that I don't want a kid with you Katy, it's just that the timings bad. I'm supposed to be releasing a new album in august and you come and ask me this. I-I can't have a kid now."

We've talked about this before, and now that I want it now he's getting turned off by the idea, and i don't like that.

"Well what if nows my time? You know it's not always about you John." I say, biting my cheek in attempt to not cry. Why couldn't he understand this?

"It's not always gonna be about you and your timing. To be honest there's no perfect time to have a kid, it just happens." He states. I didn't fully agree with that. What does he think all of these happily married couples do? They look so happy with their tiny families and how in love they are. I wanted that. I wanted every little part of it.

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