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"Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep." The sound of a nearby car drove Kate insane as she arrived in the shelter's parking lot.

"Go Ember, get the bag from the trunk and I will see what we have to do to get in. "

"Okay mom, if you get the clear that we can go in, I'll get Sophie and the two bags." 

     Kate walked over to the guy in the blue suit and gave him a good look before she talked to him. There was a sign that said New England Global Shelter.

"Hi Mr., uhm...I was just wondering what it takes to stay here." Kate said, anxiously. 

"You really have no idea, do you woman?" The guy looked her up and down with a smirk.

"Excuse me?" She stood tall, unaware of the joking manner he was portraying.

"C'mon, this front desk right here is where you'll fill out the paperwork. But first, how many kids do you have?"

"Uhm...Two sir. Why?"

"You do not have to pay for them, just a thirty dollar fee for adults. Thank you. Hey, you're lucky you came when you did, I'm 'bout to be a lot snappier when more people come, and oh, they're gonna come." 

Kate looked very confused at this point.

It almost looked like a prison with white walls and dogs guarding the back entrance. Kate gave the man the money and gave the clear signal to Ember as she picked Sophie up with one struggling hand and the pink duffel bag with another, she had to leave the other bag behind because of rules, so she compromised all of their clothes and items into one bag. Sophie took her blindfold off herself because Ember was so stimulated with the ongoing situation that she forgot about Sophie's eyes. Kate got Ember and Sophie situated in their room. Rain poured onto the shelter just as the hand-speaker was picked up by the same guy that was in the blue suit.

"Attention to all! Anyone that took a car here or currently has a car in the parking lot is being towed to the upstairs part of the shelter and as the threat of new bombs is targeted towards us. In MASS!"

Everyone started to panic and run around yelling like headless-chickens after hearing the news.

"Calm down everyone. I am turning on the TV so we can see exactly what is happening."

"What is he doing!?"

Ember asked mom. 

"Sophie put your blindfold on honey. I do not care, we need shelter so stop complaining Ember."

Sophie put her blindfold on and waited, hugging Kate's leg. A disturbing image appeared on the big screen television in the front half of the refuge. It showed a lab in eastern Russia making testing and releasing a pathogen called Cabfluxionus z.

"Any people remaining in their homes should seek help and stay in one place. Studies are showing that this pathogen is in the air and after the brain dies, the bodily fluids get immediately infected and a parasitic virus gets released in the body and travels through the brain. This pathogen can only feed off of those that are deceased or infected while still stable. That is all for today, stay safe and stay happy!"

Everyone froze. Not a single word came out of anyone. After three minutes of realization, one lady in a long yellow dress asked about the pathogen, but she did not like the response, no one did.

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