"Auxilium pro capti"

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     The car was stopped. The guy was sitting in the front seat and turned around to see Mateo and Jackson. He took the black shield off of the window from the trunk and Ember was visible now.

"Y'all awake back there? We're at my camp." The guy told them. Ember and Mateo were awake, pretending to be asleep. Jackson was asleep and he didn't need to pretend because he did not have any strength to pretend, not anymore.

"I am. "

Mateo said, gulping. Ember stopped pretending because she did not want Mateo taken away from her and the kids.

"Oh, hey kid. How old are you? "

"Uhm.. I'm twenty one" He said, scratching his head.

"Oh my gosh. You really are young. What about the country girl back there? "

"Um, she's not- I mean uhm, she's twenty. "

"Okay. Well, I'm guessing the younger two are... I'll say ten and eight.

"Close, yeah." Mateo didn't know what to do. He felt in danger.

"There Ten and seven, mister." Ember spoke up. Her eyes shined in the light and almost blinded her view. Everyone in the car looked at her, except Eleanor who was still fast asleep.

"You're awake! How exciting," The guy exclaimed, "we're at my camp now. I was told to pick up any survivors I see out there and that's exactly what I did. This camp was set up on day one, honey. "

"What are you gonna do to us? " Ember asked, shaking.

"Get out of the car, take that blonde girl with you too, cowgirl. "

"I'm from Massachusetts, for your information." Ember got up and so did everyone else. She picked up Ellie and shut the trunk, scooping up a pocket knife she found in one of the car's compartments. Mateo took Ellie from her and they walked, following the guy, slowly, very slowly. Ember spotted pamphlets as soon as the rusting gates opened, smiling faces and homes. A safe place. But when was this built? Mateo shifted towards Ember as they were walking and she rested her head on his shoulder. They all looked soaked and disgusting, the smell said it all too.

The guy, Mike, left them with a lady that had shiny short blonde hair and she was dressed in doctor scrubs.

"Hello, there! " She yelled, sounding like a kindergarten teacher who was pumped up on caffeine. "How many of you? "

"Four." Jackson responded with his fingers showing the number four as well.

"Hey, buddy, let me and Ember do the talking okay. Thank you."

Jackson went over to the fence and leaned against it, Mateo rushed over to put Ellie down as well. Ember continued to talk with the lady.

"I'm Samantha by the way, and your names?"

"Nice to meet you Samantha. I'm Ember. The blonde girl over there is Eleanor and the little boy next to her is Jackson. "

"I'm Mateo. Nice to meet you." He walked over, keeping an eye on the two kids. Ellie didn't like to be called a kid, and she is, and she knows it.

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