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Ember grabbed all of the weapons with her sweaty palms out of the brown chest and coughed.

"Hey are you okay? " Mateo asked, taking the revolver out of Ember's hand and giving it to Kate.

"Yes I'm fine, just.. Du-st. " Ember inhaled a vast amount of dust, but little did she know, she would have to get at the bottom of the chest to find something worth gold. She reached her hand all the way down and felt tiny sphere shaped-things.

"Bullets! " Ember shouted.

"Shhh! Here, take this gun, I found it in the corner by the stairs. " Mateo handed her the smallest gun he could find.

"That's a cap gun idiot! It's fake. I'll use my knife and revolver. Do you have a silencer?" She asked with a laugh and smirk.

"Uhm, no. I mean yes. I knew it was fake-I mean I thought-" This was a lot to take in for a sentence, especially when there was a group of people watching you from the back. Was she joking? He did not know the gun was fake and was just trying to be helpful. Ember cut him off as he was about to give her the silencer for the hand gun.

"It's fine. Take this and give the two shotguns to Kate and Evelynn. Have Ellie take the pistol."

"O-Okay" Mateo took the guns and passed them out. He checked in to make sure Ember was set with the weapons everyone had. She wanted Sophie and Jackson to be weapon-free and safe. Everyone understood her, for once.

     Mateo and Ember took the lead and started walking outside. Pulling at the latch, she almost forgot her stash of bullets.

"Evelynn! Grab the ammo and put it in the supply bag. "

     Ember demanded. They finally put their guns in their belts and pockets and ran as fast as possible up the route that the map directed them to. Everywhere looked dead. Trees, dead. Leaves burnt. Sky, gray. Pale skin of dead bodies, that were so on going to turn. Crashed cars and helicopters. It was a Dead land. Sophie cried and pointed to the corpse behind Kate. Kate took Sophie's hand and they ran as fast as their legs could go. Although the infected walked at a normal rate, she did not want to take any chances.

     Evelynn took Jackson's hand and Ellie fell asleep on her back, just as Ember and the group passed a sign that read, "Grove st", just like on the map. When they reached the mini hill with barely anything or anyone around them, living or dead, they set up a tent that apparently Kate had stuffed in her clothes bag. The grass was green and there was a river nearby.

"Here. Ellie, Evelynn and Kate! Take ten of the small bullets each. "

Ember handed out bullets to each of them and told them to aim first and be smart with it because they only had so many.

"But what if we miss our target? "

Ellie asked in fear. You could see the light in her blue eyes trembling when she talked. Everyday those precious blue orbs turned more gray than they were the day before.

"Try not to, baby. If you see one of them comin', you tell me or Mateo. Got it?"

Ember replied with her natural accent

Eleanor just nodded, she was hurt. She wanted to find her father.

Jackson glanced at the map and something small caught his sight. He read, Farm land 4.4 miles ahead. Was this true? He trotted over the bag of weapons and clothes and started to run toward Ember to show her.

"Ember! Look! "

Ember immediately turned around and grabbed her gun. She had never heard Jackson talk before so this was a surprise.

She lowered the gun when she saw how Kate, her own mother, was looking at her.

"Mateo! Look at this. It's a farm. "

"He's looking at the wrong route. When we were walking the two miles from the shelter, I looked west and saw a herd. We can not go there. "

He replied. Jackson walked to his mother Evelynn and hugged her.

"Young lady! Come over here right now! "

Kate was running towards Ember with a disgusted look and pouted.

"Just because you think you can run this group, doesn't give you the right to put the living in danger. You just traumatized a little boy. "

"I'm sorry mom, but I don't want to be. "

Ember sighed.

"What are you talking about? This isn't the girl I know! You don't want to be what? "

"Sorry. I don't want to be sorry for everything that I do. "

"And you don't have to but you sure as heck don't gotta be rude 'bout it. "

Her mother had the same accent as her, but it was stronger and she only seemed to let it out when she was mad.

"I'm goin' on a run with Sophie. No matter what you say. You're my daughter and I'm older, I should be the one in charge. "

Ember wanted to punch her and take Sophie, but she was right. No matter what, she is her mother and she loved her. 

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