Trapped In A Daydream

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"Don't just leave us Mateo!" Yelled Eleanor.

"Come on. Please, your mother is hurt and I need you to watch your brother. Make sure Ember is okay please. I promise I will take charge after this one little situation. Please." He responded. He looked scared, for his life, but it was not his life he was scared for. Eleanor nodded as she looked into his trembling eyes, they were filled with water and appeared like glass.

"Okay. But go now and go fast, she is losing a lot of blood." Eleanor said, raising her voice while Mateo began to run faster and faster. Why did he say that Jackson was my brother, did he really think that Evelynn was my mother? Whatever, this does not matter now.

     In the drug store, two things caught Mateos icy-blue eyes. He saw bullets and a sign that said, 'if you're reading this, you're lucky because I have a weapon stash in the back of the store, if you want to take a look'. It seemed like a trap, so he did not follow through. There was a banging sound in the store, in the back room. He picked up hydrogen peroxide, three of the small first aid kits and a big bag of chips. He also managed to stuff five waters in his pants pockets. He ran out the door and saw that Eleanor and the rest were fine. He was glad, but just as this feeling of joy hit him, he saw Eleanor screaming at Evelynn, in fear. He ran towards them.

     Mateo kneeled down by Evelynn when he got there, wondering what the big fuss was about. She had passed out. He checked her pulse and she was still there. He grabbed the first aid out of the plastic bag and cleaned her cut with anything he could. Ember sat straight up on the ground and started sobbing. Jackson ran to her and hugged her, she appreciated it but then stood up and hugged Ellie with a thank you look while she walked over a couple feet to Mateo and helped him with the bite on Evelynn. He looked shocked and grateful at the same time, but that soon faded away.

"Hey, do you need me to grab anything else at the store? I see you went on a run." Ember asked. It was like she flipped a switch again and turned into another person, a happy person that did not just lose the two most important people in her life.

"Oh, uh no. I'm sorry I left you guys, I needed to get supplies for Ev to stop her bleeding." He apologized.

"It is fine. Just tell me next time." She joked around, knowing he could not have told her. Smiling at him with all of her teeth showing, he smiled back. No one has seen her like this before. Was she okay?

He went to check Evelynn's heartbeat and he could feel no sign of her being alive.

"Oh no. Ember, feel it."

Ember pushed her fingers on Evelynn's wrist and felt nothing but coldness.

"Hey! Ev! Hello?" Ember opened Ev's eyes with her fingers and told Mateo that he needed to do CPR and control her breathing, if she was breathing at all. 

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