• Chapter 02 •

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Blossom  | #2

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Blossom  | #2

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Daydreamin' • Ariana Grande
"Caught my attention, I've never seen, a man with so much dimension"

Sitting through the last class of the day, Rue was still thinking about her embarrassing interaction with Lee Heeseung in the morning. She wish she would have said something to him, at least even look at him. Yet, she was embarrassed at how shy she was.

Deep in thought about the morning, Rue didn't notice that her English teacher Mr. Shim had walked up to her desk waiting for her to notice.

"Park Rue, are you focused?" asked Mr. Shim in a stern voice staring hard into Rue.

Scared for what would happen, Rue quickly replied, "Yes Mr. Shim".

"Good. Then describe your morning routine with full detail" Mr. Shim spoke in Korean, staring hard at Rue. "In English".

Gulping her throat and feeling her face turn red, Rue looked around at her classmates who were all staring at her in fear. Rue had the second lowest rank amongst her classmates in English. Feeling the embarrassment aleady, Rue slowly began speaking in English. Trying hard to not mess up. Knowing her teacher would tell her parents about this incident.

"This morning... I wake from sleep.... and go eat food. I brush my uhh tooth..."

Hearing some classmates giggle in the background at her mistakes. Rue felt like she was going to cry.

"Continue! You are not finished" Mr. Shim said with a mocking grin on his face.

"Then I go to hair. Brush hair. Then clothes put on... umm... sorry." Feeling the tears already form in her eyes, Rue stopped talking and looked down at her feet not wanting to make eye contact with her teacher.

Mr. Shim already feeling satisfied, turned around and went up to the front of his the classroom. "That right there class, is the reason why you study English" he spoke in Korean. "I'll be talking to your parents later Park Rue" he then spoke in English.

Understanding that last sentence in English, Park Rue wanted to disappear from the world and hide from all the embarrassment.

Back at home Rue quietly made her way inside.  Making sure her steps were silent as she made her way upstairs.

"Ya Park Rue, come here now. You're in trouble"
Shouted Jay in a teasing tone as he noticed his sister trying to walk up the stairs in silence.

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