• Chapter 18 •

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Blossom | #18

Blossom | #18

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Now playing...
Haunted • Taylor Swift
"It's getting dark and it's all quite, and I
can't taut anything now"


"Thank you for coming tonight. I hope the food tasted alright" Jay said as he walked Yunjin out to the bus stop.

"It was delicious, thank you so much" she replied smiling at him. She walked to the bench under the bus stop, and sat down.

"Are you sure you don't want me drive you home myself? I can do that, it's no problem."

Yunjin hesitated. As much as she didn't want to ride the public bus alone at night, she couldn't risk her identity being exposed.

"Im sure. You're such a gentleman you know that?" She told him causing him to blush. In a few minutes the bus arrived.

They said goodbye and parted ways. Jay didn't leave until the bus left the station. He just watched as Yunjin climbed onto the bus, and found an empty to sit.

He sighed, then turned around to go inside Heeseung's small apartment. He came in to find Heeseung and Rue in a situation. He could hear loud arguments being shouted from inside the room. He walked in to see them red and breathing heavily from a loud fight.

"What's going on?" Jay asked almost raising his voice at the sound of his best friend and sister fighting for the first time.

"Nothing" Rue responded coldly. She grabbed her phone off the table and walked away to a bedroom. Shutting the door firmly behind her.

"What just happened? Is everything okay?" He asked, "Heeseung..."

Heeseung looked up from the ground. He looked drained. "Huh? Sorry... nothing. Don't worry about it" he responded patting his friends shoulder.

"I'll do the dishes" he said before leaving with a handful of plates to his kitchen. Jay was confused. What did he just walk into? And why is no one telling him what's wrong?


20 minutes before...

Before Yunjin walked out the door after staying for dinner, she took a glance at Rue who was watching as her and her brother walk
out the door.

Yunjin ignored Rue's confused gaze. And smirked knowing she was hurting inside. All night Yunjin didn't say one word to Rue.

Rue looked down feeling sad. She felt as though she lost her freind, but she has no idea why.
Heeseung noticed her from the reflection of the window. He felt her pain.

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