• Chapter 11 •

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Blossom | #11

Blossom | #11

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Hope Not • Blackpink
"I must be a fool who can't be helped, even when the four seasons change, I don't"

An awkward silence filled the air. Crowds of people laughing in the distance slowly faded. The fast paced motions of people passing by softened. Everything felt as though time had stopped. Starting into the eyes of Lee Heeseung.

"Hey Ruru..."

"What are you doing here?"

Her eyes fell to the ground. Not wanting to make eye contact with the guy who hurt her. Yet she didn't want it to show. Her pain was there, but she tried her best to forget about any of her feelings for him.

"I suddenly felt the urge to visit lotte world" he replied, trying to keep it cool that he wasn't going just because he knew she would be there.

Rue sighed and nodded her head. "Oh" she whispered softly wanting to avoid his gaze. "Well I guess I'll get going now..."

Rue turned around without making eye contact with Heeseung. She started walking away and was suddenly caught by the grasp of Heeseungs hands on her wrist.

Caught off guard, her body pulled around and faced Heeseung's. Gravity pulling her towards his chest, she looked up at his dark brown eyes.

His gaze stared into hers softly and seductively. She could feel her heart stop for a moment as he deeply spoke with a softened tone. "Rue... I-"

"-Ruru there you are!" Interrupted Leehan. "We're up next for the roller coaster" he spoke as his voice trailed off. Catching the attention of Heeseung. "Oh sorry, was i interrupting something?"

Rue pulled her arm out of Heeseung's grip and looked down. "No. You weren't" she replied to Leehan.

"Are you sure?" He questioned sensing there was something going on between her and the guy behind her. He walked closer to them, analyzing the situation.

"Who are you?" Asked Heeseung eyeing the younger male in front of him. Recognizing it was the same guy who he saw with Rue inside the entrance of her dorm building.

"Hello, I'm Kim Leehan. And you?" Heeseung pulled out his hands to shake Leehan's.

"Heeseung. Lee Heeseung. Are you Rue's boyfriend? Kim..."


"Ah right, sorry. Kim Leehan. Are you and Rue dating by any chance?"

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