• Chapter 16 •

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Blossom | #16

Blossom | #16

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Now playing...
Who • LAUV (feat -BTS)
"Who are you? Chase you're not the
same I hate it"


Rue was sitting up in her row for class. She was silently sitting while staring out the window. Suddenly, Sakura came through and sat down beside her. Followed by Chaewon.

"Hey Ruru, what's up? You didn't come back last night at the doorms. Where were you?" Sakura asked her as she unpacked her bag for class.

"I was at Heeseung's" she replied. The girls gasped, locking eyes with one another in excitement.

"Oh my gosh, what?!" Chaewon exclaimed. "Wait why? Tell us the story... are you guys..?"

"No it's not like that. I went to the airport after he confessed to me to tell him my feelings and... then I saw Yunj-"

Her voice trailed off.
"Who?" Sakura asked curiously, practically leaning at the edge of her chair just to get a better hearing of what Rue was about to say.

"No one" she lied. The girls looked at each other and shrugged confused. Then paid attention to the front of the class as their professor walked in.

The whole class Rue kept zoning in and out. Her mind was focused on Yunjin the whole time. She had so many questions she wanted to ask her, but she didn't know how. Or even what she is even doing at the moment.


Class ended and the three girls walked out. They attended their other classes, in which they did not have together. Though they promised to meet up later somewhere off campus for lunch.

Rue was still distracted on thinking about Yunjin. She didn't even notice her stomach growling.

"You must me hungry?" She heard a voice coming behind her say. She turned around to see Leehan. She hadn't seen him since the day they went out together for Lotte world with Yunjin and Jaehyun.

"Oh yea, I guess I am" she laughed off. "What's up? I haven't seen you since Lotte. I missed your company" She asked smiling.

Leehan could feel is heart beating faster. Just seeing her smile made his day brighter. He tried his best to contain the growing blush at his cheeks.

"Where you heading?"

"I was gonna meet up with girls for lunch" she replied. Her stomach growled again softly, though it wasn't unnoticed.

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