Chapter Three- Zack Trouble

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++Some Months Later++

"Wow, Alissa, I didn't know you could belch like that!" Zack says surprised when I belch loudly in the lobby.

"Well, that's what I get for eating like a guy."

"You mean that's what you get for eating with Zack," Cody interjects.

"Go away, nerd. You're ruining my moment with my pretty lady!"

I blush a little as the twins argue about my eating and burping with Zack, I then head over to the candy counter to talk to Maddie. 

"Zack trouble?" Maddie asks me

"How'd you know?" 

"Because usually, that's what you come over to talk to me about."

"I thought it was every day Maddie?" 

She sighs and says sarcastically, "It pretty much is every day."

"I'd ask someone else but Carey and London suck at it."

Maddie and I both turn when we hear Mr. Mosbey yell, "No, arguing in my lobby you two! Where's the other hooligan that you terrorize my hotel with?"

The boys shrug and start bothering Esteban. 

"So Alissa, what's your problem this time?" Maddie asks me.

"Remember when you told me to start acting like a guy?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Well, I did today!"

"Oh no, what did you do?"

"For starters, I'm not wearing any deodorant, and I don't know who smelled worse me or Zack! We had a farting contest in the pizza place and a belching contest on the way home."

"Look, Alissa, when I said get Zack to notice you I didn't mean you should smell like him! You already dress like a boy. Why do you have to smell like one?"

"What did you mean?" I ask.

Maddie doesn't get to reply because Zack and Cody come over and I get pushed over near Zack, "Hey, sweet thang!" 

"Hey...Za..." I trail off hurt when I realize he's talking to Maddie.

The twins buy their usual candy and Zack throws a candy bar at my forehead, "Catch Ali!"

"Wow thanks, Zack, you didn't have to hit my forehead."

"Sorry," he says.

"It's okay."

"EWWW! What is that smell?! Zack, how long has it been since you showered?" Cody asks as we enter the elevator.

"Two days man, but I put some deodorant on."

"Cool, I didn't notice with the rest of the stench coming from you!" Cody says holding his nose.

All of a sudden I take off my hoodie lifting my armpits in the process, "Hey, Cody, I didn't shower today either! Smell my hoodie."

"I think he already did Alissa, he fainted! I thought I was the one who smelled like gym socks all day and it turns out it was you!" Zack says hi-fiving me.

Zack and I both take an end of Cody and carry him to the room, we drop him when we get to the door, and he hits his head, "I thought we were in the elevator?"

"We were and now we're not," I say.

Zack opens the door and I help Cody up causing him to pass out again, "Wow, he ignores me when I don't shower but he sure can't ignore you, Ali!"

"He probably gets used to you like everyone else has," I say.

"True," he says.

"Oh, hi Zack, hi Alissa, hi...why is Cody lying in the chair?" Carey asks.

"He passed out," I say.

"From what? Oh, dear God Alissa, I see why he did! Honey, let me tell you a little secret, boys don't like it when girls smell I think you should go freshen up."

"Why? Zack didn't have a problem with me being smelly he even hi-fived me when Cody passed out in the elevator."

"Okay, that's understandable. But for the sake of the room, Cody, and I please Alissa go take a shower."

"Ok, fine but I'm coming back, Carey."

"Um, okay," she says. 

***Sometime Later***

I came back to find that Cody had finally moved from the chair and Zack was watching TV, of course, he was watching wrestling. I had decided to go for a more girlish casual look instead of so boyish and put deodorant and perfume on. 

"Hey, Zack, I'm here again," I say. 
"Hey. Oh, wow you look different in color."

I smile a little and take an accidental whiff of Zack's hair which to my surprise smells good, "Did you shower too?"

"Yep, I had a sudden urge to bathe!" I laugh and sit back on the couch trying to calm my pounding heart.

"Well, it's nice when you do."

"I figured you wouldn't notice if I didn't stink, because you said everyone is used to it."

"I didn't mean know upset you or anything."

"You didn't be glad I listened to you," he says.

"Now, we have to work on you listening to your mom and Mosbey." I joke.

"Yeah, right," he replies. 

We laugh and Zack farts on me.

"That's disgusting Zack! Sometimes I think your butt is actually your face!"

"Ali, wait! I'm sorry it was all that pizza I ate earlier."

"I'm just kidding I won't actually leave Zack, because then I can't do this." I then belch for 3-4 seconds in his face.

Start on 5:18 and wait for number 3 to hear Alissa burp in Zack's face.

"Zack, cut it out! I'm trying to do our homework since you can't do your own!" Cody says coming out of his room.

"Bro, that was Alissa, not me."

"Wow, way to be a gentleman blame it on the girl!" Cody answers.

"Well, he farted on me. So I belched in his face."

"Why am I bickering with two idiots? I have better things to do!" with that Cody goes back to studying or whatever he was doing.

"Wanna go scare my Uncle Arwin? I'll race you, Zack!"

"Sure, last one to reach the elevator loses!" 

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