Chapter Five- Zombie Mom

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"Mom, can we please go to the movies alone without you?" Zack and Cody ask Carey.

"Why we're movie buddies?"

"Because we're teenagers and we want more freedom," Zack says.

"I won't let them be stupid Carey!" I chime in.

"Alissa, as much as I wish I could trust that I can't you're their sidekick. Moseby never comes to Arwin about you, he comes to me and tells me what a hooligan you are."

"I know he does and I won't be a hooligan this time!" 

Carey rolls her eyes and takes us to the theater giving us enough money for three movie tickets and candy. 

"Remember you're only allowed to see Doggie come home."

"Ooh Zombie Mom!" Zack says excitedly.

"You better not see that movie or you'll be grounded," Carey says sternly and walks away. 

As soon as she's gone Zack and I buy the ticks while Cody buys the snacks, "Three tickets to see Zombie Mom."

"Zack, I don't think this is a good idea."

"Who cares it'll bring us closer Ali."

I blush and smile a little at the thought of me and Zack holding hands. At first, the lady is hesitant to let us buy tickets but then she does.

During the movie, Cody is fascinated and occasionally scared while Zack and I hold each other in fright. 

"Zack...please don't let go," I whisper.

"I won't...I promise." 


Back at the Tipton Carey had allowed me to stay over, with the boys for a sleepover. 

"Zack, what are you doing?" Cody asks as he checks under the beds and all around for zombies.

"Checking for bedbugs," he replies.

"No, you're not you're scared of the zombies. Hey, look, Zack, zombie!"

"Where?! Where?! AHHHAHHH!" Zack screams and jumps into his bed next to me.

"What's going on in here?" Carey asks coming in.

"Nothing we were just playing basketball and I accidentally hit Zack in the head. I think the ball is like by Cody's bed or something."

"Ok, well good night then," Carey says suspicly eyeing us all.

"Thanks, Alissa, that was pretty cool."

"Uh, sure no big deal," I say.

"Zombie," Cody whispers.

Zack freaks again and I say, "Shut up Cody, go to bed."

The next morning Mr. Moseby barges in yelling, "Where are the hooligans? They trashed my hotel!"

"Sleeping," Carey says.

"Zack, wake up. Mr. Moesby is here."

"Moseby is here!" 

The three of us rush out and Moseby points the finger at me and Zack, "What did you two do to my lobby? There's furniture all over!"

"Nothing! We were asleep Mr. Moseby." I say. 

"Why do you always blame us?" Zack asks.

"Because doofus you are usually the mastermind of all the problems we have with Mr. Moseby," Cody replies.

"If the kids say they didn't do it then didn't do it," Carey says.

"How can you be so sure?!"

"Because I know my boys and I know Alissa would never do anything to put Arwin's job in danger."

"Okay, I suppose you're right," Moseby says. 

The next night after discovering that Zack was the one who had moved the furniture the three of us had set a booby trap to catch Zack. I wake up to a thud on the floor and see Cody screaming caught in our trap for Zack, and Zack not in bed next to me.

Carey comes in and turns on the light, "What happened? Zack, Cody, Alissa?"

While she untangles Cody I tell her everything hoping it lessons Zack's punishment.  I take all the blame and make Zack look blameless.

"So yeah, Carey, that pretty much sums it all up." 

"For now the only thing I care about is finding Zack," Carey says.

When we get to the lobby we find Zack and Mr. Moseby wandering around after him trying to fix the furniture he kept moving.

"See Carey, I told you it was Zack and he's not listening  to me all he can talk about is..."

"Yes, zombies I know they saw a movie they weren't supposed to see!" she snaps.

"I don't know what to do I've tried everything to wake him up!"

They get him into a chair and Carey says, "Zackary Martin, blueberry chocolate chip pancakes."

"Okay, I'm up!" he shouts.

I laugh and Carey gives me a funny look and I stay quiet while she reprimands Zack and Cody then me.

"Alissa, you're grounded from seeing my sons for three weeks because..." 

"Mom, stop!"

"Excuse me, Zack Martin? Did you just interrupt me?"

"Yeah, but listen I was the one who convinced Alissa to go she would never come up with anything like that on her own. She just defends me so I don't get into trouble!"

"Alissa, is that true?" Carey and Mr. Moseby ask in unison.

"Yes, it's true and I'm sorry I lied I just don't want Zack to get blamed all the time."

"Yeah, she's telling the truth she told me we shouldn't go but I talked her into." Zack finishes.

"Well, Alissa, since you were being a loyal friend I suppose I can lessen the punishment to a week of being grounded from seeing my sons," Carey says.

"Thanks, mom!" the boys say.

"Thanks, Carey," I say.

"Don't thank me you're still grounded."

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