Chapter Eleven- Seaharmony

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FYI this is just some Zalissa (Zack and Alissa's ship name) fluff no Moesby and Tutweiler getting together sorry. But let's be honest you're here for Zack and Alissa.

A singles convention for adults was on the ship and there was a test Bailey, London, and I decided to take. I open the test and start looking at the questions.

"Alissa, you aren't single so why are you taking the test?" London asks me.

"You have a good point London. But just for fun, I am taking it because I already know who my perfect match is."

"So what did you put for the first question?" London asks us.

"Um, it's not graded it's for fun."

"Ooh yay me! I got an A!" 

Bailey and I share a look before London gets up and goes to get a smoothie.

"Should I answer honestly or fake it to mess with Zack's head?"

"Alissa, it's your choice since you're dating him."

I start answering the questions listed:

Favorite Flower: Sunflower

Favorite Tree: Oak 

Favorite Food: Tacos

Hobbies: sports 

What Makes You Unique: I can burp as good as any man

Do you care about money: It depends on the guy's personality if he has money and is nice or not

What are you looking for in a partner: Someone who is funny, into sports, and dresses in all black.

"Bailey, wanna see my answers? I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

"I answered the first three honestly then got bored and made the other ones up. And why would you say you like someone who's goth?"

"To see if Zack pays attention."

"Good idea but I bet he knows you pretty well," Bailey answers.

Cody randomly walks up to us carrying a yoga mat and dressed like a hobo, "Hey, I'm doing my morning yoga routine."

"Cody, can you make sure that Zack gets my dating profile even though we are already dating?"

"Alissa, I'm all finished. Wanna get a smoothie with me?"

"No, I'm staying to make sure Cody is okay."

"Ok, see you later."

"Smart move dude now hurry before she notices and I'll send you my list for Zack."

Later there's on knock on my door and I open it to find my boyfriend standing there. He looked worried and confused.

"Hey, Ali, can we talk?" 

I nod and pull him inside the room then say, "Zack, what's the matter?"

"I saw your answers on the test. And I wanted to know why you took a test if you have me?" he asks me sadly.

"Zack, I never submitted my answers to the convention. I just wanted you to see them to test your loyalty and see how well you know me."

"So you don't really like goth guys?" he asks.

"No, stupid I like you. You know I like sports and can do anything you can do just as well!"

"I'm so glad you don't want to dump me, Alissa, I don't know what I'd do," he says hugging me.

"You'd miss me but you don't have to because I'm still your girlfriend."  

Zack and I kiss after we finish hugging. No, matter how many times I imagined us kissing it never came close to the real thing. When we pull away we're both smiling.

A couple of days later Bailey comes over to me at the smoothie bar as I sit studying Zack while he works. 

"So how did things go with Zack?"

"I'll tell you if we go farther away he's kind of sensitive."


We head to some deck chairs and Bailey says, "What happened?"

"He was really confused about the goth guy thing and got super sad and self-conscious. But I told him that was the only thing that was a joke and I didn't enter it in the singles convention. Because I have him and I am happy. We kissed and hugged!"

"Wow, it sounds like you two might be in love!" she replies excitedly.

"I am in love with him. I always have been but I don't want to tell him yet, I want to wait for the right moment."

"That's so sweet Alissa. Cody tried to impress me with my fake answers because he got them somehow."

I swallow hard knowing that I had helped him get the answers even though I knew they were fake. 

I laugh and say, "Is that why he looked like a weirdo with a European wedgie?" 

"Yeah, he pissed me off!"

"Well, he deserved it considering he was snooping!"

"Alissa, just for fun tell me what your favorite thing is about Zack?"

"Oh, Bailey, I don't know there's so many things I love about him!"

"But if you could pick? Give me three and narrow it down to one."

" smile, his subtle little freckles on his cheeks, and when he's not being so macho all the time and is just himself, soft side and all."

I jump when I hear, "Hey, Ali,"

"How long have you been eavesdropping Zackary Martin?"

"Just long enough to hear you tell Bailey everything you love about me. Can you tell me more about how great I am?"

"Maybe. But for now, I am going to make you study homework."

"Can I study my girlfriend too?" he asks smirking at me.

"If you can multi-task. And behave at the same time."

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