Chapter Two- Meet Zack and Cody

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I find my room and am next door to some kids my age who live at the hotel. According to Mr. Moseby the hotel manager he thinks I'll get along with the girls next door. Or at least I hope I will but who knows maybe they won't like me because my uncle is the janitor at the Tipton.

The bellhop named Esteban helps me get settled in as does Uncle Arwin before he says, "Mr. Moseby will be up shortly to introduce your neighbors to you soon okay Ally?"

"Okay, Uncle Arwin, love you and see you soon."

"Love you too Ally, and yup!"

After both my uncle and the bellhop guy leave I go into the bathroom to brush my hair to put it under my baseball hat and put it back on, before the manager gets here.

"Hey, watch it you two! Please don't scare away Arwin's niece before I even have a chance to introduce her to you and everyone else boys!"

I smile at the idea of living next to two boys who could be potentially really cute and possibly like skateboarding, baseball, basketball, riding bikes, and rollerblading though boyish all my favorite things.

"Alissa? May I come in?" Moseby calls.

"Yes, coming!" I call rushing out of the bathroom and over to the door.

"Oh, hello Mr. Moseby, I wasn't expecting you this soon." I say smiling as I open the door.

"Hello, Alissa, it's a pleasure to finally meet you properly!"

"Who were the two boys in the hallway Moseby?" I ask him excitedly.

"Those would be the Martin twins Zack and Cody Martin. They cause havoc in my hotel and somehow the guests keep coming!"

"They couldn't possibly be that bad I'm sure. Now could I meet them officially?"
"I don't see why not then afterwards I'll take you to meet Maddie, London Tipton, and Patrick."

"I get to meet the London Tipton?!"

"Yes, will that be a problem?" Moesby asks in a rather odd voice.

"No, it's just I've always wanted to meet her!"

Mr. Moseby knocks on the door where the twins live and a kind looking woman answers the door, "Mr. Moesby, what a surprise? I wasn't expecting you! What have the boys done this time?"

"For once Kary, they've done nothing wrong but I'm sure that will be short lived. Anyway I'd like you to meet Alissa Turner, Arwin's niece she's going to be living next door to you and the boys."

"Hi, Karey, it's so great to meet you."

"Please come in Alissa, Mr. Moesby."

"Oh, thank you for the offer but I'm afraid that I'll need to get back to work at the front desk and keep an eye on Zack and Cody, in the lobby!"

"Oh, that's fine perhaps Alissa and I can get to know one another better."

"I'd love too but I'd really like to go and get to know-"

"Hey mom!" two boys call coming into the room right after Moseby leaves the suite.

I turn towards the sources and do a double take recognizing Zack Martin, the boy I'd met a little bit ago in the lobby. His brother stands next to him looking scared of something.

"Karey, are they your kids? Moseby made it sound like I was living next to two girls when he explained everything."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you Alissa, but yes these are my sons Zack and Cody."

"Oh, thanks mom but we already met her in the lobby before she came up to her room!" Zack says hurriedly racing to his room followed by his twin brother.

"I do apologize for their rudeness Alissa, I can make them-"

"It's perfectly fine Karey, I think they're funny and I think I'm going to go hang out with them!"

"Be warned that it sme-"

I slam the door behind me then gag from the stench of the room turning to Cody saying, "What is that horrible smell?!"

"Probably Zack's armpits and he's sweaty from skateboarding."

"Hey, at least I'm not a nerd like you!"

"At least I bathe and wear deodorant Zack!"

"If you guys are gonna keep arguing I'm leaving."

"No! Don't go we never get to have babes over if you know what I mean." Zack says with a wink.

"Alright, fine I'll stay but you guys have to show me what you do for fun in this hotel! And don't hold back because I'm a girl I can do anything a guy can do."

"I'm sure you can babe!" Zack replies.

"If you're done flattering me I'd like to see what you do for fun around here."

Zack and Cody look at each other before Cody turns to look at me, "Oh, that's easy we annoy Mr. Moseby!"

"And it's way easy! Come on I'll show you how it's done." Zack says.

I blush a little and Cody and I walk behind Zack in the hallway, "I get the sense you like my brother."

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't." I say quietly.

"You know it's scientifically proven that when a guy looks at a girl and she's interested in him she looks away."

"It's scientifically proven that you're a dorkasaurus Cody!" Zack says smiling at me out of the corner of his eye.

Making me question whether or not he heard my conversation with his twin brother.

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