Chapter Six- Ballroom Dancing Lessons

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"Zack, Cody, guess what?" I say excitedly.

"What?" Zack asks.

"Did you finally decide to listen to me and do better in school?" Cody asks me.

I glare at him and say, "Grandma and Uncle Arwin, are okay with my C average grades. Which is higher than Zack's D's and F's all the time."

"I thought you had something cool to tell us." Zack interrupts.

"I do. Esteban was telling me all about his ballroom dancing lessons, and how all the money goes to funding his little sister's Quenciara which is a girl's 15th birthday party. It's a big deal in his country and if he doesn't make enough money she can't have it."

"Yeah, sorry Ali, but I'm out. I have more manly things to do." Zack says.

"For once, I'm with Zack,"

"Zackary Martin, you owe me a dance from when you laughed at me for wearing a dress at Maddie's prom!" I snap.

"Dude, she's right you should take the lessons with her and make it up to her."

"Okay, fine I will," Zack says with a sigh.

I hug him catching him off guard but he returns it.

The next day Zack and I head into the ballroom to begin our dancing lessons from Estaban. I'd even worn a dress today and I never do that. We find out that we will be doing the tango after more people show up including, Mr. Moseby, London, Carey, and Lance the lifeguard at the hotel pool.

Estaban shows us how to tango first then we start to practice.

Zack had me semi-close to him and twirls me a little outward, I could hear my heart pounding with excitement. I was so scared he'd hear it that I said, "Did you shower today Zack?"

"Yeah, specially for you babe, I knew we'd be close today," he whispers.

"Well, I'm glad you had the decency to shower for once to impress me."

"You look good in dresses Ali."

I get so nervous and trip over my feet making us fall to the floor.

"Sorry, Zack."

"It's ok."

Esteban tells us that there will be a dance competition and we could all enter so I sign up with Zack.


I was so nervous about dancing with Zack that my palms were sweating and Carey had loaned me some of her perfume so I didn't stink. I walk up behind my best friend and  tap him on the sparkly blue fabric of his shoulder.

He turns around and looks at me for a few minutes saying, "When you dress like a girl you look...gooood!"

"I hate dresses!" I say tripping in my heels.

"Watch out doofus you almost knocked us over again!" Zack says rudely.

"I...I'm sorry I don't get fancy like this...ever."

The announcer says, "And now it's time for the junior dance competition!"

"Just follow my lead and you'll be fine Alissa, I promise," Zack says softly so no one hears.

To my surprise I end up letting Zack lead and we impress the judges so much we win.

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