Chapter Four- Orlando Bloom and Prom With Nuns

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Maddie walks in sadly about her prom and how there's nowhere for her to have it, and then I say, "Ask London maybe she has an idea."

"Yeah, great idea! Except, I can't afford any of the ideas she'll have Alissa."

"True, I forgot about that. How about asking Moseby if you can have it at the Tipton?"

"That's not a bad idea Alissa, I think I will!" she says excitedly.

London comes down from her suite and comes over to me saying, "Hey, Orlando Bloom's daughter, did I mention how hideous your outfit looks today!"

"Hey, London, and yes you just did. By the way, I've told you just because my last name is Turner like William Turner in Pirates Of The Carrieban: Curse of The Black Pearl, I am not related to Orlando Bloom!"

"Oh, hee hee silly me! Then why am I even talking to you if you're not rich and beautiful like me?"

I roll my eyes and bump into Zack and Cody.

"Hey, Ali, guess what Maddie's having her prom here!" Zack tells me.

"Cool let's crash it!" the three of us say in unison.

"Uh, uh, you three won't be anywhere near that ballroom if I can help it." Mr. Moseby says.

"But I want to dance with my woman!" Zack says and I blush a little.

"I don't care you won't be getting in! So no dancing with Maddie. Period." Moseby answers.

"I'll dance with you Alissa, if you and Zack can sneak us in," Cody whispers.

"You can't dance. And I wanted to dance with your brother." I say sadly walking away.

The next day Maddie is telling me all about how she doesn't have a date to prom, and I say, "If it makes you feel any better I don't have a date either. We could go as friends."

"Oh, thanks Alissa, that's sweet of you but I can't take you to prom with me you're too young."

"You're just saying that because I'm a girl who's a tomboy."

"No, I'm not I promise. I'm all for women's rights! And anything a boy can do you can do, but I just can't take you to prom with me."

"A little birdie told me you need a date for prom," Zack says walking up to the candy counter.

"I'm sorry Zack, I've already turned Alissa down so I have to turn you down too."

"Aw, man I thought this would be my big break with you!" Zack says sadly.

The next night Zack is so excited and in a suit, he even looked cuter than usual, and the one time I needed to dress up I couldn't. But tonight he's so focused on Maddie that he'd never even notice me as more than his best friend.

"Alissa, honey I have a surprise for you and you can still wear your sneakers," Carey says.

"Hey, Alissa," Cody says.

"Hey, Cody,"

I go into the bathroom with Carey and she pulls out a dress for me, I almost gag when I see it.

"Alissa, why are you gagging?"

"I've never actually been a girl before as weird as it sounds Carey, and I want my crush to notice me. But he's stuck on another girl."

"So this is really about you liking Zack? And how he's obsessed with Maddie?" Carey asks.


"Oh, honey, I know boys are tough to be around this age because they are dumb. Especially Zack, at times but you know what, give him some time to grow up. He may surprise you."


"I don't know for sure but I will hope," she says.

"Can I try to be a girl tonight?"

"Of course you can. Now, let's get you all ready for tonight," she says excitedly.

I stand in front of the mirror now fully aware of the fact that I had the body and face of a girl, I barely recognized the girl staring back at me in the mirror.

"Carey, I feel so dorky."

"Alissa, don't say that! It's so nice to see you all dressed up and girly. You look beautiful. Now, good luck tonight."

I follow the circus group in and Zack is in the front of the group leading it with a music player, I felt like a princess. And for once I loved it.


(Zack POV)

"Cody, where's Alissa? She said she was coming!" I ask my brother.

"I haven't seen her," he says.

"Hey, Maddie, can we dance now?" I ask Maddie.

"Sure, since my prom date had a girlfriend from college," she says glaring in his direction.

"From Yale," Cody says in a weird voice.

"Go away nerd you're ruining the dance with my future wife," I say.

Everyone appears to be looking at someone near the snack table, and I find that I am too short to see who it is. As the song comes to an end I walk over to the snack table and grab Cody's arm.

"Hey, what was that for?" he whines gripping his sore arm.

"Who's the babe at the snack table?"

"Um, I think it's Alissa, but I'm too scared to ask in case she has an evil twin like I do."

"You're an idiot."

"Really? I'm the idiot?"

"Yes, now..."

"Hey, Zack, hey Cody." the girl says coming over with a soda.


(Alissa POV)

"Hey, babe, you look familiar but I probably need to get my eyes checked."

"Zack, don't you recognize me?"

"No....should I?"

"It's Alissa, doofus!" Cody snaps hitting Zack on the back of the head.

"Wait, is that...really...oh wow...Ali, you look different. Like a girl!"

"Yeah, I know it's kind of strange being so girly. Do you like it?"

"You look beautiful and it's nice to see you can be a girl. Any other time you're just one of the guys!" Zack says putting his arm on my shoulder.

Part of me is swooning while the other half of me is seething. I couldn't decide what I wanted to act on.

"Wow, thanks Zack, you really put things into perspective for me! I think I'll just leave and go back to being a tomboy." I answer and throw broccoli at his face.

"Ali...Alissa, wait!" he calls after me.

Zack grabs my arm but I push him hard to the floor saying, "Leave me alone you jerk!"

I knew that my Uncle Arwin wouldn't be of any help so I ran to the elevator and went up to the 23 floor. I walk out of the elevator sobbing and I go into my room to clean up my face. Once I am successfully a tomboy again I continue to cry but in Carey's house.

Hours later I heard a plop next to me on the couch and the voice of the boy I hated, "Alissa, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. You just looked so different and beautiful that I didn't know what to say. Please, can we be friends again?"

"Go away, Zack." I snap.

"If you forgive me I'll order you an ice cream sundae crossed with a banana split."

"Okay, I'll forgive you Zack Martin, but try not to be a buttface every day."

"For you, I'll try anything babe."

I blush a little but hide it with my hoodie, and thankfully he doesn't notice.

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