Chapter One- Alissa Checks In

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"Hey, Cody, catch!" a blonde haired boy shouts at another identical blonde boy.

"No, wait! I'm not ready!"

But it's too late the boy apparently named Cody doesn't catch the football in time because it bounces off a luggage trolley, and hits me square in the nose causing me to fall over backward.

A black man dressed in a suit and tie comes running over the blonde boy's racing behind him, the man bends down to help me up. "Miss. Are you alright? I am terribly sorry about all this!"

"I'm so sorry!" The blonde says, "It was Zack's fault for not waiting!"

"Was not! Besides it's a good thing you didn't because otherwise we wouldn't have met this pretty lady," Zack winks, trying his best to flirt.

"Yes, thank you I'm fine sir...Mr. Moseby! Except for the bloody nose that I received from these two rabid but sweet boys."

"Here's a handkerchief and who are you, Miss?"

"Oh, so sorry! I'm Alissa Turner. Arwin, your janitor is my uncle. I'm staying with him for a while."

"Well, then let's get you checked in and notify your Uncle that you've arrived!" Moseby says grinning.

I hold my nose and turn to the boys saying, "So which of you is Zack, and which of you is Cody? I honestly cannot tell the difference if I could tell I might be able to find one of you attractive!"

The shorter one smiles, "I'm Zack Martin, pleasure to meet you," He winks.

"I'm Cody the smarter one," The taller one says, rolling his eyes at his brother's antics, "Excuse him he doesn't have a brain."

"I do too! I'm just as smart as you too!"

"Really, What's E=MC^2 mean?" Cody smirks.

Zack sighs, "Yeah well-" he pauses, "Your mom's dumb!"

"My mom is your mom, we're twins!" Cody exclaims, throwing his hand up.

"All I asked for was an introduction and instead I get a detailed argument between two idiot brothers! Jeesh boys freaking suck!"

"Hey, I heard that sweet thang!" Zack says winking at me again.

"Well, they do but you know what really sucks 'sweet thang?"


"The way you keep winking at me Zack, if you want to impress me it'll take more than that!"

"So does that mean you like me?" Cody interjects himself.

"No, she was talking to me stupid!" Zack says sarcastically.

"Oh, sorry Melissa," Cody says softly.

"My name is Alissa! Not Melissa!"

By this time my Uncle Arwin has arrived at the Front Desk carrying some sort of new invention he's been working on, "Ally, perfect!" He smiles before noticing the twins and saying nothing.

"It's okay Uncle Arwin, I don't mind Zack it's Cody that gets to me he's so annoying!"

"Try living with him all day every day!" Zack calls after me.

"No, thanks you keep him!" I call back.

I laugh and my uncle and I walk to his living quarters in the hotel suddenly when we arrive in his house he shouts, "Oh, monkeys and bananas I forgot to find out where your room is! Come back with me Ally, to the front desk so we can ask Mr. Moseby where your room is."

Uncle Arwin and I walk back out into the lobby where it's surprisingly too quiet, I catch myself looking around the hotel lobby for the boy called Zack. I am disappointed when he doesn't show.

Unrequited Crush: (A Zack Martin Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now