📘 FIFA High #1

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Cristiano groaned as the sun rays hit him on the face, as he opened the gate to FIFA High. This was the day where he was officially now a senior. He checked his schedule - his homeroom being Ancelotti's class this year. As a freshman and junior, he had Sir Alex Ferguson, and that man was like a father to him. He had gotten Ancellotti's class last year as well, and he wasn't... terrible. He just had really simple classes, that's all. He also heard that he'd be having a new classmate today, he heard it was a Belgian kid, but he wasn't sure what his name was. The new kid was supposedly "infamous" for stealing Kevin De Bruyne's girlfriend back in 7th grade. Seemed cool. As he walked to his homeroom, he yelped as he felt someone tap his shoulder, but calmed down as he saw who it was.

"Sergio.. let me guess, we got the same homeroom again?"

"Mhm. Karim, Luka and Marcelo are also there - have you met the new kid? He's so tall, and we all call him a giraffe for it."

Cristiano chuckled, now kind of intrigued in this new kid. "Oh, really? Is he nice?"

"I think so. He's changed a lot since 7th grade, but Kevin still isn't over it."

"Oh, please. It was, what, 5 years ago now? Everyone on City is such a wimp."

"You're just saying that because United is like your family."

"Kind of, but still, they're all crybabies - except maybe that new kid they signed from Dortmund. I forget his name."

"We're gonna be late, Cris. Speed up a little, won't you?"

"Oh, fine."

* * *

Pep opened the door to his classroom, happy to see his favorite, Kevin De Bruyne. He also noticed that the new student, Erling, was getting along well with the Belgian.

"Good morning, class," Pep began, some whispers being heard before the class went silent. Perfect. "How were your vacations? Full of learning and practicing for our pop quizzes this year, I hope."

Jack groaned, he was new to this class, and he already wasn't having this. Pop quizzes? Really? He could already tell this year was going to be boring, but he'd heard that Pep let students cheat on tests sometimes, so that would be pretty cool, at least.

"I'm going to pass the list here. Ederson?"


"Ruben Dias?"

"I'm here."

"João Can- Oh, right, he's on loan to Tuchel's class. Nevermind. Walker?"

"Here, sir."

After a long, long list of students...

"Today we're going to be learning about how The Spanish went on a conquest to the Caribbean and the Americas, and how they took all their gold. Does anyone know what country they went to first?"

Julián raised his hand. "Argentina!"

"No. Julián, pay more attention. Kevin, help Julián out."

"It's the Dominican Republic, Julián. Learn your history."

"It's not my fault this class is boring.. I didn't even know that was a country," the Argentinian mumbled.

* * *

Xavi took a sip of his morning coffee, looking as tired as ever. Robert and Frenkie were blabbering on about something, Pedri and Gavi were doing whatever, Ter Stegen was being ominous in the back and Koundé was impatient to leave already.

"Silencio." Xavi groaned, everyone immediately shutting up. Xavi looked over at Robert, who was currently the oldest however maybe the best in grades, behavior and overall personality. He liked Lewandowski, he did, however he really didn't like how he did stupid things to fit in.

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