📘 FIFA High #3

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In the middle of a lesson, knocking on the door was heard. Cristiano swore his face went pale as he opened the door to Ancelotti's class.

"Cris!" His mother smiled, hugging him tightly. "It's been so long, meu amor!"

Ronaldo smiled goofily, hugging his mom back. "Hey, mãe." But then, he remembered the reason for his fear.

"Cristiano," His father said sternly, looking down at the Portuguese. Ronaldo had fear written all over his face despite his mother's warm embrace.

"Haha... hello, pai." The young Portuguese laughed nervously. It wasn't only Ronaldo's family, everyone's family was showing up.

For Thibaut, his mom and dad weren't enough to distract him from Cristiano's fearful expression. The Belgian didn't know why, but something about Ronaldo's family felt.. off.

"Thibaut? Êtes-vous ok? Vous continuez à regarder ce garçon portugais," Thierry, Thibaut's father, asked, worried for his son.

"Dad, in English." Courtois replied, still looking at his crush.

"Oh, eh.. Are you okay, Thibaut? You keep staring at that Portuguese boy."

"Yeah, It's just.. look at him. He looks scared."

"Well, yes.. that's weird."

After the too-tight hug Dolores held for an awkward amount of time, she finally let go, tears in her eyes as she caressed Cristiano's face. "My little boy is growing up so fast.." she said sadly, José's expression still stern, almost disappointed. The same look he gave whenever Ronaldo did something "wrong" in his eyes.

The memories felt like it was just yesterday.

* * *

June 22nd, 2014.

Cristiano froze as he dropped the glass cup he was holding.

"Cristiano!" José yelled, scaring the 8-year-old. He walked over to Ronaldo, the poor thing trembling like crazy.

"P-Pai, Desculp-"

"Não. Não quero suas desculpas estúpidas!" José hissed, grabbing Cristiano tightly by the wrist, dragging him to his room. His mother was out for the day, so she had no idea what was happening.

"Pai, pai, por favor! P-por favor não me bata!" He cried, being thrown on the bed harshly.

"Por que você está chorando, garotinho?! Vou te dar algo para chorar!"

By the time José finished beating Cristiano, the latter was sobbing and trembling on the bed due to how hurt and abused he was. There were scars and bruises, plus his nose was broken, so he was bleeding as well.

"Você é uma patética desculpa de filho,"

* * *

Cristiano was getting teary-eyed just thinking about it, trembling and everything.

"Cris? Cristiano!?" Dolores said worriedly, immediately comforting her son. José simply huffed, not paying any attention to his own son. The scene made the classroom go quiet, meanwhile Thibaut felt rage pent up inside him. Who did this man think he was? Courtois huffed, going over to Ronaldo's family.

"Thibaut, attends! Tu ne devrais pas-" Thierry hesitated, sighing, ready to be there if things got messy.

"Hey!" Thibaut hissed, looking at José angrily. "What's your problem, idiot?"

José was pissed. "And who are you, tall boy?"

"Someone who's doing the right thing," Courtois huffed, pushing the older man back.

"You have no right! Why are you messing with me, boy!?" José fought, until Courtois' anger reached a boiling point.

"That's it! You're such an old hag, let me knock some sense into you," Thibaut hissed. "Your wife can't smile 'cause you knocked her teeth out, and she can't see straight from getting hit - Because you're a fat, drunk, disgusting human!" Courtois snapped, the entire room in silence as the Belgian panted, Cristiano in shock, yet he felt protected and safe.

Ancelotti escorted José to avoid any further problems, Courtois going up to Ronaldo. "I.. I'm sorry for snapping like tha-" Thibaut was interrupted by a warm embrace from the Portuguese. He was in shock, feeling his eyes tear up. He hugged back tightly, resting his head on Ronaldo's head. "Thank you, Thibaut. I owe you one."

"Y-You don't owe me anything!" Courtois said instinctively, blushing hard. He'd never been this close to Cristiano, he felt like he was in heaven. "I just wanted to help, I noticed how scared you looked, and I just..." Thibaut paused, looking down. Ronaldo felt confused, why'd he stop? "Cris, are you okay?"

Ronaldo froze for a moment. "I.. guess I am."

Thibaut frowned. "Cris, if you need anything, I'm here." He hugged the Portuguese tighter, wanting him to just feel better.

"I appreciate that, giraffe." Cristiano chuckled warmly, Thibaut felt amazing knowing he was the reason why Ronaldo wasn't having a miserable day. 

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