🌿 lush #2

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Zlatan pushed Cristiano onto the bed, the car ride felt like the longest of his life, and after today, he needed to release all that pent up jealousy desperately. And what better way than to do that by claiming the person you're jealous over?

Zlatan breathes heavily, Cristiano's little hums and moans driving him into rut. "G-gah..." He murmurs, both of them panting, trying to control their instincts.

Cristiano whimpers desperately, taking his shirt off, feeling too hot for any clothes. "N-need you... now..."

Zlatan's patience snaps. He grabs Cristiano by the hair, growling lowly, "Needy little thing, aren't you? You want me that bad?" Zlatan leans down, biting and sucking on Cristiano's neck, hard enough to leave marks but not draw blood.

"A-aaah..." Cristiano cries out, feeling Zlatan so close yet so far to his scent gland.

Zlatan smirks, feeling Cristiano's soft skin against his mouth. He licks over the flesh, tasting the sweetness of his teammate, savoring the taste. "Mmm... tastes just as good as you smell, little one... I could get drunk off this alone..." His teeth lightly scrape the sensitive skin, sending shivers through Cristiano.

Cristiano whimpers, closing his legs tightly. "M-mnghh.."

Zlatan's smirk deepens as he feels the omega beneath him, legs close together as he squirms and whimpers. "Needy boy..." He kisses a trail down to Cristiano's chest, teasing his nipples with his mouth and tongue, biting and sucking on one while his fingers roll the other, pulling soft moans out of Cristiano.

"H-ha!" Cristiano whines, his whole body aching for something to be inside him as he clenches around nothing, so incredibly desperate. "P-please..."

Zlatan groans, his already strained senses flaring as the omega below him shamelessly begs for his knot. He cups Cristiano's face, tilting it up to kiss him heatedly, biting his lip and tugging. "You feel empty, omega?" He growls, reaching down to tug at the waist of his pants.

"M-mhm... I've wanted it for so long..." he says, presenting for Zlatan.

Zlatan's control falters as his omega looks up at him, eyes dark with needy lust, lips parted and swollen from kissing. He pulls Cristiano up from the bed, holding him up with a hand under his thighs, panting as he presses him against the wall. His pants drop to his feet as he presses into Cristiano, teeth grazing over his scent gland.

"A-ah!" Cristiano sobs, pressing back against him.

Zlatan's control finally snaps as he lifts one of Cristiano's legs around his hip, wrapping one hand in his hair and tugging. His thumb presses into Cristiano's mouth to keep his head up, forcing him into a fiery, possessive kiss as he presses into him, filling him in one smooth motion.

Cristiano sobs, in so much pleasure as he feels Zlatan hammering deep into him. Zlatan grunts lowly, the feel of Cristiano hot and tight around him only fueling his own hunger. He growls, holding himself deep inside his omega, pulling back to begin a hard, fast pace.

Cristiano throws his head back, crying tears of pleasure and pain at the same time as Zlatan puts him into a mating press, Cristiano throwing his legs up.

Zlatan drives into him mercilessly, the sound of skin on skin filling the room as he sets a bruising pace, biting and licking Cristiano's neck, leaving marks on his beautiful omega.

"F-fuck, Zlatan!" Ronaldo cried out as he was slammed into, Zlatan holding his legs over his shoulders, murmuring a string of swear words. He looked angelic like this, like he was made for it. The tears in his eyes as Zlatan basically stole his purity away from him, like the bad, bad man he is, it was too hot for him.

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