🥀 in bloom #2

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Luis yawned, hungover and still tired, the memories of yesterday flooding back to him, making him smile as he squeezed the taller man next to him, their bodies still sticky and sweaty from last night. "Mmm," he hums, moving his hands down to Cristiano's hips.

"G'morning," Cristiano yawns, stretching, rubbing his eyes. "...I think we went a bit overboard. I don't think I can stand."

"Try to." Luis says, watching him closely, ready to catch him if he stumbles. Which he does, Luis grabbing him and forcing him onto the bed. "You're stuck with me today, then. Because there's no way I'm letting you stay alone when you're injured."

Cristiano scoffs. "What, am I your distressed housewife now?" he rolls his eyes, Luis smiling.

"If you want to be. After all, you already have my child."

That seemed to sour Cristiano's mood a lot, realizing, hey, this is the guy that raped me, this is guy that took part in making a child I didn't want or need.

Luis's grin slowly falters, and he starts to think he might have gone a step too far. This isn't like the teasing between the two they used to do in the past, this is something that might cut a little bit deeper then he'd intended it to. Luis clears his throat as he tries to think of a way to change the mood. "So uh..." he glances over at Cristiano, looking a bit nervous, a bit remorseful. "Breakfast?"

"No thanks," Cristiano says, deep in thought, a frown on his face now, contrast to the slight smile he had earlier. Everything really was a living reminder of that night.

"Suit yourself." Luis shrugs, not pushing it. The smile slowly fades from his face, replaced not by anger, but by something else— guilt. "I'll let you rest, then. I..." He's not sure what to say. "Never mind." Luis rolls off of the bed and into a standing position, pulling on his shorts as he does. "We probably shouldn't have done that, huh..." he says, rubbing the back of his head self-consciously.

"You think?" Cristiano hisses at him, a little angrier than needed, rolling onto his side, not facing Luis.

A bitter laugh leaves Luis's mouth. After all, what could he say that would make him feel any better in this situation? But despite his regret, and his guilt, his teasing side still comes out when he replies to Ronaldo. "Well, you certainly seemed to enjoy it."

"I did, of course." Cristiano sighs, cheeks a little rosy, moving closer, so he can see Luis's face.

"You did?" Luis says, raising an eyebrow. He's not sure why he's so surprised, it's not as though they didn't just get super intimate. If Cristiano had actually felt uncomfortable and not had enjoyed it, then he definitely would not be acting like this. A hint of something playful fills his expression. "You have a funny way of showing it, then."

"That's just how I show love..." he mumbles, then realizing what he just said.

"You show me love by..." he trails off, trying not to burst out laughing at the fact he just admitted that. The teasing urge was almost too much to resist... almost. His grin widens a bit. "You just admitted that you love me."

"I don't love you!"

"Sounded like it to me." he mutters, the smile still on his face. "You showed me a bit more love than just that during last night..."

"Oh, fuck me..." he throws his arms on top of his eyes, then realizing he said something else Luis would take advantage of.

"You said the magic word, finally," he purrs, taking a step further than he needed to, until his presence was mere inches from Ronaldo's face, before speaking, "You want me to do that."

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