💔 death by a thousand papercuts

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tw: boypussy, face-fking, angst, hurt/comfort, p0rn w feelings, v4ginal s3x, bl0wjobs  

summary: cristiano is a spy sent by florentino to see if zlatan will leave psg for real madrid, but ends up falling in love with him. zlatan wants to go to madrid with cristiano but he won't allow it.

by the way zlatan is his normal height (1.95m/6'5) meanwhile i have sawed a part of cr7's legs off (he is now 1.76m/5'10ish) so keep that in mind the entire time plz

Cristiano walks in, gulping. Another stressful game. He feels the familiar feeling of muscular arms wrapping around him. "Mon ange," Zlatan smiles from behind. God, how he wishes Florentino hadn't sent him to manipulate this man into leaving PSG. Now he was in love.

"I watched you today, you were great," he kissed him on the cheek, then frowning as he saw Cristiano's dreadful expression. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just..." he murmurs. "I feel like you don't love me." That was partly true, but he was mainly saying it to cover himself.

"What?" Zlatan's brows furrowed, feeling offended. "Cris, how is that possible? I love you with every fiber of my being and you know that. I might not show affection often, but I'm trying to change."

Cristiano blushed lightly as Zlatan kissed his neck, feeling goosebumps all over. "Still, Zlatan. I feel like you're using me for my body." he sighs.

"I... love you, Cristiano. I love you for who you are, ange—"

You shouldn't. Why do you love me? Why? He snaps. "You think I could possibly believe that!?" he slaps him, feeling more agitated than he should.

"You think I'm lying?!" Zlatan asks, clearly baffled, rubbing his injured cheek. "What are you..." his words die in his mouth. "Do you really think that I'm that selfish?" he says, trying to process it all.

Cristiano remains silent. This hurts, but he has to do it. Meanwhile, the Swedish striker is stunned into silence as he processes the news. So much sadness wells within him that he can't even bring himself to reply.

"You actually..." his mind wanders back to the conversation prior to this one, the one in which Cristiano told him that they'd never had an actual relationship. "You really think I'm that selfish, don't you?"

"That's how you act— how else am I meant to perceive you?" Cristiano lies.

"So let me get this straight; all the months we spent together meant nothing to you? You never really loved me, did you?" Zlatan is now fighting tooth and nail to keep up with his emotions. "And all this time, you thought I was just some sort of selfish, arrogant prick? Fuck, Cristiano, and I thought you loved me!" he says, punching the wall he was next to.

"I didn't say that!" he yells. "...just let me explain." He murmurs. "I was sent to you by Florentino to find out if you were going to go to Real Madrid next, I was supposed to stay for a year and leave, but... I-I fell in love with you, Zlatan. I can't love an enemy player, my life will be ruined!"

For a few moments, Zlatan is speechless. His heart is beating out of his chest with pure rage and sadness. What a complete and total bastard he is. It finally makes sense why Ronaldo was always so distant and aloof.

"You mean to tell me that not a single word that has ever come out of your mouth was real? Am I hearing this right?" Zlatan scoffs. "How would I know if you're being honest right now? Were you just pretending to love me!?"

Cristiano swallows hard. "I wasn't pretending to love you, Zlatan! I was supposed to be mean and cold and try to get you to snap, but... was I anything like that? G-god, how did I get myself in this mess..?"

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