💢 pretty boy #2

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Zlatan takes Cristiano to his house, a series of events proceeds to make them both confused about their real feelings.

"We're here." Zlatan said, snapping Cristiano out of his train of thought. They were in Zlatan's car, and the ride was awkward, to say the least. Cristiano was just thinking about why and how he got himself into this. He glanced at Zlatan for a moment before opening the door, getting out.

The house was luxurious and big— of course it was. Cristiano walked next to Zlatan. He still couldn't stop overthinking, he was a master at that, after all. Did he really like him ? Or was it just because they had a good time together? Why did he want Zlatan to hold him and act as if they were dating?!

While Cristiano was having an inner monologue about how he should never talk to Zlatan again after this and why he hated him in the first place, the only thing on Zlatan's mind was what they were gonna do next. He could see Cristiano limping, so he'd lay off him for a while. 

They made it in, Cristiano looking extremely lost. Zlatan chuckled quietly. He led Cristiano to the couch, sitting next to him, just a little too close for comfort. Zlatan laid back, meanwhile Ronaldo still seemed tense.

"Anything you wanna watch?" Zlatan asked, but then promptly realized that would be too nice to say on its own for his standard. "Just because I don't have any ideas." That was a huge lie, but hopefully Cristiano didn't notice.

Cristiano looks at the TV. "I guess an action or horror movie would be nice," he replied. Zlatan was a little surprised Ronaldo liked those two, but he wasn't complaining. After all, a horror movie could be his chance to have Cristiano in his arms— not that he wanted that, definitely not.

He clicked on the horror genre and put on some random movie about a virus killing everyone. Cristiano looked invested, however Zlatan wasn't paying much attention, because he was focusing on something else. 

That 'something else' being the Portuguese himself. The way his eyes shined because of the TV light in this dark room, intensely watching every move the characters made, licking his lips every once in a while— Zlatan didn't know why it drew him in so much. Maybe it was just the fact that Ronaldo looks good doing anything, or something else?

At the start Zlatan was calm, but now he was just confused about everything. Most importantly what he'd truly felt about the Portuguese. If he really 'hated him with all his being', then why was he right here, next to him? He couldn't love Cristiano, could he?

God, he's even started using his first name instead of his last name now. He couldn't help but try to glue himself together, to at least be the Zlatan everyone's used to, but it was so incredibly hard when the object of his desire was sitting right next to him.

However, you couldn't say Cristiano wasn't a mess either. He was invested in the movie, yeah, but whenever nothing was happening or the dialogue was lackluster, he'd start thinking about the man right next to him. Why did he even accept to come here in the first place? And why had Zlatan softened as soon as they arrived? 

Sure, he was still cocky and arrogant, you can't remove that because well, it's Zlatan for Christ's sake, but it was still weird to Cristiano on why the Swede was holding his hand. If this was back at the tunnel, Zlatan would've let go as soon as Cristiano even touched his hand. 

Whatever. 'Focus on the movie, Cristiano.' he thought to himself. He looked at the screen.

Suddenly, Cristiano got jumpscared, and squeezed Zlatan's hand. The latter couldn't tell if that was unintentional or on purpose, but either would have been fine.

"You scared?" Zlatan teased. "You want me to protect you, Cristiano, if the big scary monster comes for you?" he snickers, enjoying himself as he sees Ronaldo turn red for a moment.

"Shut up. I am not scared." he murmurs, clearly lying. He enjoyed horror a lot, yes, but since he got scared easily, it probably wasn't the best idea to watch horror with someone who teases him about every little thing he does. He can't help but blush as Zlatan pulls him in closer. 

"Sure, scaredy cat," the Swede says, squeezing Cristiano's shoulder slightly. Ronaldo sighs, suddenly resting his head on Zlatan's shoulder, making Zlatan's expression have a flicker of shock mixed with flattery for a moment. "You're putting your head on my shoulder now, huh? What am I, your boyfriend?" He says, sighing.

"If you wanted me to move, you could've said that." Cristiano says lazily, his nonchalant voice making Zlatan unconsciously pull him closer. Cristiano smirks slightly. Zlatan was definitely gonna wipe that smug look off his face later. "I thought you wanted me to move?"

"I didn't say that. Just didn't expect you to rest your head on my shoulder, idiot." Zlatan says. He was acting normal, but his heart was beating faster than normal and he hated it, but eventually he started welcoming it. 

"You know, IKEA lover?" Cristiano murmurs. The movie was about to end, the two main characters sitting together on a cliff. "You're not so bad."

Zlatan sighs. 'Just do it, Zlatan, you're an Ibrahimovic, you can do it with random women, so you can do it with Ronaldo' he thinks. The main characters are about to kiss, and suddenly, Cristiano's grabbed by the collar, pulled into a whirlwind of emotions as Zlatan kisses him.

It wasn't sloppy and purely sexual like the ones in the tunnel, no, this was raw emotion. And Cristiano loved it. He kissed back after about a second to process and tangled his hand in Zlatan's hair. 

They broke apart quickly, and the movie had already ended. All Ronaldo could do was smile goofily, meanwhile Zlatan chuckled, covering his face with kisses. Neither of them were sure why he was being so affectionate, but they both loved it.

"Alright, alright, stop," Cristiano says, laughing. "I'm just... are you really in love with me?" he says, looking deep into the older one's eyes. His hazel-green eyes are so incredibly beautiful to Ibrahimovic that he almost forgets to answer the question. 

"...I'm sure." Zlatan has never felt so confident in his entire life, and the shine in Ronaldo's eyes makes everything worth it. "You're still stupid though."

Cristiano rolls his eyes, hugging the Swede. They lay down, Zlatan now peppering kisses on Cristiano's collarbone and neck.

"Mmm," Cristiano purrs. "The lion really does love me."

"Yes, yes he does." Zlatan murmurs against Ronaldo's neck. It feels nice to admit something for once. Then, the soft kisses get a little more heated, turning into Zlatan sucking on his neck, then licking it.Obviously, with every right, both of them started to feel aroused. 

"You wanna celebrate?" Zlatan asked lazily, already getting ready to slide his pants off. 

"You know the answer already." Cristiano sighs, taking his shirt off. Zlatan grins. Immediately, they go at it. No lube, no anything. Cristiano had already experienced Zlatan before, yet somehow it felt even better than the first time. Maybe it was the spirit of love or something?

As Zlatan went in, not bothering to ask if it hurt or not. Cristiano was moaning out little yeses and such as he started. "You like that?" Zlatan asks, as if he doesn't know what Cristiano was going to say. Before the latter can answer, he's interrupted by a whine escaping his throat as Zlatan suddenly starts moving. 

Ronaldo secretly loves this side of Zlatan. He likes the soft one that he hasn't seen much of (yet), of course, but he loves this Zlatan as well. It's what made him fall for him in the first place— the aggression, the arrogance, the look of fire in his eyes, it was all so fulfilling to Cristiano.

As Zlatan slams into him, Cristiano feels like the happiest man alive. Meanwhile, Zlatan ravishes in Ronaldo's heavy breaths and his noises. He loved how he'd give in to Zlatan but never to anyone else, it was like he was loyal from the start. And nothing else matters to Zlatan like loyalty.

Zlatan clearly didn't want to be a tease today, he wanted to get it over with and done, so he slammed hard one last time into Cristiano and both of them orgasmed, Cristiano's eyes rolling up. Needless to say, the couch was in a not so great state. But it was worth it. Zlatan pulled out, immediately hugging Ronaldo. 

"Mmm," the Portuguese murmured. "Zlatan, c'mon, we're dirty," he sighs.

"Be patient, Cris," he hisses, making the other man huff, but give in anyway.

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