⚠ my princess

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Cristiano walked the gloomy streets of Paris, literally dodging bullets. Why was this France's most popular city again? The Eiffel Tower isn't worth almost getting your head blown off or streets that smell like piss. No wonder his travel agent told him to go to Lyon instead.

"This place is such a dump," he mumbled, walking faster. He just needed to get to his hotel, and it'd be fine. Suddenly, he bumped into someone. He fell down, dizzy for a bit. He looked up, and saw a black-haired and blue-eyed male, along with a blonde one. "Oh, uh, sorry-" He froze as he saw a gun pointed to his head, immediately starting to tremble. He gulped.

"Is this seriously how I die? Shot in some random alley by two random men I don't know?!" He thought, closing his eyes tightly.

"Marco, nie. Wygląda na przydatnego."

Huh? Ronaldo wasn't sure what language that was, but it definitely wasn't French. Before he could process anything, he was pulled up to his feet by the one with black hair, still in shock.

"Hello, sir. Sorry for that. My friend here is just a bit.. Defensive." Robert glared at Marco.

Cristiano was still shaken, simply nodding, still trembling. "I apologize." Marco said, in a thick German accent. The other one had an accent as well, and then, Cristiano deciphered it. Polish.

"It's fine." It was not fine. Cristiano thought he was about to die, in the streets of Paris! What a horrible death that would've been. Robert stuck out his hand for a handshake, and Ronaldo shook his hand, before suddenly being pulled into a car. "H-Hey, what the hell!?" Cristiano yelled as they started driving. He felt the blonde one put something in his mouth, and he slowly lost consciousness.

* * *

"Finally, you're awake," the Pole said, smiling. He looked at Marco, who looked back at him. "Now we can begin."

"Wh.. what? Where am I?!" Ronaldo hissed, still a bit drowsy but freaked the hell out. He was tied to a chair, in a dark room lit up by nothing but a singular lantern.

"Shhhh.. We're just gonna ask you some questions, okay? Then we'll probably blow your brains out, so you better be honest before you die." Marco replied, looking down at Cristiano, who looked like he had just watched Marcelo explode in front of him. "Understood, doll?"

The Portuguese simply nodded out of fear, shaking. His mind was going faster than his heart, and his heart was going as fast as a racecar right now.

"Your name?" Robert began to ask questions, twirling a pen in his hand as he looked down at his victim. He walked in circles around the model.

"Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro." Cristiano replied, his voice trembling.

"Ah.. the supermodel?" Lewandowski raised an eyebrow, surprised he'd caught such a famous person. One would think they'd have bodyguards, or some kind of protection.


"No wonder I recognized you. Country of origin?"

"Portugal... I- why do you need to know this?"

"Shhh. Victims don't ask questions." Marco shushed, his face annoyed.

"Okay, listen here - Are you involved in any other mafia or gang?" Robert stopped right in front of Ronaldo, glaring him down with those ice cold eyes of his.

"What? No!" Cristiano replied, almost offended they asked that question. Did he look like a gangster? But, then again, you never knew. Robert looked all fancy, you wouldn't expect him to be a mafia boss.

"Good, good. So you're just a normie?"


"Perfect. Do you know any locations of any gang?"


"Ugh, Robert, he's useless, we should just kill him!"

"Marco, nie."

"Why not, sir?! He's not giving us any important info."

"There's something about him," Robert said, looking down at the frightened Portuguese with his blue eyes, grabbing his chin and making him look up. "I don't know. I just like him."

Ronaldo's brows furrowed. "..Excuse me?"

"You heard me, doll."

Cristiano wanted to roll his eyes at the stupid nickname, but he knew damn well that he could get murdered if he didn't comply.

"Robercie, oszalałeś!? Mógłby odsłonić naszą osłonę, a wtedy nasi wrogowie zaatakują!"

"Wiem wiem. Ale on jest dla mnie intrygujący, oczywiście nie pozwolę mu odejść, ale lubię go."

Cristiano was extremely confused.

"Alright, doll. You're staying with me."


"Come on." Robert untied him,grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the basement. Cristiano was dumbfounded - how the hell did this happen? They walked through a casino, with lots of people and bright colors. Ronaldo felt like his head was going to explode as he was dragged by the Polish man.

"Is your name Robert, by the way?"


"..Cool." He replied, as they got into an elevator, Robert pressing on the top floor button. As they arrived, Ronaldo was once again grabbed harshly by the wrist, pulled into a giant lounge. Cristiano had seen luxury stuff before, but not to this level. Then, he was pulled down onto the couch, sitting on Robert's lap. "Woah there, buddy. I don't think we're on that level yet, haha.." Cristiano chuckled nervously, before freezing as he saw a gun pointed to his head.

"Oh, we aren't?" Robert said threateningly, his grip on Cristiano tightening slightly. The Portuguese gulped, wondering why he was even in this situation right now. "Answer me."

"W-we are." Cristiano whispered, clearly scared. Robert put the gun down.

"Good." Robert said, burying his face into Cristiano's neck. Ronaldo couldn't help but blush at the gesture. Why did he feel so warm when he was supposed to be scared of this man? Robert seemed nice when he wasn't trying to kill anyone. "Listen, I don't want you to get involved with any other gang - okay? This is just for your own safety, and also for our safety."

Cristiano scoffed. "Oh, the mafia boss loves me?" The model felt a bit flattered, he got called "beautiful", "gorgeous", maybe even "attractive" if they were simps, but this wasn't just words - they were actions.

Robert tightened his grip on Cristiano, glaring at him. "Don't forget your place, doll."

Ronaldo blushed a little harder, why was he into this? "I.. okay."

Robert smiled softly, his face still buried in the Portuguese's neck. "You're very obedient, y'know," the Polish man said, sliding his hand under Ronaldo's shirt, moving up and down his stomach. "And attractive. I'd say you're a perfect fit for me, doll."

That comment made the model's breach catch in his throat. "Do you like it when I praise you, kitten? Do you want me to spoil you with gifts and money?" Robert teased, but if he did manage to get Cristiano's heart, he would totally spoil his little model.

"I'd enjoy that, Robert," Cristiano said, blush reaching the tip of his ears. Lewandowski chuckled, wrapping his arms around Ronaldo. He wanted to make a move already, but he was too much of a gentleman. He felt like it was too early to make Cristiano his.

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